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Posts posted by andufusthebronze

  1. what is better for doing pixel art, because i like drawing on paper and am good at it, but doing computer art is ok, but I'm not very good at it :( and what do you prefer/think looks better








    or computer

  2. Size: Tip. It standard size




    Background style: the swirly sample one




    Background colors: black dark blue




    Renderized image: http://www.netaxs.com/mhmyers/cdjpgs/earthshine.jpg




    Text: friend of light, master of spirit, maker of peace.




    Subtext: andufus




    Font: ariel or something easy to read




    Text color: silver




    Sub text color: blood red








    pretty please? :D








    changed website, dont think its copyright

  3. hi, I started sig making today, and found it really fun. with the help from some people like rik on this forum I have improved my first Sig, which was blurred and rubbish into my sig now. So can you rate it, and tell me how to improve please. Oh, and please don't just view but post aswell. UNLESS your going to just insult me, or spam. thank you.








    here it is
















    and can you say what you think of it seeing as I've been a sig maker less than 24 hours please?

  4. hi guys, I'm a newby sig maker and my mum is directiong peter pan and her favourite characters are the pirates, so i want to make a pirate sig. what should the text say?? Pirate talk like arrrr, so what you guys suggest?

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