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Yoko Kurama

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Posts posted by Yoko Kurama

  1. The world's not going to end by having to wait 1 more week >_>


    I'm not mad of the fact they delayed The World Wakes. I would have been perfectly fine if they just came out and said "Sorry, we ran into some technical difficulties and we need it in QA a week longer".

    What I hate is the implication of having delayed it to give this stupid [bleep]ing nostalgia trip more time in the limelight, for which any time spent at all is time too much.


    So yeh, I am joining in the ranting on RSOF. If 2007 project showed me anything, is that if I'm obnoxious and vocal enough, I'll get what I want damn the expense of others.


    Too bad it got locked and hidden.


    What got locked? There's several threads complaining about this, all sorts of people (including some who voted "Yes") are upset.


    Also, the treacherous and slithery way in which Jagex did this has been duly noted. They didn't make any sort of apology, or any coherent explanation, except something on twitter (I think) and small piece at the end of that useless piece of shit 'BTS'(yeah let's make a useless BTS video that doesn't explain anything about RS2007 that people don't already know, and for an update which was NOT on the BTS, aren't we [bleep]ing benevolent?) that was so vague that people had to make threads asking for clarification. In other words, yeah we broke a promise, but maybe if we just stay quiet about it, everyone will forget!


    So it's not merely the fact they pulled this stunt off, but they didn't even have the least bit of decency or courtesy on how to apologize, or offer an explanation or anything. There are people who often are short-sighted or make terrible mistakes, but at the very least they are conscientious of their mistakes and make an effort to at least present themselves properly or approach their victims properly, but not Jagex, because [bleep] common decency, we're above it! That's our company motto!

  2. I agree with Unknown_Warrior. They delayed for an obviously farcical update, a broken version of the game that is inferior in most ways, which was NOT in the BTS, and what did they delay? A much superior, a very much anticipated (remember, people have been waiting for the GM quest for months) that WAS on the BTS. That's what the problem is. I had been anticipating that the update would be this week, or last week, or even the first week of February (like BoE in early December), but I was okay with that (in other words it's not the fact they delayed is what is problematic, it's WHY did they delay it?), I am not okay with this nonsense. The vast majority of the player-base should not be sidelined for a bunch of obnoxious and vocal brats who are a fringe. That is unacceptable.

    • Like 3
  3. It's funny how angry it makes people. They've done things like this for the past half decade. Dunno why you're not used to it by now, and still get so worked up over it.


    I am rather angry right now, so this might as come out as harsher than intended, but your posted argument is such a pathetic non-argument that it shouldn't even merit any reply, and it's a tired one too, as I have heard it hundreds of times. Simply because Jagex has wronged us in the past does not justify or excuse any current or future misdeeds on their part. We aren't surprised by this behaviour (after this much time, obviously it has become routine), but we are certainly angry about it, as is our right. If you [bleep] someone over a hundred different times, sure the 101st time won't be shocking, but will they still be angry? Ya betcha!



    The world's not going to end by having to wait 1 more week >_>

    It's the principle that counts, and it sets an extremely disdainful precedent. The precedent of delaying updates was already here, as was the precedent of breaking promises, but the precedent of sidelining the majority of players on the main game for a bunch of vocal brats who are an extreme minority was not here until now. There are so many things that we need done, and this is the shit they're focusing their time on? We still haven't gotten the 2 fixes to PoP, possibly 3, nor the quest they promised us.

    • Like 2
  4. Complete bullshit. If the Quest does not come out this next week, I will be furious. This will be a textbook example of lying and scamming. They *promised* us that quest for this month, and now they are postponing it for useless bullshit, and so they can get an extra month of P2P from people who were excited for this quest, This is pure deceit on Jagex's part. They also gave us their word that this 2007 bullshit would not affect the main game. [bleep]ing frauds.

  5. that is ridiculous, considering you should complete the story missions (and therefore get the armor) in ~3 months total.


