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Everything posted by Goonstalf

  1. Goonstalf


    way too many people for an orgy, just sayin
  2. Goonstalf


    today i became a father
  3. Goonstalf


    wow runescape has really changed
  4. Goonstalf


    Goonstalf here with another quality post!
  5. Goonstalf


    Guys, I got the internship!
  6. Goonstalf


    Illustration can be extremely time consuming
  7. Goonstalf


    *Scrolls up, slowly deletes the six-paragraph rant I was writing...* Speaking of rants though, I didn't get that internship. I wrote back and complained in rather strong terms, and was then told most of the people they took had 5-10 more years of work experience...even though their application encouraged people at my level to apply. It does say something when that's the best argument the program director can put forward though. Guess I'll keep looking elsewhere. For an internship?? How are people intended to...get that experience? For an internship?? How are people intended to...get that experience? 4 years university counts as roughly 2 years experience if you sell it that way. I haven't hesitated to talk about university cousework with Spring boot and Hibernate for full stack positions. Contribute to open source projects Get a data entry job and write software for it. Your not a developer congrats, list that whole 1-n years xp there as a developer position.
  8. Goonstalf


    what is reddit and also what is a robot
  9. Goonstalf


    how r u gonna watch porn?
  10. Goonstalf


    please do not multi post
  11. Goonstalf


    There's a key stuck back in your eye socket. What is the key for, you ask? It's the key to my heart.
  12. Goonstalf


    You've pasta be kidding me.
  13. Goonstalf


    I can honestly tell you that Italy has the best employment in the world. I personally employ nearly half of all Italians and they are very happy with their exceptional wages, 14 months of pay, and 5 weeks of vacation.
  14. Goonstalf


    yesterday i won the superbowl of the president of american states
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