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Everything posted by phoenix1421

  1. Tritous: (Obviously the point of a long post is not to simply have a long post, I was just joking about the fact that our posts make most posts look like they belong on an instant messaging service, both in thinking power behind them, and in length) The implications of legendary levels are many and complex. I have no idea what they all are and how they would/could play out. This lack of knowledge about it makes me less than ready to get behind the idea. I am not sure there is anyone that could truly understand and know what would happen under every circumstance because we are dealing with unpredictable people. The current system, as flawed as it may be, is controlled by the fact that there is someone else out there that can replace you. Many people come to these games searching power, and by giving to them exactly what they want by forcing them to sell their souls to a computer game...I shudder to think of what would happen... People would reach these "unreachable" limits and it record time, what was supposed to take 2 years took them 2 months, and in those same 2 months anything that mattered to them in the real world is gone. The consequences for a change so drastic to the game could be many in the game, but there could be consequences that literally change peoples lives, all because Runescape set an "unachievable" goal before them and they were so addicted to the game that they had to do it. Just because you have self control does not mean others do. That is why we have jails, police, security systems, laws, even the death penalty... No, Runescape should never present its players with such a task, because in the end, it could literally kill someone. http://english.pravda.ru/accidents/21/9 ... games.html And if you still think it is a good idea, I am sure you can find other extreme reasons why it is a bad one, but none I can think of are as serious as this one.
  2. I don't know... I think if jagex decideds to open it up they need to seriously rethink their xp level formula (or however they came up with those numbers) because the absurdity of a system where the 13 some million points of xp it took to get your skill cape being aprox. the same amount it takes to go from 99-101 or maybe a little higher is just insane. Trying to run a worldwide economy based upon the stats of a select few "no-lifers" is not where I want to see the game going. If RS does decide to open up its self prescribed 99 cap it needs to rethink its entire leveling xp system so that level 199 or whatever they decided to cap it at was, like stated, virtually impossible to attain, but so that the low to medium 100's are still attainable in an amount of time/energy to allow average gamers a chance to get in on the bonus of being up there, instead of being forced to make/stay friends with the guys they know are going to be up there. I would hate RS to get turned into some kind of weird place where a few guys with god-like stats controlled 99% of the market thanks to the fact that everyone sucks up to them so they can have some of the new stuff when it comes out. P.S Tritous, long posts ftw!
  3. No offense, but the article was too short and too vague. I think deathmath, as the author, has the responsibility to offer more solutions and try to make more precises statements and arguments. I think the next logical step is to beef up magic and range so that all three classes are overpowered. Then the health disparity will be fixed the same way it always has, better health restoration and new damage reduction technologies. I would imagine a new prayer specifically designed to limit big hits and not small ones, new potions that can heal large amounts (and possible boost your health above max, well above max, for a short period (like say 150%, or even 200%))but do nothing if taken too often (like most stat boosting potions do now), armours or other equitable items that can limit the power of high force hits (imagine modern day reactive armour, but for RS, so that the item would expend itself negating, or severely limiting the hit, like a ring of reduction instead of recoil (something cheap enough to challenge the power, but expensive/limited enough not to nerf the weapon))), or you could have familiars that can do some or all of the following, with the added ability of my personal favorite: healing the summoner. The familiar would essentially be doing the proverbial hp boost you all want, without breaching the max of 99. It could be something like lunar magics heal other except your familiar can expend itself in order to save you, or at least extend your life (then if you die anyway the possibilities for entertaining cut scenes upon death increases (I gave my life for you and you died anyway!?)). Lets not forget the possibilities of weapons that heal the user for hits dealt, arrows that do the same (yes I realize RS has attempted this, but I am talking about better ones, ones that can fight back against uber hits) or possible (another favorite of mine) magic spells that leach "life" out of the surrounding... whatever-RS-wants-to-say-the-health-is-coming-from...thing (I am guessing they would either go with the "untapped" magic properties of the ground, or the invisible spirit realm (I would personally lean towards the spirit realm one, because then they could factor in "pity" so if you are reeaaaalllyyy low health you would heal for more because the spirits "pitied" you more)). As