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  1. I like, it would make a clan leaders job so much less stressful, the portals are cool, Tele-ing into wildy bit (i might have mis-red) is it only lvl 20 and under bit, i really like the part where the leader soughts the clan stuff out
  2. Could do some after alot of use, the saw mill decays, or rusts, and needs money to fix, or something, you maded the arguement, think of the soluation
  3. On second thought of my quest the runes needed are: 2 airs, earth, water and fires 3 bloods 5 death 10 chaos, lol
  4. Do you mean the halloween event as a whole, or just the reward (coz i like the event, but the reward was er shall we say crap)
  5. I like it, make some wildy freeze over, for some festive pk-ing, or some festive getting hunted down woo woo
  6. The prices of Swordies would go down.. hang on cheaper pk-ing F2P.. my ranger pure(F2P).. cheap pk-ing... i surport, for all the wrong reasons
  7. lol, i would wanna stay member forever if that was da case
  8. I think after this quest, a second one comes on requirements: The first quest 25 construction 35 crafting 20 mage Start: Sawmill (Varrock) You talk about making planks cheaper to the sawmill operator, He doesnt react kindly to this and starts to get angry, then he lets slip, he can only make planks becasue a mage trainiee help him to learn the techique. You go and visit this mage and he needs help (mage comes in) In order to become a actual mage (non-trainiee) he needs something blessed for his "exam coursework", you need a fire, earth, air and water rune to bless this. You then bless it then you talk to him, he then says he need a certain space in your house, you tele to house and build new room (sawmilling room) costs 20k, you build and talk to the mage again and gives you ability to make a machine saw to make logs into planks. Here is where the crafting comes into it Normal plank:35 Oak plank:43 Teak plank:50 Maghoney plank:65 Woo free planks my dream lol
  9. is there a special container you put the snow balls in to keep cool, or they are not in it, you could use 1 snowball every 3 seconds, plus a woolly glove to go wiv da snowballs would be funny
  10. A few words: How did you come up with this great idea man, i waste aload of money paying peeps to organzise my bank, agaist rules, oo well not the worst thing i done, this would save my money (so i can waste it on something else), i love it, er 1 bad thing to say, er.. oo yes, why didnt you come up with it earlier!!! :D
  11. Did you know this method berfore 85 mining? And, any lower level tips for a "less capible" miner such as myself?
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