    I have completed 36 storylines, only the trio ones remain. Furthermore, even after you complete all the trade-good storylines, it isn't enough for the armours. So you need to hunt for them in 5's. It's the end of February, and I started on day 1. Meh. And of course I only one FOTS left.

  6. I think the reason 07Scape has worked it's way in, is because it's not proven that 200m all is possible - people are speculating how it was transfer to 07Scape.


    I don't think Suomi's last 1xp is anymore relevant to this thread than the aforementioned 07Scape discussion.


    Of course it's relevant. Not to me, of course, but some people have quite literally been waiting for this moment for several years, and have donated their time and money to Suomi; so yeah they're upset that the moment was 'robbed' from them. As to why he won't do it, Suomi said in the video that he is waiting it out a few months in the hopes that Jagex invites him again and he can do it there.

  7. Shows they have to code each instance of degrading separately, which seems very sloppy to me.


    Or it could be that they are working on 2007. :evil:


    That would only be reason for QA being busy, not why he had to recode port armours to normalise degrade and separately recode for anytime repairs.


    QA is obviously busy atm with The World Wakes looming + 07scape + RS3 beta we have word is due in april + quite possible the first new skill starting to hit some early QA + eoc fixes (which are the first batch nearly all had to be reversed/fixed they probably testing to death) + any other big projects we are yet to learn about.


    That's true, but since RS2007 is the most forthcoming of those projects (less than 2 days away), I assume that's whatis eating up all their time presently.




    There was a system update today, but PoP was not fixed.


    Also, with regards to the system update, this is what Mod Easty said:



    "Hey all,


    We will be launching a system update in approximately 20 minutes time. This will be to add some support for something that's coming soon. It's a secret. Shh.


    Mod Easty"


    Rs2007? Grandmaster quest? Was unclear what he meant.

  8. Jagex rigging the poll, huh? Got any proof? No?

    [qfc]317-318-490-64252433[/qfc]. Third. Freaking. Post.


    I've already voted twice on both my personal accounts to try and help! However if it was very close like 20K or less away I would certainly make up the difference and pass the vote :D


    There's no sense in this shit anymore. Why would they come out and say that they want to rig it? If the community didn't have enough support, let it go. Why give everyone a mulligan come the 28th?

    That's rigging the vote? More like not being total douche bags. If the poll reaches 480k votes, Jagex could either say 'oh, you didn't reach 500k. Too bad' or 'oh, you were so close to 500k that we'll be nice and give you the benefits either way'. Which one makes the most sense, both from a company point-of-view, and a customer point-of-view?


    Yes, that's a textbook example of rigging the vote. The whole point of having a threshold is so that it can be followed. Why have a threshold if they're just going to disregard it? The line has to be drawn somewhere, and once it is drawn it should be followed.

    • Like 1
  9. Just because someone is kind to you, that doesn't mean you should change how you think.


    And where did I suggest such a thing? You can accept an act of kindness from Jagex, and still maintain that you think they are wrong in several aspects of their management of this game (SoF, SGS, whatever else you don't like). That's perfectly acceptable. That's just accepting their gift, while offering constructive criticism. What is NOT acceptable is to take such a generous gift from them and go on a rant in the most juvenile way possible, about how they're basically evil [bleep]'ers. If you're taking a gift from them, you can at least be civil in your disagreements with them.



    Yes Jagex offering Suomi a free flight to England was gracious on their part. Yes Suomi flaming them on YT was a bit over the top compared to the standard "[bleep] Jagex, [bleep] SoF, [bleep] insertupdatehere." But if that's how he feels towards Jagex, why should he change his stance based on the offer of a free flight? Would that not be almost as bad according to your evidently oh so stringent moral standards? If he was effectively bribed into saying things other than what he actually felt?


    The sorts of things he said were far beyond constructive criticism. They were completely uncalled for. If he truly feels they are that way, then rather than changing his mind, he simply should refuse to accept such a gift. You can't maintain that they are evil bastards, all the while being a recipient of, perhaps the most generous thing they have done.


