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Posts posted by Zygimantas

  1. Wait, what? World Series is over wtfbbq.




    Not really today but in about an hour I will legally become 18 years old. Taking my drivers test as well, plus voted thru the mail for a first.


    Feels good, man.

    Driver's test at 18? Why not 16?


    World Series started and ended already? YES, less baseball on TV now :thumbsup:

    You were presumably annoyed about too much baseball on TV...


    ...but you weren't even aware the World Series was even in progress? :-k

    Exactly. I can turn ESPN on now.

  3. One of her friends had a go at me and accused me of 'using' her because I didn't want to tell them how many times I've had sex with her. I don't make her pay for everything I want either, but people still accuse me of 'using' her. I care for her and I love her, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    So she thinks you're just in it for sex? I can't really answer that, are you? Do you find her personality less worthwhile than her appearance?

    What if he found her personality more worthwhile then her appearance? Would he be using her for her personality?

  4. In both our regional and sectional. Jack Driggs is aiming to break 14 this year at state and have a run at Lukas Verzbicas, who won nationals last year by 15 seconds. We actually ran to York yesterday because of a 30-40 mph headwind in that direction.

    I find it amazing how they can maintain their success for so many years.

  5. The Jersey Shore is the worst show on TV, period.

    I enjoy it, as well as the Bad Girl's Club.

    You would.


    OT: Looking at a blank Microsoft Word document. It just makes me feel like I have two essays to type and an hour to do them.


    You take an hour to type two essays? ://////


    On Topic; Parents. Every one has em, annoying as hell. Either chores, money, online life, social life, you name it, they'll moan about it. Eugh

    I take an hour to not type two essays.


    Everyone likes to complain about parents, but in the end, we'd be nowhere without 'em.


    Once we hit 17, parents are just an easy way to get money.

    Then why are you complaining about them? :unsure:


    One of my good friends is an ENFJ (my favorite type <333) however, he doesn't have to talk all the time. My sister is an ENFP. She be calling people. Like... mad.

    I'm an ENFP, and I don't have to be around people all the time.



    She doesn't either, I think ENFPs, due to their Ni and Fe dominations, combine to make them value their quiet time.

    Yep. I love being around people, but I equally love being alone at times.

  7. Amazing. Good luck at sectionals! :thumbsup: ( you are running in those right?)

    Thanks, and yeah. We have close to the toughest sectional in the nation (two of the top three teams have won nationals in the last two years, and the other team has won state every other year for about the last 50), so I won't be continuing to state unless I run a sub 15:40 and get lucky.

    You have York in your sectional?


    One of my good friends is an ENFJ (my favorite type <333) however, he doesn't have to talk all the time. My sister is an ENFP. She be calling people. Like... mad.

    I'm an ENFP, and I don't have to be around people all the time.

  9. I love procrastination. It's a choice for me, I choose not to do a project I've had 2 weeks to do till the last day. :P My philosophy is: " I'll do it when I feel like it or when it's absolutely needed because this homework is tedious."


    I have the skill of doing everything extremely fast if I'm in a hurry, so I can do pretty much every single project in under an hour and still get good scores :) And I've actually managed to not do some projects at all without anybody noticing :unsure:


    Anyway, right now I'm enjoying a week of vacation. :shades:

    That's pro ;)


    It might. You would think that if she really started to get emotionally involved with you, she would not really need anyone else right? But I bet she would still be a bit flirty with other guys... even though she only actually loves you. She reminds me of a friend of mine ( a girl), she flirts with a lot of guys, even when she has a boyfriend. But again, if she really starts to get attached to you then it will probably get better.

    I have to disagree, anyone who's flirting that much when they're just starting to date isn't going to get better.

    Well the friend that I referenced really just does it to put up a wall. She really got attached to one guy once and he "broke her heart", it took her over a year to get over it, and now she is afraid to get attached to anyone else. It might be the same issue with his girl... by flirting with different guys she might be preventing herself from getting over-attached to one guy. Actually Blake, you should just go and talk to her about it and tell her that it bothers you.

  11. I love procrastination. It's a choice for me, I choose not to do a project I've had 2 weeks to do till the last day. :P My philosophy is: " I'll do it when I feel like it or when it's absolutely needed because this homework is tedious."

  12. Back again. Not really asking questions, just rambling on I guess. Still with the same girl from a few pages back. We've been together a lot the last couple of weeks. Couple days ago I asked her what was going on with us, and what would come out of it later. She thought about it for a while, said she isn't ready for a relationship cause she just got out of one, but likes me and wants to be with me. She later came to the conclusion that we were dating. Ok. :huh:


    Another thing she's told me is that she has a bet with her sister that she can kiss 10 different guys before she gets out of high school. Apparently, I'm 9. This was very awkward for me when she was telling me, cause I didn't know wtf to say, so I just said 'oh' or something.


    Another weird thing is that she's always telling me about these other guys she met somewhere. She went to a waterpark, and talked about how she hung out with these 4 other guys there. There's this other guy she met yesterday and was texting the whole time I was with her tonight, who she said was funny and cool. She works at a haunted house, and she said when she was working last night she gave her number out to this guy, but he hasn't texted her back. What do I even say to this? Very weird. Why would she be doing this?


    Maybe I'm just a physical attraction thing... That wouldn't be all bad, but still weird that she's talking about all these other guys to me, when she's kissing me and stuff. Grr... That is all.

    She sounds like an open-relationship type... she probably flirts with other guys all the time.


    Yeah, I'm not really cool with that though. If we do get into more of a relationship, would it be likely to stop? Seems like if she would do that, she might cheat.

    It might. You would think that if she really started to get emotionally involved with you, she would not really need anyone else right? But I bet she would still be a bit flirty with other guys... even though she only actually loves you. She reminds me of a friend of mine ( a girl), she flirts with a lot of guys, even when she has a boyfriend. But again, if she really starts to get attached to you then it will probably get better.

  13. Back again. Not really asking questions, just rambling on I guess. Still with the same girl from a few pages back. We've been together a lot the last couple of weeks. Couple days ago I asked her what was going on with us, and what would come out of it later. She thought about it for a while, said she isn't ready for a relationship cause she just got out of one, but likes me and wants to be with me. She later came to the conclusion that we were dating. Ok. :huh:


    Another thing she's told me is that she has a bet with her sister that she can kiss 10 different guys before she gets out of high school. Apparently, I'm 9. This was very awkward for me when she was telling me, cause I didn't know wtf to say, so I just said 'oh' or something.


    Another weird thing is that she's always telling me about these other guys she met somewhere. She went to a waterpark, and talked about how she hung out with these 4 other guys there. There's this other guy she met yesterday and was texting the whole time I was with her tonight, who she said was funny and cool. She works at a haunted house, and she said when she was working last night she gave her number out to this guy, but he hasn't texted her back. What do I even say to this? Very weird. Why would she be doing this?


    Maybe I'm just a physical attraction thing... That wouldn't be all bad, but still weird that she's talking about all these other guys to me, when she's kissing me and stuff. Grr... That is all.

    She sounds like an open-relationship type... she probably flirts with other guys all the time.

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