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  1. You will most likely get an automatic response and never end up knowing what you did wrong. Good luck
  2. The thing with old Runescape is that it never got old... No matter how hard you trained or how much skills you leveled, it all wound up into PK. Whoever played would most likely enter the wilderness, and therefore PKing was fun as hell. Fast training XP meant wilderness, and no matter how much food I had to waste on 3 itemers, loggers, etc, it seemed all worth it. I can remember the time I played RS everyday for hours... Castle PKing in the afternoon and later on at night when there were very few people online I would have to go to hobs or rune rocks to find someone worth fighting... No matter how much time I spent in the Wilderness there was always something new, or maybe just something entertaining. I never really played RS to make friends, but just for the fun of it all. Well, when I was playing like that I was about 14-15 years old (18 now and in college), but before my responsabilities were only going to school so there wasnt much to care about anymore... Sure I went out, but always when I'd get back from something I had to log in for a few good minutes of PK. It's also sad to say that there was a time I woke up early to school so I would get about 1 or 2 trips with nice catch... internet was awsome early in the morning.
  3. Cool pics hehe, I always love visiting Hohto's and Meili's websites and take a look at the old Runescape... I always miss those good old days :P
  4. I dont remember you, when did you play? Blue, you come here to flame... pfft. 485th player... so what? Who are you? A few months ago you accused me of not being the real "me," like you knew something about "me." 4k+ posts? Then act like you know something about forums and stop flaming.
  5. Out of the millions of players that are on RS everyday I would think of you as lucky if they decided to check your trades for that day :P Dont worry, they wont do anything hehe.
  6. Someone from Estonia lol. L6vi deserves to be there... I dont know why but I can vaguely remember his name from something he was top on... cant remember what.
  7. He can say he's the original but I know he's not. The original is long gone and Igor is now owned by War Elixir. Iea[bleep]er, who do you think War Elixir is? Igor is my brother, yet Igor 10 was owned by me.
  8. Hawkmeathead I dont think anyone can deny that he was an autoer, unless they are his friends who are standing up for him. As for you, from what I've heard and seen, I still think you are an ACer, yet you have many backups, even enemies. And I dont think I am delusional, at all.
  9. So getting a life means stop calling people autoers? I dont know why people like to say that, "get a life" My life is probably better than yours, so please don't say random things. I accuse people, yes, but only when I've had personal experiences.
  10. I think its also nice that these games help many people, like shy ones. In real life there are many people who would never talk to someone because they are shy or scared, but I know a few that in games dont even hesistate to talk to another.
  11. Yes Bam I remember you, and you too DSM. But Im confident that what ive seen from Lama is AC, but either way this is running out of topic anyways.
  12. Blue, who are you? If you know that persons profile on AIM you are talking about my brother, yes, his name is Igor. And if you dare, ask him about who I am.
  13. there were banks at the times, i am sure of it and dont pose as other people Nice quoting there. If you can actually read I was talking about Bluerose, not me. And if you did understand and you are saying Im not Igor 10, I am. And no, there werent banks... maybe there were when she was past 90 but until she was able to smith addy kites or close, all you could bank were coins.
  14. Autocatch has nothing to do with practice (it implies that it AUTO's for you, what is there to practice?) its simply something you use to kill people, if they dont run below wild level, which would be my case. You did autocatch, maybe not all the time, but you did. I can point out so many on these forums that assure they never did, but yes they did, which is just like you.
  15. Ok Llama0, you didnt autocatch, and I dont know anything at all about PKing or catching or anything related to runescape, because afterall, Im just a skiller. Truth is that you did autocatch at rune rocks for a while, even practiced it on me sometimes, and you did backstab me on War Elixir because you are so desperate for a lvl 70's rune armor that you would do anything for it. Too bad you never killed me. Oh, and as I recall, if Im such a noob, why did you praise me so much when we first met, when I was on War Elixir? You are just like others that deny to their grave that they never cheated. Llama0, RSC is over because of people like you, or are you that ignorant that you didnt realize it yet? You probably claim you loved that game, yet you were part of its own downfall.
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