    Edit: Also you folks are moving goal-posts. Suomi claims he was just "joking" (I don't find this convincing but that aside), and in this post you are claiming that these are his "true feelings", so why should he "change them?" Which is it? If Suomi was truly joking, this is a horrible thing to say to people who are being charitable to you. If this is how he truly feels, he should have the courage of his convictions and refuse such a gift from people if he truly thinks they are evil bastards. You can't have it both ways.

    • Like 1
  10. Even if they invite him again it would be so very awkward, definitely wouldn't go haha


    Yes, I don't think any further action against Suomi should be taken (for instance, he shouldn't be banned or anything of the sort, unless he seriously violates rules in the future), but I don't think they should resend their invitation. This should serve as a cautionary tale. I have a feeling though that Jagex will change their minds and invite him again (and according to Suomi's explanation video, he is actually holding out on the hopes that they will forget this and invite him again), but I think it would be best if they didn't.

  11. @ pavians,


    Nop! Thats why we are living in 21th century. Such a huge update with such a big protests against it ask democratic vote, dosen't it? I know its private business, but still to make all better, you should ask consumers first. If this update was so good, then why we are here asking back old times in first place? There will be always someone against something, its human nature, but for f sake you have to make some statistics to run business. I just checked some elementary statistics and it dosen't lie - consumers didnt want EoC, consumers want old fashion, because it was different from other games. First term in elementary business - client always have truth.




    First of all, my comment was not a general one but specifically referring to a post by Sy, in which I stated what I think Jagex's motivations were/are.


    Second, I disagree entirely with what you have said. Consumers don't always know the truth, they are infallible and can often be easily manipulated to create false demand. That's essentially what advertising is, and businesses do this routinely.


    Thirdly, with regards to the specifics of this context, this does not count as a democratic vote because Jagex, it is clear now, had already decided well in advance that they were going to bring back the 2007 servers, and the whole vote was essentially a farce. Hence their blatant distortion of the votes (telling people who don't want to play 2007 to "do it anyways", or to "do it for your friends), and of course the completely aggressive and petulant tactics of supports of RS2007: spamming people, harassing them, peer pressure, etc etc. Hardly a "democratic" vote. The fact of the matter is, most people are quite fine with EoC.

  12. Just because they did it for money does not alter the fact they only did it in response to what the community wanted.


    This might shock some but more often than not the goal of making a profit and the process of listening to your consumer go hadn in hand.


    Not quite. Jagex didn't just do this because they thought they could make money in the process of "better serving the community". This movement for the "Good Old Days" started quite some time back, and was quite virulent through the process of the EoC beta. Jagex ignored it, completely, all the way through. It was only when Players decided to organize on their own, outside the bounds of Jagex, establish their own institutions through the RS2006 servers/movement, and Jagex noticed that it was moderately successful in capturing the interest of people -- it was then, and only then, that Jagex decided they could profit from this niche market and so they took action to take-down RS2006 and set up their own server. Jagex has a history of this, they ignore player demands, players in cases where it's feasible decide to do it themselves (for example IRC/Swiftkit, fansites), Jagex takes note, and starts monopolizing on player institutions. Nothing "nice" about it. It's about control and money, simply put.

  13. If money wasn't an issue, you could always meet up with Jake and James/Simon without any Jagex involvement at all.


    It'd still be a massive event, especially as Runeshark would probably livestream it, and you wouldn't be forced to toe the Jagex line or else.


    You don't understand it, do you? What transpired, is not being opposed on the grounds that Suomi merely broke RS/Jagex rules; people aren't complaining because Suomi refused to toe the Jagex line; rather we are of the mind that what Suomi did was unconscionable on ethical and social grounds. One should not go around accepting acts of gratitude from people and then badmouth them treacherously and with juvenility on Youtube. In one of the rare times that Jagex actually decided to show some generosity to someone from from the community, that someone decided that they would much rather stab them in the back in front of an internet audience. It's simply wrong to do socially, and ethically; it has nothing to do with the game. Hence, why, even people like me and others who are typically much more consistent and vociferous critics of Jagex than Suomi is, are supporting Jagex in this instance.

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