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Posts posted by Gandorf61

  1. Looks like EW IV is on its way next week, hopefully the puzzles wont be as tedious as the last one. I don't mind the complexity but all that running around and back and forth got a bit tiresome in EW3 :P. Jagex haven't taken a week off in a while, I expected next week to just be BTS and no update.


    My same thoughts exactly, I loved the puzzles, but hated the time spent running back and forth to solve them.


    Wonder what we'll get for the rewards this time, body platelegs?

  2. You have your MSN on your Tip.it profile. If you use that email as your Runescape account one they may have taken a guess and sent it to that email. Either that or they may just be sending out mass emails to any email accounts. I know my spam folder has a dozen or two emails claiming my World of Warcraft account is under investigation by Blizzard and I should login to fix the problem immediately. The thing is, I've never played WoW.

  3. *Copies and pastes message*


    As this thread is just spam and there are already several other threads that can be used to offer congratulations I'm locking this. ;)


    We have no problem with changing your own blog name but creating new blogs for the sole purpose of congratulating Obtaurian is not needed. (Although it is an awesome achievement)

  4. Moved to Help & Advice. ;)


    Level 25 is only 7,842 xp so it shouldn't take too long, would be even quicker if you just used Tears of Guthix and Penguin points on it as well. However 36k tokens requires you to gain 360k xp (level 63) which will take a while to get. (can't pull up any numbers sorry)

  5. screenshot252011105436p.png


    Click the little window box next to the "x" and then drag the corner of you screen window to change the size just like with any other program. There's no option to have a window maximized and and being able the screen size of runescape within that window. (Hope this makes sense)

  6. Not much is known about it, but it is expected to come after the final version of the game is released.


    He won't be releasing it anytime soon. :( Zombie siege would be so much fun in minecraft.

  7. I've moved this to Tech & Computers as you'll probably get a better response here. :)


    If you can post what your computer specs are we can offer more help. Right now the only thing I can think of is to make sure your Java is updated to the latest version.

  8. Nvidia cards are better optimized for running Runescape. A lot. I would swap my Radeon 5870 for anything...


    I run Runescape perfectly fine at max fps with my Radeon 5850. Besides Radeon cards are less expensive and still run great.


    Anyways for a little over $200 before taxes you could get this card which is one of the top Radeon models. Or if you're looking for something a bit cheaper there's this or this.

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