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Posts posted by hatebringer

  1. I think with all the new content that f2p have along with the new ways jagex are using to rake in the members, that a good chunk of them joined members and another good amount are playing the mini-games since f2p has gone a long time without anything to do other than skilling.




    Not to mention begging and scamming has all but been eradicated, so that also contributes the the"quiet-ness"

  2. But even if the item was set for a rise, the usual way is for the price to slowly level off, and then begin to rise. What you see here is a very sudden increase from a very bad decrease. If you know anything about real markets, you would know there would need to be another factor in the affect of the price for it to shot up so drastically, and this being the item lending feature. Everyone who has the money to spend wants to buy a BGS in order to make quick money off the sudden increase as well as from the lending "business" that has opened with this new update. I for one see the sword leveling off soon once the buyers die down, and then a possible drop in price as people either decide the whole market of lending dies down.

  3. I honestly didn't even know all about the new beggars, and once i set up for my slayer task (Bandos and firecape) I got around 3-4 people following me asking to borrow my bandos. I honestly didn't mind it at first, and just said no, since I wanted to get my task done. By the time I got the the fire giants, I had been asked to let people borrow my bandos at least 10 times, and not everyone took the "No" lightly. I got ridiculed, I was given money offers, and people just really went to far on some. Its very annoying knowing that you can't just walk around in your good armor of your expensive items and get the occasional "nice armor/santa/phat/etc." but now you not only get that, but it is usually followed by a bed to let them borrow it.

  4. Since Runescape is a competitive MMO, and needs new customers to survive, it is always possible that they are trying to lure some customers from other games. The whole HD is almost definitely a way to get users who play more "graphic heavy" games onto RS. I wouldn't say for certain that they are trying to get WoW players onto their game, but since Jagex knows WoW is THE biggest MMO out there, they probably want people to see their trailer, and this, use the tags in order to get people to see the new-er Runescape.




    And trust me, Jagex and Runescape are getting alot of new publicity from the updated graphics.

  5. A link to your clan's banner. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa62 ... 1216016633


    A link to your clan's website/forums. http://www.gwdanonymous.com/index.php


    A link to your clan's runehead/memberlist. http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=gwdanonymous


    List of your clan leaders. Stealth117, Sparky1_2007


    Your Clan Intials. GWDA


    Your Clan's Main Focus. (warring, skilling, etc.) Boss Hunting

  6. I think the skill could be somewhat of Construction-like, and have a Player owned ship, and slowly build it up to be better than others, ship battles, new PvP ways etc.




    Its promising, but until i see the big words "Sailing Skill" on the Runescape front page, I am not going to be getting my hopes up for any new skills.

  7. Just one word for most of the updates...








    The bank has been well over-due for an update, but once I read the updates, it sounded like a very nice month. I can't wait to try out some of these updates, and I will finally have a reason to clean my bank :D

  8. I still play a lot with my good RL friend, and a few of my other friends I still see hop on from time to time from the beginning days of my account. Other than that, I usually make a few new friends once in a while, and a few stick around for awhile.

  9. I'll admit the defense is great, but the ability to blacklist tasks is much more important that this mask. It looks good and has decent stats but it's not needed. I mean, the whole 5-in-1 thing will only come in handy for the rare Dust Devil task. Thats why I'm blacklisting my tasks before i even start on this mask.




    Very true. I have also decided to black-list tasks before I get the helm. I would rather not have bad tasks than have the mask, however I will still eventually get the mask.

  10. Yeah, I've noticed that as well. I have been so used to not having tasks the same one after another, because before the update it was impossible, but now, I sort of expect them. But.. 3 Black Demon tasks in a row is not very fun tbh. :cry:




    But I guess 3 "fun" tasks in a row could be better than 1 fun and 2 annoying tasks.




    Slayer Update = Amazing in my opinion.

  11. This is my first real, non-tutorial attempt at making a sig. I don't know how good it is, but to me it looked pretty good.




    I tried to change as much as I could to make it look nice.


    Constructive Criticism, as well as tips to make my future signatures better are greatly appreciated. :roll:

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