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  1. So not having any melee stats shouldn't be a problem? I do plan on making this my main source of money, so I'm trying to estimate fastest time possible with those stats and some experience. I think I will go ahead and get 85 defense for full Gano. Special gear I will have available: Chaotic Kiteshield (if there is a better one, please do say) Chaotic Crossbow Full Arma if needed Full Gano Polypore Staff Overloads Rigour Anything else I should look into getting? O and I forgot to mention that I am 1 summoning.
  2. So I will be ranging and maging Kiln? Are there any tricks to speeding up runs? Gear suggestions?
  3. Hi, I haven't played Runescape in ~2 years, and have decided to start up again this summer. I'm currently working on a range tank, with short term goals of 94 range/mage, 75 defense, 75 prayer. Are these stats high enough to do Kiln and not take forever? I understand that there is a learning curve to doing Kiln, and the more you do it, the better you get, but are the above stats good enough to start trying? Can you estimate how long it might take me? Thanks in advanced!
  4. All PC/ Steam players please add me Steam: hermyabc In Game: Obama Llama Oh, and I was bored. Here's a video of me in a squad deathmatch game.
  5. Anyone want to post some gameplay videos up? Add me as a friend (PC Version) Name: Obama Llama Will be posting a video (will be unedited) soon, tell me what you think.
  6. How far do you think that rares are going to drop? Or are they even going to drop?
  7. Wow...I've found my twin! Well sort of. I stand 6 feet and weigh around 135. I have biceps and triceps, but my rib cage, like his, kind sticks out. I do have some pecks, but they can be better. I have 1 problem though. I broke my wrists a few months back and anything that bends my wrist is bad for me? So are there any chest working exercises that I can do without bending my wrists? (So pushups are a no-no)
  8. Could you please explain what cavemanning is? Digging a hole and hiding in it?
  9. Haha thanks RPG and everyone else who answered. Yeah I guess self absorbed is the right word. He wasn't like this in high school. I guess I'll just have to move on. By the way, about the group split, he just brought it up randomly one night, so I was kind of lost for words and let him get away with it. I am too nice to confront people and it's hard for me to say no.
  10. Yeah, I know I'm feeling paranoid. But I just feel like he back stabs me sometimes, or he is messing with me. Despite moving through some many areas, I am still quite naive in the ways of the world due to over protective parents. Here are 2 examples of him "messing" with me: 1. About a year back there was some drama in our group, sort of a split where the "core" group kind of became a-holes and alienated the rest. Told him about it, and told him how I felt about those people. Maybe a month ago, he started saying that I brain washed him about the the "a-holes" and turned him against them just because I didn't like them. He said quote " I was being to dramatic". 2. Just this weekend we were chatting, talking about girls and stuff and he was like "Yeah Susie (not real name) seems like a girl you would really like. She's athletic and out going...blah blah blah blah blah..." And then he goes on telling me how she likes him...-.-. Is it just my imagination? or is he messing with my head.
  11. It makes sense, most guys build comfort before (or often instead of) attraction because nice guy syndrome is so common. You have to keep in mind that this is infact a Rnuescape Fansite's forum ;) Well growing uo in 3 different highschools has certainly taken its toll on you. You have no loyal friends to really fall back on, because you've never known anyone long enough. You lack of trust for people is understandable. Trust is a difficult thing to earn, but the more time you spend with someone, the more likely you are to trust them. Maybe you and your roomate just aren't connecting on a very personal level. There's plenty of ways to change that (like asking for advice, meeting his family/friends). Or maybe he's just one of those guys that you can't really get close to. They exist believe it or, not but it usually poses a larger problem to women then it does guys. Some guys like just hanging out and having a good time. And that's the extent of their existance. There is no deep, personal relationship available. You said you are good at meeting people, which is a good tool to have. You should stop acting cold towards people out of paranoia though. You gotta start letting things ride. Smoetimes it ends up messy, other times you'll find yourself with a very close friend. Oops, I forgot to mention that I knew him from my last high school. So I've known him for 2 years already. So I know his family, I'm actually great friends with his brother. So yeah...help!?
  12. After reading through part of this thread, I feel that perhaps this thread can help me as well. I have 4 problems: 1. I feel like one of my best [guy] friends is an a-hole. PS: I am male as well. 2. I live with him. In the same room to be exact. No, I am not gay, it's called college, and my friend is called my roommate. 3. I feel as if I have no other friends close enough to me to share my feelings. 4. Not really sure how to know someone is really a "good" friend. As in someone who actually cares for you and not someone that just likes hanging out with you. Some history: I don't think that I am anti-social in anyway. I've been to 3 different high schools(1 Over seas, 1 in Texas and 1 in California), so meeting people isn't really that hard for me. However, keeping a [close] friend is sort of challenging since I keep moving. I tend to over think things. For example: sometimes I stop talking to people because I feel that I message them to much. Or I act cold to girls after talking to them for a while because I am afraid that they will think that I like them (Kind of weird). I tend to take some things personally. Fine, maybe not some, ALOT of things personally lately. VERY SUSPICIOUS LATELY (OR JUST NOT TRUSTING PEOPLE), I feel that people are leaving me out of things on purpose. ^The above has been driving me nuts lately, and I feel as if I am not being myself. Any help is appreciated. (Especially for the best friend issue) Will add more details when needed.
  13. Debit does work as long as it is Visa or MasterCard. Sources: I used my debit card for membership
  14. Ah I see, well I did some research and this is what I found: Combat levels do not really affect hp. In increasing HP order: Avansies CB: 71, 73, 69, 131,94, 97. Avansies with these CB's have Hp's in the range of the 60's and 70's while the CB 84 and 87 Avansies have much higher HP's. And yeah I decided on inside the encampment because there are many more avansies and I found a sweet spot. This question is solved. Results (it might help other people) For a level 76 zerker pure with 44 prayer and 71 range, best gear is: Sara Mitre, Arma Pendent, Monk robes top and bottom, Rune cross bow with emerald (e) bolts, zammy book, archers ring and climbing boots in Armadyls encampment.
  15. Are you sure that they have double hp? I just checked the tip.it database and it says otherwise
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