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  1. you can browse the highscores by using this link in the adress bar: http://hiscore-web.runescape.com/lang/en/aff/runescape/overall.ws?rank=1000000&table=3&scroll=true at the "rank=" you put the rank you want to look for and on the "table=" you put the table you wish to see (att,str,def etc.) the normal link is this = http://hiscore.runescape.com/lang/en/aff/runescape/overall.ws
  2. Here is some ways to detect a macroer... 1. It may not reply when you talk, but there is some that can reply but they always say the same things. I remember when I was in draynor and cutted willows and i asked "wc lvls?" then a macro said "enough :P" and i asked how much "enough" is, then he didint reply but when i said "xoxoos, whats your wc lvl?" (his name wasnt xoxoos but i nust pur something there) then he said "enough :P" again, so i asked "wc lvls?" once again and the same thing happened, he always said "enough :P" when i asked for his wc lvl so i reorted him and later i got a message about him getting banned 2. If they loose thier axes they always look for it quite a while before they find it 3. Yew cutters are easy to detect they just dont know what they are doing (stands at the wrong tree, starts chopping late etc.)
  3. maybe but walking to it and walking back is slower. I also made this guide becoause all the guides ive seen they talk about cooknig tuna at karamja
  4. i have 0 and i wont even make this thing with my main cuz the reward is so ugly... I only got it on my pure
  5. I dont get adds either I only see a black area with a question mark in the corner, i dont know why i cant see it but im not breaking the rule either :)
  6. Mine is "safer" i hate those noobs who call me a safer in wild when i eat when i got like 10 hp left or something.
  7. I wont add pics to the guide yet cuz im to lazy and i wont make it look that nice either I od it later... anyway, here we go! step1. This requires atleast 200-250k coins, buy 1k raw lobs or more if you have the money. step2. Get logs, I suggest willow logs but normal logs might work too, I dont know if they burn faster. step3. Now it's just to cook, the best place is at draynor bank. Go there, get a tinderbox in your inventory and put the logs and lobs at the two first spots in bank. step4. Take a log and as many lobs as you get (26). Lit the log and cook your lobs. Then repeat it all! step5. When you are out of lobs, sell the cooked ones and buy new ones. I'm not sure about the prices on these days but i think you wont lose to much money though. Why is Draynor bank the best place? Well, the you may lit the log just 1-2 squares away from the bank! = VERY FAST!! One inventory of lobs takes 1 min to cook, to take the new lobs and lit the fire takes less than a min.So in 1min - 2min you get 3120 xp!! lvl 74 cooking isnt necessary but very usefull i used this at lvl 60 cooking and got to 74 on two days. And btw, I just realized that cooking swordies is faster but the are rarely sold/bought so I suggest lobs even if you dont burn sowrdies
  8. thats about 33k clicks if you get 3 snowballs per second then... 33000/60 = 550 550/60 = 9,1 you have picked sowballs for about 9 hours but i dont know how often you get a snowball from the heap, if it is 3/sec thenit's 9 hours but if it is 3/2sec then it is alrady 18 hours...
  9. I have been playing for a year now and I have never told them so they dont know... and i dont think they care as long as my grades are good
  10. I wish I could come... it's just one bad thing, it's 5:00am here
  11. omg... thats just crazy. Altough he had no friends so i kind of understand why he did it. I guess he was playing rs all the time so he just had nothing to do when he got scammed and problary everyone loved to be mean against him in school so he felt very bad and just wanted to get rid of his painfull life... I think... R.I.P
  12. I really cant think of any skill that could be added to rs2. I think that u could add more things to do to different skills instead of adding totally new skills. And btw there is no more room for skills in the skill window.
  13. it's a church near the wilderness... start in varrock east bank and walk north by the road and you will see it
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