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Posts posted by leedragon8

  1. Happy to see you again.


    Happy to see that blue cape of yours finally in your collection. (Gratz@!)


    (I knew you'd get it rather fast!)


    Now most of the people with whom I fished with have gotten 99!


    You completed it!






    Shame you are quitting, as you've been active a long time.


    I don't see much of your point though...


    Quitting to start another game from scratch?


    Whatever floats your boat...


    Only reason I quit...(temp. left) (probly first one) is because I had to focus on school.


    So far, it's worked, and who knows what'll happen.




    Goodluck with whatever you decide to do, gratz on 99 fish and attack.







  2. I see you are doing quite well for yourself.


    You've gotten everything back, and some.


    I wish you infinite luck at the arena, and good luck with 99 mage...and is that 99 farming?


    If it is, i wish you speed.




    Keep it up zot!


    Climbing closer and closer to the top.


    One day, when i open the highscores, i'll see you there, i'm sure of it.







  3. Hey Kris.




    Just popping in, and I heard a buzz about tip it...


    "Kris just got 99 agility!"


    So I was shocked!


    A goal worked so hard for, has finally been achieved.


    I wish you a huge congratz, and happy slayering.


    Wish I could've been there, but...yea...I've long since given up this game.


    So, if i could've been there, I would've.


    Nice trimmed cape, nice emote, now go show it off!


    Something that is earned by hard work for months on end deserves to be shown off!




    I just want to congratulate you again, and give you a well done!





  4. No fishing cape?




    Nice, did you see my bank?


    Probly on the 50th page of this by now...




    Oh, btw, i quit(taking a break forever)


    However you want to look at it... :-k




    I'll still be on here some.


    You weren't on when i've logged in last couple times.


    I log in every now and then.




    oh yea...rate...uhhh


    I'd say 10/10, nice 94 mage, you level too fast, i remember you being slower leveling...or maybe that's just when you are fishing \'












    EDIT: Here it is if you missed it.








    P.S. only 477 more levels to go!




    Too bad you quit :(




    J00 quit?




    'Fraid so.


    For now that is.


    Maybe when i get back on track with school, i'll subscribe again.


    Until then, it's studies studies studies.


    I have a rough semester this time, then second isn't any better.


    7/8 of my classes are honors.






    I'll pop in every now and then, more on weekends, as I'm also on the football team, so i have no life for now. :-s




    Ciao for now.





  6. What's up with this pg 2 thing???




    Goodluck fishing oreo.


    You should be able to make the deadline :wink:




    As for me, i'm going to make the deadline too...


    Mines the 27th.


    Currently about 30k exp away \'




    I'd be delighted if you came to my leveling.


    It'll probly be held either saturday or sunday, not sure the time yet.


    Details will probly be set tomorrow.




    Goodluck once again.





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