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Yoko Kurama

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Posts posted by Yoko Kurama

  1. They haven't balanced the lower rewards.


    I was referring to the fact that the cash bag rewards are contingent upon your level.




    As for 200M reward, I was talking purely with regards to abstract principles, my implication being that the SOF's nature as a microtransaction scheme by which Jagex makes money, much like how casinos make money, remains the same. My claim was not one about material reality or practice, or statistical analysis -- in those cases, I agree, obviously one would discount outliers, I even mentioned that it's rarely won.




    I wonder if Jagex realize we need money sinks, not an increased money influx.


    It's a bit too late for that. Any money sink will "balance" the economy by being exacting on the backs of the average players. Wealth in RS is far too concentrated, a handful of people probably have hundreds of billions of Gpies. Any money sink will barely put a dent in their wallets, while putting a noticeable dent in the wallets of average players. If Jagex is serious about taking money out of the game, and taking large chunks out, they should simply seize the assets of obscenely wealthy players(past a certain threshold, a couple Billion, at the absolute max) and erase them from the game.

  2. By what logic are the everyday cash rewards that most users get at least 1 of a day only a 'small part' of the cash rewards?

    The ONLY bit of cash rewards untouched is the 200m jackpot prize, which is a tiny part of the cash rewards as it is 1 prize and so rare that almost no-one actually gets it.


    I was obviously referring to the microtransacting nature of the Squeal in a structural sense rather than narrowly focusing on the Cash bags. What I was saying was, sure, they've sort of balanced the smaller rewards, but the big jackpot still remains. After all, people who purchase lots of spins do so in the hopes of acquiring the 200M reward, not the 50K one.


    It's true that the 200M is rarely won, but the principle still remains.

  3. This is an irrelevant piecemeal reform. Sure, it has a balancing component to it, but it only balances and reduces a small part of the cash rewards, the 200M prize is still here. So, yeah, now instead of winning fixed sums of 50k, or 100k, or 200k, you will instead get 10k(if I recall correctly, the amount of money you're getting now is doubled for this weekend for cash bags).


    I mention the 10K figure because I received 2 cash bags, and they both gave me ~20K gpies at 2488 total level.

  4. It's not happening, EoC is here to stay. That's one of the reasons I suspect that they rushed it of course, even though they were made acutely aware, on repeated occasions, that it was not ready because they knew that once it was implemented into the game, whatever its flaws, after a certain period of time had passed it would be cemented permanently. Even though it isn't ready, because it's been over 2 months since they released, they can't just roll it back into beta mode and restore the old servers(even temporarily), that wouidn't make any sense and would only serve as a distraction. Short of organizing a mass boycott, I don't think there's much you can do.

  5. I quit watching RS videos when people started adding their own cheesy "special effects" which detracted from the footage itself. If you have to add special effects to your video to make it watchable, then it's probably a pretty dull video in the first place.


    I abide by the same general principal, except I apply it to all videos, particularly the ones that add their own music to it. I am here to watch the content of your video, not listen to your crappy taste in music.

  6. Can anyone confirm the usefulness of the "Receive more trade goods from trade goods mission" totem. Is it anything significant?


    It's very minuscule. Which is ridiculous for the amount of effort it takes to make it.


    I am beginning to grow more and more weary of PoP, it's looking like it will take a few months just to get the armours.

  7. The spirit and letter that you describe however is not static but opinionated.


    I never claimed it was static, nor does it have to be. As new cases emerge, those conventions will no doubt change. This incident, though, is not one of those cases. It is clearly bug abuse and there's nothing in this case that suggests that we should modify the previous precedents.


    In this case however they have, and in this case they have shown that it was not in fact bug abuse.


    Jagex need not explicitly condemn this in order for someone like me or others to argue whether it constitutes bug abuse or not. The rules are there, anyone who knows RS history is aware of the various informal conventions; thus we can arrive at our own conclusions.

  8. All of the examples and various arguments you make are completely irrelevant to the issue. There have long been various traditions and conventions by which we can know what is "bug abuse" and what is "emergent gameplay". They're are all simple enough, that much like pornography, even if we don't have a very strict criteria of what constitutes it, we know it when we see it. When you solo a boss that Jagex has repeatedly stated was not intended to be soloed by making use of esoteric errors in game mechanics, you're bug abusing. It's really that simple. The implication on your part that Jagex has to write down beforehand whether certain imaginary scenarios constitute bug abuse or not otherwise it's not bug abuse because they didn't tell us that beforehand, is ridiculous. Exploiting a bug is a rule that has a "spirit" to it as well a "letter" to it, and it's easy enough to follow both.

  9. Those missions are one-offs... You honestly think that? After those one offs the pincer voyages you get for armour trade goods should only max out at 4 per right. I believe the duo adventurer storyline voyages give 25 trade goods and the trips give 50.


    I was under the impression that you had quite a few of those, rather than one-offs. So are you saying you can only got 75 Max of each trade goods? One from 25 voyage and one from the 50 voyage?

