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Posts posted by Crimsoncow42

  1. IMO, F2P Runescape is fine as it is, except for one thing, skillcapes. That is perhaps the only thing that I want for F2P, the ability to use(not obtain) skillcapes. I think that anybody who has put the time, and effort into getting a 99 stat should be able to showcase that achievement, regardless of member status. This modification would mostly cater to ex-members who have earned, then obtained a skillcape, but then for whatever reason, had to go back to F2P.





    That's really weird...








    On the topic at hand...




    I think what f2p needs is the fixing of things which may or may not include the addition of new items. Like pvp and the combat triangle.

  2. Maybe Jagex could impliment some sort of CAPCHA system.




    After you enter your Username and Password, a page displaying a random series of letters and numbers would pop up. You would then have to type in that exact same sequence of letters and numbers to successfully log in.




    The sequence itself is completely random image each time, so even if someone did get use a keylogger to find out that you typed in (example) "3984hhA" to log in, by the time then went to log into your account, they would get a different image and required sequence.





    Yeah, but that wouldn't stop anyone. They would just type in the random phrase given to them. This would only stop password crackers which the login pin would stop anyways.








    Haha, I feel like a dork know. I don't know why I figured it would solve anything XD. May have had something to do with the fact that I posted that about 10 minutes after I woke up ^____^




    My bad!




    That's alright, everyone does stuff like that. Thanks for your support.




    \' <---Hooray for Santa Smileys!

  3. Maybe Jagex could impliment some sort of CAPCHA system.




    After you enter your Username and Password, a page displaying a random series of letters and numbers would pop up. You would then have to type in that exact same sequence of letters and numbers to successfully log in.




    The sequence itself is completely random image each time, so even if someone did get use a keylogger to find out that you typed in (example) "3984hhA" to log in, by the time then went to log into your account, they would get a different image and required sequence.





    Yeah, but that wouldn't stop anyone. They would just type in the random phrase given to them. This would only stop password crackers which the login pin would stop anyways.

  4. PS3:




    +Blu-Ray - now the dominant HD choice


    +Metal Gear Solid (game so good, it is a reason)


    +Will still be there when next-next gen microsoft and nintendo consoles come out


    +Free Online Multiplayer


    +Lots of hard drive space


    +Web Browsing


    +Sexy curves








    -Controller maybe be a little bit smaller than the 360 you're used to


    -Will still be there when next-next gen microsoft and nintendo consoles come out


    -Playstation network is not as robust as Xbox Live overall (Can't do anything while downloading, I've heard multiplayer is somehow better on Xbox)


    -Blu-Ray takes a while to load; some games download (big) files onto the hard drive to compensate


    -Some say a bit lacking in game quality compared to the Xbox 360


    -Some developers say Xbox and Wii are easier than PS3 to make games for


    -A bit heavy




    -Notable Exclusive Games


    -Metal Gear Solid






    -Playstation Home (game?)


    -Killzone 2 (last one flopped so we'll have to see...)

  5. If you really want to be safe use the on screen keyboard


    Start>All Programmes>Accessories>Accessibility




    But yes, an optional pin would be easy to implement and save a lot of hassle.






    2 words: On screen keyboard


    The on screen keyboard triggers the exact same responses as a regular keyboard. In other words, it's just as vulnerable.




    A keyboard sends signals to your system when a key is pressed. The on screen keyboard simply reads a click of a button in it, and replecates the signal. Keyloggers look for this signal and copy it.

  6. Login pin: yes


    Turn off numbers on mouse-over: Yes




    May I make a notice?




    Seeing as lag happens on many computers, this could still prove fatal...


    The screenshot could be taken before the client even thinks about removing the numbers...




    Saying, for example, the user can't click until all the numbers are gone is not very effective because, although the game may not allow it to be considered a click, the system will, and the keylogger could take a screenie, and record where the mouse coordinates are, and then find out which one you wanted to press...




    Also, remember that, especially in the pre-logon state of the client, there is very little memory usage... Anyone with a vengance and 3 months training could write a mem-logger that would wait for runescape to start up, and scan a certain object ("pincode" object if you will) for changes every tenth second, record the changes, and have an exact record of the numbers, which, quite frankly would be more effective than screenshots, although probably not for noob programmers (like me, this is all hypothetical, please don't call me a hacker...)




    Probably a lot simpler but equally deadly would be a single form that "Overlaps" the pincode form...




    It waits for you to open the pincode form, then records (in video or this method) the clicks... what it does is follow a predetermined path, and then scans the real buttons underneath it and also inputs the data in there... this means you are clicking on the logger, which "Clicks" on runescape and sends the data to the hacker as well...




