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Posts posted by Mayjest

  1. Erm, it was a joke. Get a sense of humour.








    And for evidence, look no further than the film About a Boy. Kid gets bought expensive trainers. Next day, kid returns from school in the rain, minus expensive trainers. It happends.








    Plus, some kid at a neighbouring school got beaten up for wearing the real version of a shirt. The kid that beat him was wearing a fake version, and didn't like being compared (and judged to be less) than the other kid.

  2. Because i had to when I was at school.








    Seriously, it increases order and behaviour around school. Compare normal days with non-uniform (or mufty) days. On mufty days you generally are more 'confident' - ie, more likely to misbehave, talk back etc. So it's a good method of keep order.








    Plus, if you wear the latest designer shirt to school, it's gonna get stolen. Even if you were wearing it at the time.

  3. don't know what the heck Micheal Jackson and Jackie Stallone were thinking.








    The thing that I find funny, is that when Micheal doesn't shave, his nose goes all hairy. They obviously used skin from his upper lip to help make his nose.

  4. I made around ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã400 off the stock market last year, does that count?








    And I have a few friends who are hoping to 'win' tickets to Live 8 this year, so I hope I can 'win' as well and go with them...

  5. I know that most people have finished exams now. I think there might be a few outstanding uni ones and of course the GCSE's but it wont be long until its over then you can all have a nice long summer break before school/college/uni/work again ^_^








    Finished? I haven't even started yet! I start with a statistics module on the 16th. I finish on the 29th. 7 Exams during that period. Not much compared to the 22 most people get for GCSEs, but it seems a lot to me.

  6. My first 'real' one was vampire as well. Quickly followed by Nemesis (my favourity UK ride) and Air. I love rollercoasters.








    But my all time favourite has to be Hulk at Universal Studios, florida. Absolutly fantastic. So fast that you can feel you cheeks flapping against your ears.








    You know how most roller coasters pull you up and then drop you? I thought the Hulk would do that too. Then about half way up that dragging bit we suddenly get launched and fly out! I was not expecting it all, my heart nearly stopped! I loved that ride. Better than everything at Disneyland put together.

  7. Sadly I am already trying to do 3 things at once on that weekend. Why is that weekend so popular? Not only is it the first weekend after my exams finish, but I am also supposed to be techieing at an outreach weekend, and at a training day for another group. Thank God for laptops and mobile phones, I'm still gonna watch the whole thing ;)

  8. I'm appreciating life at the moment. I know for a fact that people would miss me if I died. When I told people where I was going to for Uni (Belfast, and I live just outside London), there were a few who looked crestfallen.








    I wouldn't mind dying for a day, just to see peoples reactions when they find out. I'd be quite curious.








    Now I could go all religion on you here, but I won't. :wink: But as Christian, I do believe that I have some purpose. What that is, I have no idea. But I'm looking forward to finding out.

  9. There are so many things. There's the similaritys between Kennedy and Lincoln.








    Both the assassins have the same amount of letter in their name (15 I think)








    Lincoln was shot in a theatre and the assassin ran to a warehouse to hide, Kennedy was vica versa.








    And my favourite: A week before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe, Maryland. A week before Kennedy was shot he was in Marylin Monroe.








    and others:








    For every person in New Zealand, there are 8 sheep.








    June and July are the time when people aged 16 - 22 are most likely to get sick. The reason? Exam stress.


    I'd wish for more wishes of course.








    And couldn't Aladdin wish to wish for more wishes, then use his second wish to wish for a billion wishes?








    yes, and this proves that disney chars r dumb.








    You've obviously not paid enough attention to the film. The Genie makes it clear that wishing for more wishes is not allowed.








    I would wish for a lot of things. Firstly, that Bush would agree with the rest of the G8 this summer about Africa. There's a few other things as well, but most of them would inflitrate on free will, so I can't. I would wish that I would pass all my exams with straight As though. And that Oxford and Cambridge Universitys will ring me up and beg me to go to them, just so I can turn the smarmy elitists down.

  11. Yay! Cookies! mmmmm...








    Well done, I wish I could get A's. In my GCSEs (2 years ago) I took 12, passed them all, but only got 2 A's (most in my class/friends got at least 5. One girl got straight A*. I hate her :lol: ), the rest were Bs. but at least I can keep the Bs consistent, as I need 3 of them to get the University I want to go to.

