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Everything posted by Thataznboy

  1. Not necessarily. It really depends on the leader's leading ability. An adult may be smarter and have more experience, but a teenager can be just as smart or have as much experience as the adult too. Afterall, this is just a game. It's not rocket science on how to manage forums or dictate a few things game related. As stated before, it is always good when the amount of teenagers/adults in the clan are balanced. That way, you can have a lot of different point of views from a younger age era and an older one. And plus, us teenagers keep the adults feel young =)
  2. The Sabres indeed are alive but they are not the longest lasting clan on RS. The Sabres closed and reopened back at one point. It's a shame that the Sabres toss out their 'Sabre' Requirement. It was something unique about that clan, but now, everybody thinks they did it as a desperate attempt to stay alive again. =\
  3. Why? Did Gladz PK you while you were one iteming in the wild?
  4. Why would a clan tell you when and where they are fighting? That's just basically asking all the haters out there to crash.
  5. That's why clan names should be unique, and not like "Shadow Warriors" or "Flaming Blades"
  6. There already are No Honor clans, im not sure what you would consider to be more villan like. not true their is at least one clan based on honour- the Knights Of Honour we pride ourselves in being honourble in all we do. but on the note of disshonouble or downright vilioness clans their are some. in fact we are at war with one of them already after a terrible betrail that has led us down the road to civil war. KOH isn't the only honorable clan out there \
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