    Basically, screenies arent the only way, even though they *could* foil full removal of numbers... you would have to scan for mem-loggers, which can read it invisibly, without even doing noticeably more work... it could take months to find one of those... Invisible forms or visible forms mimicking the pin-form should also be held in consideration... In other ways, you will never get your account secure...




    Runescape itself is hacked daily, although the hackers are then banned... then they do it again... then they get banned again, and so forth... no-one knows how to, because the hackers either keep it to themselves, or their methods have already been discovered...




    I'm all for beter protection, but if someone *really* wants to get your password or pin? all they have to do is look up the same backdoor they always use...




    To sum it all up, in the words of Dr. Demento:




    Give up




    I guess there's nothing we can do about hackers that actually hack Jagex itself, but how many people can actually do that and who would waste 3 months of their time on one account?




    why am i not on support list :(




    put meeh on there :D


    You are :) You're number 163.

  7. maybe keep the bank pin to be sure its completely safe?



    Don't worry, this idea IS NOT meant to do away with the bank pin. In fact, quite the opposite! It is meant to assist the Bank PIN!!! 8-)




    ~Mr. D. V. "It ain't gonna kill that!" Devnull




    Although I would use both the login pin and the bank pin if they were available, maybe you could explain the point of having two pins?

  8. Seems ok to me.




    But I don't think there's enough risk involved. If you are solving a treasure trail, you are most likely wearing nothing or armor that you will keep in 3 items. That means you're worth is under 75k, and therefore are unlikely to be attacked by pkers wanting good loot. And how are they to know you are carrying the clue?




    Perhaps a skull similar to BH if you are carrying one of these clues?




    That's what it was like with the old wild right?




    Yeah pkers normally did not attack Treasure hunters.




    But the case here is different since hunters are essentially getter better rewards for actually less work (revs are harder than pkers in many ways).




    I don't think you can get these rewards on regular worlds.






    There will be revs plus pkers too.

  9. Seems ok to me.




    But I don't think there's enough risk involved. If you are solving a treasure trail, you are most likely wearing nothing or armor that you will keep in 3 items. That means you're worth is under 75k, and therefore are unlikely to be attacked by pkers wanting good loot. And how are they to know you are carrying the clue?




    Perhaps a skull similar to BH if you are carrying one of these clues?




    That's what it was like with the old wild right?

  10. If the Dragon Plate is coming soon then so are Adamant and Rune Dragons, AS WELL AS the Dragon Kite






    Because the metal dragon "race" was designed to drop each piece of 'Full' Dragon




    -Bronze, Iron and Steel


    -Dragon Platelegs






    -Dragon Full Helm






    -Dragon Kite






    -Dragon Plate




    Legs, Full Helm, Kite and Plate - Making FULL Dragon


    Not necessarily. I guess this is likely the way Jagex will go, but I think it has just been coincidence that the first two items are dropped by metal dragons. Plus, I'm hoping Jagex is more creative than that. If not, I'm holding out for Dragon Dragons to drop Dragon plates ::'




    I've been thinking a little bit about this and how someone said that it would be silly that the helm, shield and plate would be worth so much and the legs would be really cheap...




    I'm sure everyone knows the state of the full helm at this point. I also think that Jagex isn't stupid and they knew what would happen when they introduced the helm as a PVP drop.




    Is it maybe possible that the market of DFHs is purposely being 'flooded' to try to drive it down from around 52m? Or is that stupid?


    Everyone sell their Dragon Full Helms before it's too late!

  11. As Omali said, this will begin the new holiday structure. But since members can always do the quest, will this mean the end of holiday items you can only get if you were there?




    The event and the quest are two separate things. You will still have to be there to get the item, but the quest will always be available to members.

  12. I don't have a skillcape or anything but I think it would be a great addition. So Support.




    Additional Reasons Why:


    -No MSSW for them :( thats enough reason in itself...


    -Can't do much in the PVP worlds




    That's all I can think of right now...


    because they wont take of their cape...(=their fault)




    this is stupid, really go to target get a job there for 2 hours and you can buy about 3 month in rs credit! for 2 hours of work!...anyway to the other statment "Plus, I'd like to think that Jagex is kind enough to give a little to its loyal players that have stuck around long enough to get a 99 skill." really the whole 2 months(at a small amount a day) of cooking it would take to get 99 and "deserve" a cape....maybie if you have all f2p 99's then jagex could consider offering you a month or so membership to get you capes...other than that...it $5, really?




    1. There's a reason why people like me can't just buy members. Some have school, some have restrictive parents, and others just don't want to be member again, among other things. Plus, you're idea of getting a job at Target is impractical. I won't get a job just to get $15.


    2. Cooking requires money. Time is required to get money. I think the total time required to get 99 cooking is more than 2 months. Also, getting a 99 requires a certain amount of dedication. I think the "whole 2 months(at a small amount a day)" that a person takes to get that cooking cape gives him the right to "deserve" a cape.

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