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Posts posted by andufusthebronze

  1. only gloves, torso, and logo to go! no donations will be accepted, want to thieve all by myself








    yay - got the gloves and shirt ::' just the logo to go! I am staying up all night any way (some thing we have in our family) i may as well get the logo :thumbsup:




    edit: got bored and got a clue scroll so will now accept a donation of a ham logo. any one got a spare ham logo?

  2. bloggysiggy.jpg








    main goal currently








    1. I know its pathetic but hey - steal full ham robes (X)




    2. Plan 2 - earn 500k here is how its going
















    these are my goals and my plan scheme for getting them with my main character andufus








    I use world 99 and will be in catherby fishing for ages if you would like to visit me - back at catherby fishing :XD:








    Plan 1








    Get 55-fire making - in progress




    Get 65 fishing - power fishing trout and salmon in progress




    Get 68 cooking - in progress




    Get 50 thieving




    Get 60 defence




    Get 40 farming




    Get 40 prayer




    Get 27 hunter




    Get birds egg








    Plan 2








    Get 70 fishing




    Get 72 cooking




    Get 50 agility




    Get 60 strength




    Get 42 prayer




    earn 500k (i've never had more than 170k):( - in progress








    Plan 3








    60 smithing




    finish all quests i've started




    more will be added later








    these where my stats when i started this blog.
















    and this is my blog








    for the fishing i need to fish 1,115 lobsters :(








    tip. iters that visited/met by chance












    bobbymorse (death666bl00ms)




    dude of war4
















    26/12/06: started this blog, got 50 firemaking! picked patatoes, started making curries, got bored, cooked swordies instead :)












    met bobbymorse and noobish111 fishing in catherby here are the pics




























    i did have a pic with both of them, but it curropted (the file :( )








    what a busy day! first day of my blog and 3 visits already, dude of war4 came 2day aswell here is the pic! :)
















    27/12/06: busy day again! power fished away 280 feathers and got...








    also i caught up with Jys and here is the pic of us at lumbridge castle








    EDIT: lol i meant ham logo, too lazy to change








    currently power cooking random stuff aiming for 64 cooking today! at rouges den I met Quantumkik and here is the pic to prove it :)












    w00t 64 cooking





  3. I really want a cape of achievment! here are my skills/combat level/questpoints which cape should i go for, as in easiest to get, bear in mind quest rquirments
















    was thinking cooking and would take around 3.405 currys to get to 99 cooking but thats a lot of patato picking :wall:

  4. one sec, as i want the guy sitting down (forgot to say that i'll post a pic) 1 sec








    men.jpg these are the robes with the guy sitting down, the mask i would like to be the ones that you see as a symbol of the theatre you know, in real life? what else you need? the red spots are for where the fire is... but i want his arms out like this...









  5. well a guy in a white mask and purple menaphite robes, with the blue flames where they are on the line art, at night with a few stars and hes in the park so the floor is grass. and a brown picket fence in the back ground

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