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Posts posted by andufusthebronze

  1. kk, i can draw on paper ok. I'll nag my dad to get the scanner out of the storage ::' but tell me, would you make me a pixel sig? I know exactly what i want and it would be quite challenging!

  2. :( i requested this sig on the art bezaar yesterday and no-one stepped forward, so I downloaded graphics gale just now - have no idea how to use it. plus how would i make it with the guy, if he was wearing a mask and menaphite hood?

  3. hey, I'm a massive newby pixeler and this although is my irst pixel thing, I am putting a lot of work into this so... where would it be darkest/litest shades on this, and where do i need to clean up the line work?








    this is it so far, in the end it will be a guy with purple and yellow menaphite robes









  4. how do you do the kind of flame you get on a candle or any flame?? And how would you make that candle flame into a blue flame??








    How do you clean up your line work properly??








    whats the best tutorial for shading?? one of the mods said I'm very bad at shading :(








    I'm talking pixel here

  5. This is a tournement to see who will make the best sig when given specifications. Winner will be anounced and will get thier sig as my sig, and honour!








    Size: a tiny bit smaller than Tip. It standard size ennoght to say sig by you




    Background style: see below




    Background colors: black dark blue




    Renderized image: see below




    Text: Fire magic...




    Subtext: andufus




    Font: ariel




    Text color: black or blue




    Sub text color: gold








    please can I have a ghost in hooded purple and yellow menaphite robes sitting down in a garden at night practasing fire-magic so can he have 3 blue flames, wait i do an example, Its very crude as I'm notvery good at this yet but..
















    the black dots are where i want the fire to be, you know like on a candle, I want it a blue flame please. and around the charecter have flowers that are dying. can i have the moon in the top left hand corner please and at the bottem I want the text and on the moon can i have the subtext








    If you don't understand tell me, and I'll go over it.








    I have just done this for more help, I edited the robes and the edit is what I want, and the red splodges are where the flames are.









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