you can see the list of ways RS can balance this "corner" they have backed themselves into is really only limited by their creativity, and their guts to try something truly awesome with the chance of it biting hard if they made a mistake. What I am really hoping for is that RS backed themselves into this "corner" just so that when the next update that fixes it come you will all be so amazed at how awesome RS is you will personally invest in Jagex stocks. On the other side, which is more probably more likely given RS's below par history on these kinds of things, it will take a long time and many millions of fan complaints from readers like you, as well as really good suggestions from readers like you (feel free to steal anything you see here and publish it as your own, seriously I don't get around enough to defend anything as my one, I would rather see the good ideas stolen and run with instead of "respectfully" left to me to spread) before RS finally takes a step towards fixing this disparity in power to HP. OK now for my conclusion, seriously if you like my ideas steal them and run with them. Secondly I really hope RS finally gets around to beefing up Range and Magic (I am talking at least DOUBLING their power (or something)) because until Range and Magic get the power they deserve to keep the infamous combat triangle alive (because as deathmath hinted at, the PvP combat triangle looks like magic is actually weak to melee instead of the intended other way around) the whole PvP combat system is going to be flawed, before you even factor in HP. Finally, thanks for reading through this long response, I hope it was worth your time, now go republish my ideas as your own (because mimicry is the highest form of flattery? Na, its because I'm not a big contribute and this seems like the best way to disseminate information that you like)! (DO IT NOW! SERIOUSLY! DO IT!) (Edit: lol this post has more words than the original article...ftw!)
  4. I can't find a really good spot to hunt the chinchompas...i tried near the copper longtails but that wasn't great and the other spot i tried is not that good either...any tips on where to go? maybe highlight it on the map the best place?[/i]
  5. I think that the new system and the old one should be combined, so that you can hide the guide, then you open that up to see the short guide, then you can expand all of those to make a more indepth guide to that tip, that system would make for the sleakest and best over all guide. on a side note the pictures never bugged me, one thing i really like about another sites guides is they often have a map and the map has on it labeled the people or places to go, i really like that. What bugs me about the current (old) system is that when you are wondering what you forgot to do you often have to read an entire paragraph to figure out what you didnt do. That is why a shorter version would be really nice. Had there been no option for both i would have gone for the shorter one, but since there is really little point to not having both i see no reason not to have both.
  6. I really enjoyed reading this article, it had a lot of good thought put into it, and I liked it. I completely agree with anything goes in the wild, thats what makes PKing so interesting, the only honor in the wild is understanding that anything goes and accepting the outcome of the fight, if the person gets away they got away, they didnt dishonor their family by doing, and there is nothing you can do about it, accept the outcome and either do something about it, or shut up and don't complain about it when it happenes next time. In the wild there is honor if you think there is, you cant tell somone else that they are dishonorable because they ran, because they follow a different "honor" code, they "honor" their items, where you may honor a fight to the death. If you want to make someone follow your honor code don't expect it to happen in the wild. I really hope that someday people will realize everyone doesnt have to follow your beleifs, and that by calling someone a noob for not following your beleif is a pretty stupid thing to try to do. They may be a noob to the game for not realizing that a fight to the death means no tele, but if you think you can force them to follow your rules in the wild you are a noob at life.
  7. I would really like to see a drop calculator added for the more popular creatures to kill for training, so you type in the number of them that you plan on killing and if gives you the percent chance that you will get a drop, from <1% to >99% chance drop based on information added on the creatures. I know it would be a hude project but I think such an awesome community like tip.it could pull it off and make it great.
  8. I found the last part of the article especially true, even though the minimum age for runescape is 13 technically, they keep dumbing the game down as if to allow younger people to play. Jagex really needs to rethink where the game is heading and if the path they are taking will get them there, but most importantly, if where they are heading is really the right place to go.
  9. i use low detail for 2 main reasons, 1 that my comp on average runs better with low detail (when it is doind well you cant tell the difference between low and high, but when its slow you can tell) and 2 because on low detail there are no annoying roofs to stop you from clicking inside the building you want to walk into, which is very nice.
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