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Everything posted by Harding_10

  1. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was bored today so I made a couple new videos for Youtube. A link to my Youtube profile is in my sig so check em out! :
  2. Yeah i removed it from youtube and filefront automatically removes vids after 30 days or something.. \ first good clue pls.
  3. sooo wakka [ffx2 random]where's lulu?[/ffx2 random] i is just here to remind you that you owe me a yellow. bead that is
  4. Hey Jc, nice pk and nice to see you back..i don't know if you are playing on jc or mrice since they are both muted lol...i saw in your vid topic you have a new account..re-add me pls? :P Rsn is I Harding I..too lazy to push back and see if it's on my profile or not lol
  5. i gudder hyt Wo0t for wakka back..fun talking to ya today...till these sucky library computers got too laggy and it got too hard to walk outside of bank then back to fletch without uber lag. :P Gl on whatever goal you will start on. :thumbsup: -Harding
  6. Si, eres muy muy gordo en la gorda. [hide=Click Here For Translation]Yes, you look very very fat in the hat[/hide] Gratz on the Red, nice stakes :thumbsup: , and nice guide on youtube too. -Harding
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