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Everything posted by peterbluer

  1. Ah okay, thanks. I thought that might be it but I was hoping for another option.
  2. I recently came back from a long hiatus. However, even before it I hardly ever trained my Runecrafting skill. I want to level it now(to level 57) so I can finish the Lumbridge Tasks. My question to you is: In what manner can I quickly train my runecrafting in F2P? While this would preferably cost little money, I have 4 million in the bank which I would definitely be willing to spend to save some time. I figure I may need to simply run the altars, but I was hoping to find a good alternative(if I do have to do the altars, which one should I do?).
  3. To tag on to this: how come water talismans cost so much now?
  4. Thank you for the help. I will try phoning my bank when I get home from work.
  5. I already have done so. It didn't even bother to go to the next page(when I guessed it brought me to another page, where I confirmed the order, then brought me to a third page which rejected it).
  6. I was hoping that someone would know it. As it seems no one knows, or eve uses CIBC, I will just phone the bank. Thanks for the help everyone!
  7. Canada. Nope, I only have 16. It would not allow me to go through without one. I have seen those pictures already - it's in neither of those places. I was just searching on where I could find the CVV (on Google) and it lead me to this (forum) page... that's helpful.
  8. The only numbers I managed to find on the back of the card other than contact information go something like this - 123456(H) 12/34. That is the ONLY set of numbers that are on the back that aren't contact numbers.
  9. Alright, I've tried to find my CVV number and I could not find anything resembling one on my CIBC card. Could it possibly be the number that you use evry time you buy something? I have never used my debit card for an online purchase before, which is why I am so confused. And thanks for all of the help so far.
  10. I tried today to sign up for a membership with my debit card. Unfortunately, I ran into 2 snags. The first is that my bank is CIBC - it is not listed under card type. Does this mean I am not allowed to use it? Additionally I cannot find my CVV on my debit card. If someone who has the same type of card could tell me where I could find this I would be grateful.
  11. Unfortunately those would both be pretty OPed. Rangers essentially always have less weight, enabling them to run for longer periods of time, meaning a meleer wouldn't be able to catch them. And if they didn't have a second weapon then the meleer would get destroyed by the stave. They COULD be countered, you'd just have to plan for it. As for the power creep, that would probably be a better idea then what I said...
  12. Yeah... that's the main problem I see with this. It'd probably make everyone leave, and bosses would get much harder. However. I still believe for the long term this would be good, but obviously it wouldn't work if all of the players left...
  13. I was suggesting that they nerf pretty much every single item across the board. This would not, I think, affect the NPCs. NPCs would simply be harder to kill, due to the weaker armour. And, yes, a complete combat overhaul would be pretty awesome, but... I don't think Jagex is going to do that(nor are they going to nerf all the equipment). As for the solutions to discuss, the only thing that can really be discussed is "should Jagex use this, or no?" and if not, then trying to make it so they realistically would. But I really doubt they would be inclined to overhaul the combat system or screw up the economy short time in order to nerf the equipment.
  14. What do you mean how NPCs work? They would be the same, you just would be comparatively weaker to them. If everything was shifted down, and balanced properly then no imbalannce would be created. The only thing with this is that Jagex would never do this because they would screw over the self-entitled members. Unfortunately, this is probably the only way to a. created balance again, and b. also allow some room at the top tiers to create items in. As is, those tiers are already full and they're going to have to keep releasing stronger and stronger equipment in order to make the equipment worthwhile.
  15. Where is scourge? I just started, and I'm checking inside his house and I can't find him, and I'm not allowed to do or open anything.
  16. In my opinion the combat system for P2P has been thrown totally out of whack. Constant introduction of new, more powerful weapons (known as power creep) has imbalanced the game way too much. It is possible to 1 or 2 hit people now, no matter how many hitpoints they have. The reason for this is, of course, new equipment being released. My idea to fix this is pretty simple: nerf pretty much all of the combat system. While this may seem excessive I believe it needs to be done in order to restore the balance to the game. In order to balance it out better, though, they can simply not nerf weaker parts of combat, such as ranged, as much compoared to melee. This would also have the added benefit of creating new challenges to older players as they will be unable to use their old sources of income as easily. I'm tired right now, so I'll come back and edit it later. I wanted to get my point across right now. As for F2P: this stuff is old and established. Rune's obviously the best, etc. However, they could spice it up by creating one or two more sets of each combat type for the high levels.
  17. I need to change the color scheme... this is killing me... I looked through my profile options, and I couldn't find it there. If you can direct me to the right area, then thanks. I just found one at the bottom of each page, and am going with Deflection - is there any better skins or is that it?
  18. Cows are probably the best. Or chickens. There really aren't good money making methods in F2P. Hill giants are overcrowded anyways.
  19. I have a couple of uncles who would let me use their PayPal accounts(if I paid them back). I assume that's close enough to not cause trouble? Judo - that does sound pretty interesting. I'll check that out. For obvious reasons, though, I am a bit wary of linking my bank account to PayPal, although I doubt with a record like theirs it'll be a problem.
  20. Well, how would I get the money online though(with PayPal). I have money, I just don't know how to get it online.
  21. I suppose this would be a good time to ask this. I ran out of membership about half a year ago, and I'm still looking to get it back. I have a few problems in that I'm from Canada, and I also don't have a credit card or a cell phone, American Express credit card, and I cannot use a house phone. My remaining options are subscribing by PayPal, subscribing without a credit card(by cash), or by a Jagex Card. I don't have a PayPal account, but I think I could get people I know to subscribe for me. I am not sure how the without a credit card option works, so I don't want to use that until I do. And I don't think any store near me sells Jagex Cards, but I'd have to check on that. So my question is which option should I use? How does the without a credit card option work? And are there hidden fees for any of these? Thanks.
  22. I suppose this would be a good time to ask this. I ran out of membership about half a year ago, and I'm still looking to get it back. I have a few problems in that I'm from Canada, and I also don't have a credit card or a cell phone, American Express credit card, and I cannot use a house phone. My remaining options are subscribing by PayPal, subscribing without a credit card(by cash), or by a Jagex Card. I don't have a PayPal account, but I think I could get people I know to subscribe for me. I am not sure how the without a credit card option works, so I don't want to use that until I do. And I don't think any store near me sells Jagex Cards, but I'd have to check on that. So my question is which option should I use? Also, how does the without a credit card option work? Thanks. Oh, and are there any hidden fees on any of these methods?
  23. Wasn't that the warrior? Anyways, I started with the one with 10 gp. This was in like 2002 or something, so...
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