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Everything posted by shivers21

  1. no, it has thiiiiiiiiis much coke! two trucks worh anyway...
  2. i give her a funny hat of her own! ( and a bunch of other stuff :XD: )
  3. THANK GOD (ironic aint it?) for this thread!!! so many topics get changed to discussions on why a bunny and painted eggs had anything to do with the rebirth of jesus... thanks you! i hope people actuly read it :P
  4. THANK GOD (ironic aint it?) for this thread!!! topic get changes to discussions on why a bunny and painted eggs had anything to do with the rebirth of jesus...
  5. No, make it bright orange for 'easier detectability purposes'... (or whatever floats your boat.) :D still the government dosnt care! its too much for then to make there own; 'Tripwire detector projectile apparatus' but it would be too expencive, tey don't really care if 5 soldgiers get killed in afganistan, just about $$$MONEY$$$.
  6. he digs a hole under all of the stuff, and finaly puts out the fire. the anvil tree is fine!
  7. he pokes them with his big needle!
  8. hehe, forget it, just one yes!!!!!
  9. mehehehe "flyin fire truk"
  10. yhen it would cost $15 a can, instead of $3
  11. no way :-s :-$ Worse part was when the father found out. About both. :D
  12. sorry for dubble posting. :(
  13. hahaha the anvil tree owns all!
  14. Like I said; Steven Harper is a dork head.
  15. still no yes's, no one wants to hear my juicy confessions.
  16. there anser is; its not a military icon. there losers.
  17. and raise the cost to $100 a can and then you have something the military uses. :P there, thats what you could do, but silly string is $3 and 'Tripwire detector projectile apparatus' is $15 a can :roll:
  18. yes it is :XD: it's also fun \ :thumbsup: \ :thumbsup:
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