  12. Almost everyone is fluent in English. I spent a month in Thailand over the summer, right amongst the northern hill-tribes (the ones who are persecuted by the Thai government for not being Thai). Even though spoke English!








    The only problem that I get is when I use slang, or shorten my words. So I don't do that any more. I did have a lot of fun explaining what 'minging' mean't to a spanish girl though. Me and my friends led her on for quite a while...

  13. What the? I didn't even know this was on? It's normally on channel 5 or something.








    Anyway, I thought I'd check out what the UK offered this year. She's not perfect, but I'd still be delighted to be dating her :lol: . But this confused me:
















    Since when is that the UK's National Costune? What exactly is she trying to be?

  14. So explain that to the girl at my school. She used follow wicca, and has been to and taken part in some fairly odd things. Animal Scarfices (involving lots of blood), mas masicism followed by a mass orgy. I.e., everyone cut themselves, then had an orgy.








    Plus, I am a Christian. She used to run and hide from me, claiming that my head was on fire and the power inherent within me scared her. Head on fire sounds a lot like pentecost, and which power runs from God? The devil. Makes a lot of sense to me.








    She has since left Wicca, though hasn't become a Christian yet. She realised that the power that was in me was greater than the power she was worshipping, so she left.








    Now, that may not have been proper Wicca. It was probably a 'corrupted' version. But she was lured in through the 'it's just being in tune with Nature' stuff as well. Look how that turned out. ;) Next time you "cure ignorance", make sure it's actual ignorance.








    But as I said, it will be over turned eventually. Amercian Law demands it. The state department may not like it, heck, I'm not keen on it, but I'd rather people had the freedom to do something and chose not to, than were forced not to.



    hahahahahahhahahahahahah you all make me laugh..........








    NOFX do not mention them in the same forum as linkin park please...




    i get a head ache listening to more then 2 of there songs.....








    who's the bad band? NOFX or Linkin Park?








    NOFX may have been around since the mid 80s (with different band members), but they still wouldn't be as famous as they are now without Linkin Park 'breaking in' 'new-rock' to the masses.




    If you had read my prev. post you would realise i like Linkin Park... and i state that listening to more then 2 NOFX songs hurts my head.....








    Linkin Park has opened my mind to such bands as: System of a down, Slipknot, Rage Agaisnt the Machines, Sum 41...




    I use to only listen to Techno..... those were not the days.. hahahaha








    I did read your previous post, about a week ago ;)








    So you should see what I mean about Linkin Park being a gateway to other, better bands. Sure, Linkin Park are ok (I still get Hybrid Theory out every now and then when I'm driving), but there are some far better bands.

  16. It can't. I haven't read the article, but it seems self explanatory.








    The Separation of Church and State (can't remember which amendment, or if it was an amendment at all), stops a judge from passing a judgement like this. It only happened because it's Indianapolis. It'll get overturned eventually.








    While I'm all for individual rights and such, it may not be the brightest idea to expose a child to Wicca. Devil worship isn't healthy.

  17. Mood swings are caused by Hormones, as is PMS. The difference is, a boys hormones will calm down (eventually), whereas a girl will still get pumped up on Oestrogen and progesterone (I think) every 28 days.

  18. hahahahahahhahahahahahah you all make me laugh..........








    NOFX do not mention them in the same forum as linkin park please...




    i get a head ache listening to more then 2 of there songs.....








    who's the bad band? NOFX or Linkin Park?








    NOFX may have been around since the mid 80s (with different band members), but they still wouldn't be as famous as they are now without Linkin Park 'breaking in' 'new-rock' to the masses.

  19. United and Delirious? are amazing. I saw Delirious? at their Christmas concert last year. So good.








    United I'm seeing in August, they're coming to lead at Hillsong London. I love their new album.








    Toby Mac? As in ex-dc Talk? Jesus Freak was a brilliant album, whats Mac like?








    Actually, I recognise an awful lot of those bands, but haven't heard some of them. Out of Eden, Audio Adrenaline, both of those I recognise, but haven't heard.








    Mike Philivachi is a good speaker, he founded Soul Survivor. If you've heard of Matt Redman or Tim Hugues, that's where they came from. It's so cool, Soul Survivor was founded by St. Andrews, and St Andrews was founded by ChristChurch, which is my Church! The original and the best ;)








    PS, have a load of fun, but with some of those bands, there is pretty much no way you won't.

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