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Yoko Kurama

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Posts posted by Yoko Kurama

  1. Gingy, your comparison is somewhat off-base. No one, not even players who hate certain updates are suggesting that Jagex pop out a new server after every unpopular update. EoC, much like RS2, is an exception to the standard list of updates, it's an extremely major update. They can't be compared to standard ones. I don't actually want it for myself, I think it should be there, for historical purposes, like RSC.

    • Like 2
  2. With regards to the second article, about separate worlds, I should say that I'm not *entirely* opposed to the idea, and I really liked the idea of Jagex preserving RSC(1-2 servers for pre-eoc couldn't be too bad, even if I have no interest in joining them), or a different model, like say how the PvP worlds used to be. I am open to some of these ideas. Regardless, it's all fantasy, as Jagex has not given even the slightest of indications that they are even considering giving us separate servers(despite their obviously fake tease a few days ago).

  3. It's funny, because according to Jagex themselves, it would be considered gambling.

    Just look at Soul Wars, Barbarian Assault, The Pit etc. where you can gamble your reward points for random prizes which may or may not be valuable (the most valuable rewards being stupidly rare in BA's case.)


    On the contrary, initially, Jagex adamantly insisted that the SOF was not gambling because "you won something every time!".


    Indeed, here's the nonsensical and completely douchey response they gave:



    • Like 1
  4. I thought their "word" was just that they don't have any plans to raise the skill caps to 120. If new plans come up or are made, they wouldn't really be going back on their word, would they?


    My statement about them failing to keep their word was in general (PoP, EoC etc.), rather than that particular instance. I was simply suggesting that if they raised all skills to 120, I'd simply quit, like the poster above me. As for whether that would constitute them breaking their word on this particular issue, I'm inclined to agree with you, I suppose.


    If you knew my view on xp past 99/120, you'd know it will never happen. If jagex were to go back on their word (been a habit lately) and increase all levels to 120 or whatever, i'd finally be able to quit this game after 11 years.


    My view, too, is the same. And I have also been playing for roughly just as long. I also agree on the bit about them utterly failing to keep their word.

  6. I don't understand why farming randoms was so awful, they were so rare as it were. And if they were really concerned about, why wait for so long to do something about? There's nothing more annoying than the sheer laziness that Jagex displays with regards to stuff like this. They make a feature that they later considered overpowered, but they don't do anything to fix it until dozens of people have had plenty of time to exploit it. They should at least remove the holding cap, which is inexcusable.

  7. So apparently Mod Edam has admitted that PoP won't be getting the set effects that they had initially told us they would be getting. What nonsense. I suspected as much, if they were really sincere about it, why wouldn't they have given it an effect the same time as Nex(after all, they managed to changed the graphics)?


    Apparently for some inexplicable reason, they seem to want to keep Nex armours the best, no matter what, defying, completely the spirit of the EoC.

  8. Erm Did I say anything about wanting uber max defence?


    I made a general comment on your claim about the need for defense, not 'uber max defense'. Pre-Eoc, it was very much important to have the best defense you could possibly have for higher level bossing, now, it's not the case.



    I just said that in EoC you generally do want defence, opposed to the rubbish defence offered by Void.


    I agreed with that portion of your post.


    Plus given the qualification of 'non-degrading' diminishing returns is hardly an issue since it traps him at level 70 tier max ruling out Ganodermic, Virtux and Seasinger.


    I was responding to a specific claim made by you, not to the OP.


    I'm not sure what you're prattling on about.


    Assuming you actually want defence (which in eoc you do unless you are insane)



    This not entirely true. While it's true that you can't Void everything as you once could(largely due to them nerfing Void), Defense has diminishing returns, For instance, if you are hunting fairly high level bosses, you can't run around in Void as effectively as you could, since it has the defensive statistics of Mithril armour or something. However, with level 70 Gear(Barrows/Gwars) you can defend yourself almost as well as level 80/85 armour. Level 80/85 armour obviously has much more defense because of the exponential curve, but you really don't need that much defense for most things (including bosses), it's very much overkill.

  10. Apparently you didn't get the memo, Deacon; spending countless hours, day after day, month after month, year after year, playing an online video game is amongst the loftiest human achievements one can aspire to.


    Before the usual gang commence with their typical tirades, though I disagree, I can understand why people might admire someone like Suomi in the context of RS. However, to insist that his "achievements" are "boldly expanding the horizons of human achievement" is outright delusional and sycophantic thinking. That's the sort of thing that should be propagated by Suomi's PR team/manager(if he ever chooses to get any), not someone writing for the Tip.It Times.

    • Like 1
  11. I thought the article on construction was a rather enjoyable read.


    I found the infatuated fawning over Suomi by The Floating Pen to be nauseating, but then that's nothing new. His continued insistence throughout the article that there is something immensely wondrous about anticipated 5b achievement, and that those of us who happen to disagree with this (for all sorts of reasons) are somehow "malevolent" and jealous was completely unconvincing, irritating and the sort of response one might expect from a devout follower when someone had dared to blaspheme against their God.

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  12. I wasn't too fond of merchanting every mission, but at the suggestion of various people I did finally get back to two Jade Merchants. Usually I get from 90-95% to 80%, I fail a lot more missions, and just today I lost my second crew mate ever(a Jade Merchant on a 80% mission, fortunately I was instantly able to replace it). I mean obviously you want the merchants on the trade good missions, but I am not convinced that they do really all that good on standard missions. It's true that statistically they will yield more rewards, but only over a very long series of trials(voyages) will it all balance out.

  13. Sometimes when my friends try to convince me to join RS2006, I jokingly say "I was there the first time, it wasn't that fun." What I really mean to say is, it was fun for its time, but I can't imagine playing it in 2013. It would make a mockery of itself: 2006 just ain't coming back.

  14. What irritates me about posts like these is the obviously false nature of what's being said. Mod Mark is adopting a very conciliatory tone, and mentioning many things that players have said, but he obviously has no actual intention of changing anything about where Runescape has been headed. He wants players to feel like they're being "listened to" without bothering to do any of the listening.


    Tell it like it is, Mark. If you believe that the players are wrong about what makes the game fun, then state it outright like the Diablo III team did.


    Agreed, Jagex are masters of this. They do this all the time, where they basically pacify us into submission by alluding to all sorts of false promises. It's rather irritating.


    Dom tower gloves are hardly obsolete; they are free Nex gloves aside from the +2 prayer. For those of use who can't afford 6om odd for a pair of gloves they are very very useful.


    Though I have the gloves unlocked, I find the fact they no longer have specials and require replacement every 4 hours to be majorly distracting. With the addition of these new gloves, which *may* be as affordable as Glacor boots are in addition to also being non-degradeable, I think they will safely replace Dom Gloves assuming those conditions are met.

  16. I'll be mainly sticking around for the Quest. Hopefully it isn't a case of false expectations like BoE was.


    A few thoughts:


    --I hope the 800k XP is in skills of my choosing, rather than useless combat XP.


    --Why make the Dominion Tower Gloves even more obsolete than they already are?


    --Why couldn't they start with the Quest, instead of that other stuff? I don't want to wait!

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