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Everything posted by 1h1t

  1. i have a few :( - sugarboy2004 ( my best m8 for 4 years in rsc, i think he was in an accident r.i.p ) - beeksebergen ( always used to pk with her until rs2 came out and she vanished r.i.p ) - ink 1nk ( i made an rsc pure called ink ink and he made one with me, one day he vanished forever r.i.p ) -hitzz ( a great friend when i was just a newb he would go to the legends guild and buy me mith seeds so i could try to get black flowers and i did 3 times until he vanished r.i.p ) i really miss them and wherever they are hope they are having a good time, i also have a few others i forget thier names :cry:
  2. i don't trust this site my friend gave to me can anyone go on it and check it out, post back if you know whats on it and if its safe ( do this at your own risk i dunno what it is ) he said it was for halloween music im not sure though :?: wowmg.com on google he said.
  3. nice goals poke just got enough for a purple hat =] since im almost done with 1 h1ts training im on poke mostly now if not p33.might be able to hang sometime? hoping to see more from you. try to get the most raw chicken that just sounds intresting :D peace ! ~_1 h1t lol_~ !
  4. i dont remember exact stats, but I remember his hp was more than his combat lvl... to be pure you have to be a purefied char in a stat. such as purely mage or purely range, or purely melee which is a actual pure during rs how ever it has come known if your hp is over your combat you must be a pure which shouldnt be the case. how ever no use to argue with what 70 percent of the people who play think :notalk: to that above it was about a few months or a year after rsc officially launched when that meaning came out, it is 100% true, the prayer thing has nothing to do with it since 90% of all rs pures have prayer. first ever pure? NO CLUE
  5. just because it was bronze poisoned it isn't rare..... u can make a bronze dagger then super poison it.... a lvl 3 could do that... onyx necklace seems rare, but i think d chain
  6. annoying... YES! a word (if its spelt noob)... NO! it says it all above :)
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