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Posts posted by leedragon8

  1. I started fishing, I am fishing at the moment too.




    I dont think fishing is as fun as wood cutting.




    Yes huh it is!


    Fishing is the best skill.


    Infact, that's what i'm doing right now, fishing for level 99.


    Soooo close.


    400k left \'





  2. i win cause i own u 8-)




    now get that level w/o me and u gonna have a problem




    o and i own u in wc (dont type anything about fishign levels :P )




    well, u know me a rl so me being at 99 shouldnt be that hard




    the faster u get it the happier u will be, and then u can get 100 cb on me \' :thumbsup:




    Whether you know it, that's a good rhyme. ::'


    Yes, you do own me in woodcutting, so stick on bragging with that.


    Yes, I will get 100 combat on you.


    500k exp until the big level.





  3. Are you taking good english classes?








    anywho, it's totally fair, school + rl > rs, no matter what the case is.




    That's why it's taken me so long to get 99 fishing O:)




    I really don't play that much. 64-99 Cooking toke me 3 months straight, going barrowing every once In a while, but otherwise not leaving the roges din.




    Once again, what english class are you in?




    Rogues Den*




    Fishing has taken me pretty much the same time, and i don't play much either ::'

  4. Congradulations




    My friend got one. His second best drop in all time has been a rune spear.


    Now he has a santa + 30m in other stuff, all of which will be mine one day if he quits before I do.




    Gratz again.




    That's a horrible way to look at it...




    On Topic: Congratz, i hear they are very hard to get, as i don't go to the metal dragons much.




    Congratz, and um, spend wisely... :wink:

  5. not that its wrong, but i think u just made the guide as if u saw some1 doin it, u went into a bit too much detail for sum1 who u dont know at all, why would he bother telling u so much? so i think u just acted like u saw sum1 else doin it so u wont get flamed as much if it fails


    -once again, just kinda noticed taht, nuthin bad bout that




    iunno if u tested it then nice, but i cant see how u can hit 50+ when fire strikes hit 8 at the highest, seems rather difficult, but w.e ur the guide-writer




    and also u spelled intrigued as "entreaged"




    Plus...YOU suck at spelling...

  6. My RL friend leedragon8 is about to get a 99 (fishing, personally I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t see how he is not bored), and he convinced me to go for a 99.[/hide]








    Well, I hope to well, anybody that you stick with this goal.


    It's been a pain seeing you hopping back and forth between goals.


    But this one seems different, so different that you've actually thought about what you are going to do and how you are going to do it, which is unusual for you... :lol:




    Good luck, and keep your eye on the prize!


    I did, and look where I am!




    Good luck, and Godspeed.

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