  10. The problem with this theory is that they have already emphatically turned their back on the Wilderness Community. There was a time back in the day when some of the best stuff(Rune Ore for instance, KBD) was in the wilderness and so there was a very strong incentive to go there. Over time the stuff that used to be there became obsolete(Rune armour for instance is no longer the best armour in the game) and Jagex refused or failed to introduce any new things with which to lure skillers in with, as well as a general neglect of the Wildness. Furthermore, they slowly also made it so that any of the remaining activities that actually were in the Wilderness that people used to visit, such as any of the various minigames, Corp, or KBD had "safe" options to get to them, thus further reducing the risk.


    Now, I am not actually complaining about any of this, as I'm not a Pker and I don't really care about the Wilderness, so I have no interest at stake. What I'm saying is that Jagex has clearly made a decision with regards to the Wildy, which from time to time they seem to regret or backpedal from and halfheartedly fix. My view is that they should simply make a decision once and for all and execute it. Either revive the Wilderness through a serious rework, or just let it rot, but none of this half-hearted stuff. That's all.


    As for SGS, I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. It's not nearly as problematic as the SOF, anyways.

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  11. The Wildness has been long obsolete and dead, largely due to Jagex's own negelect. They need to accept this and move on, instead of half-heartedly forcing us all into the Wildy every now and then, in order to feed us to the Pkers. It's annoying, as is the removal of Skulls.




    Also I find the new Solomon's stores stuff to be a rather lazy effort. Just a better recoloring of already existing stuff? Certainly makes one feel as though they wasted their coins on the previous inferior versions. Seems like a scam, almost, with no refunds and all.

  12. Personally I don't care for farming the scrolls. I mean ideally you'll be hunting for the materials long after you've obtained all of the scrolls...


    Not true. With the generous trade-good rewards, you will have the materials long before you have all the armour scrolls.


    Let alone just the ones you've wanted. So honestly its better of to just go with the flow really. Get the scrolls you want the most first the keep working at it even if you are at the pincers. Ill be lucky to get even 4/12 of the sea singer scrolls before the pincers open up for me, but whatever - fine! I plan on spending the same amount of time I did getting where I am to just get the materials to make the sets (and probably even more!).


    This is dubious at best. As things currently stand, gathering the scrolls in Pincers will be far more difficult, and take far longer.


    I don't see how people are so behind on the scrolls tbh.


    I'm not especially hunting them; failed a few, turned others down for story or w/e and thus far I have Rocktail Soup, Seasinger body, Seasinger Legs and Death Lotus body scrolls completed and I'm only a few days into the Bowl region.


    Because of the idiotic luck based system that Jagex employs everywhere. I have failed several consecutive 80%+ Scroll missions.

  13. He found bugs. If someone was doing my job for me I'd probably be pretty damn friendly towards him too.


    Jagex should invite him to dinner sometime. Maybe nice seafood and a glass of wine.


    Most people who "find" bugs get bans or other harsh penalties. Why should Woox16 be any different? Because he told MMG that he was pretty or something?

  14. If you've gotten to a point where you can comfortably manage 80%-90% on scroll missions, you may want to consider sticking around in a region to get scrolls more easily. Progression into the Pincers for scroll missions is much, much harsher than that for Scythe to Bowl.


    Basically this. Not only do scroll voyages(well, all voyages) in Pincers take longer, have much sterner requirements, but presumably you're only supposed to be able to get a decent success % on them if you buy all/most of the Pincers upgrades which will take a very long time to get. At the moment I can comfortably get 85-90% on my scrolls. I have decided I will stick around after all, for the Scrolls. Should take me another 30 days or so to get the armour scrolls. This will incidentally also give me enough distance to get into Pincers. So I will have all the scrolls(or hopefully most of them) and be poised to just do the Trade-Voyages.

  15. As far as I've seen once we reach a new area, scroll missions all go up right? So we can't just select a previous region and hunt for scrolls that way correct?


    Scrolls can only be hunted through Special Voyages, which are tied to the highest region unlocked, not the region focused on. So, no.

  16. If you're not rushing to build and sell anything, you may want to more actively hunt scrolls while you can with a better success rate and faster voyages.


    I am only there to make the Superior Armours. I don't care about the Scrimshaws or any of that other stuff. So I need another 27 Scrolls. I'm actively hunting the scrolls at the moment. How much boost does that Scroll Totem give?Is it worth it?

  17. What would you be rushing to the Pincers for?


    For the trade-goods. I have 9 scroll pieces at the moment. From the looks of it, it would take me forever to assemble everything in the Pincers. Which is why I should probably just only do Scroll missions for the rest of the Bowl, or something.

  18. I should have focused on scrolls in the earlier regions..the time and requirements for them in the Pincers is insane.. Think it was 12k in Morale/SF and an 18 hour voyage..

    Failed my last tetsu leg scroll but got the 25 plates from my story mission. :(. Basically GF to trying to make some cash from Ports.


    I feel the same way with regards to Scrolls. I am 70% into the bowl, and am now considering if it's worth it to just stick with the bowl artificially, get all the armour scrolls, then move onto Pinciers.


    Also, could you share your crew setup?

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