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Posts posted by Mayjest

  1. Go out, buy a USBkey (also known as a datastick), even an iPod will do it, copy everything important accross (word documents, excel stuff, etc. Not stuff that can be redone, such as saved game files (unless you're real.ly attached to one). The format your hard drive. Reinstall xp or whatever OS you use, then put the important stuff back on from the datastick. Problem solved.

  2. someone's just read Dan Brown's Deception Point! 8)








    By 'privatising space', do you mean privatising the space program (i.e. NASA) or actually purchasing areas of space? Technically it's not possible to own space, as we can only own areas of space above the earth, in relation to the earth. As the earth is hurtling through space (around the sun, and the sun goes around the centre of the galaxy, and no one's quite sure if the galaxy goes around anything or just moves), so the bit of space that you buy would stay one place, but we'd move away from it, making it a bit pointless.








    But privatising the space program would also not work. No NASA or the British equivalent (I know the American one but not the British one. I'm embarrased :oops: ) means no more scientific advancments. Space exporation would just become a giant fireworks display with name brands all over them. Though I don't see the reason why companies can't sponsor rockets. I think it would be quite funny to watch a rocket blast of with 'Marks and Spencer's' on the side :)

  3. Your question "What's the worst she could do to you?" I could answer, but it would probably demoralise most people on this boards to the point of never posting again. I have a very active imagination.

  4. I will say this one time and one time only. Liberals are as screwed up as a soup sandwich.








    mmm tasty. I find that quite insulting. I consider myself a 'middle-left' person. I'm a Christian, and as such hold some fairly right wing views about things like marriage, which in America would make me an Ultraconservative. Yet I also believe that it is not right that workers slave for a pittance to make trainers which Nike then sells for a huge profit. I don't believe it's fair that coffee farmers are forced to sell their coffee at prices that will mean their children will not eat for 3 days out of 7 because of heavy subsidies by western nations. I do not believe it is right that there is such mass widespread poverty when for a relatively tiny sum the westen countries can save millions of lifes. This, in America, would make a Democrat/liberal. In England, I'm known as an Evangelical. I go by the principles of the Bible (which says more about helping the poor than making money, which I wish some people would take note of). if I were american, I would vote democrat. yeah, based on my 'seemingly' conflicting views (which don't actually conflict, I probably just didn't explain properly), I am as screwed up as a soup sandwich.








    But I would like to know why believing that it is morally wrong that 6 children have died of preventable diseases while you have been reading this post, makes you as screwed as a soup sandwhich? If wanting what is right for the world as a whole, not just yourself, is screwed as a soup sandwich, then I must be incredibly soggy.


    Lol, I saw that Chris Rock sketch on Bowling for Columbine. I thought he had a point.








    You lot have a gun crime problem this bad? And you people let Bush back in? What do you expect to happen when you elect a person who does what the NRA says? Sorry about your leg and all, it must have hurt though.








    Maybe, eventually, America will wake up and realise that owning a gun will not help matters. Only make them worse. I doubt it will happen within my lifetime though.








    You think gang members shooting innocent people in the street bought and own their guns legally? Yeah, i'm sure they spend many a sleepless night worrying about keeping their licenses up to date....








    Dude, do you know the gun laws of your own country? Thanks to the Bush administration and the NRA, records of who owns a gun are destroyed after 24 hours, leaving the government with no record of who owns what. So yes, I would say that in most states, the guns that gangs own were bought legally, and they never renewed their licenses, as no one checks up on them. In the inner city, with the Crips and such, yes they are probably illegal firearms, usually stolen from houses in the suburbs. So, if they got rid of guns, not only would gang members be able to pseudo-legally purchase one, but there would be no guns in the suburbs that could be stolen and then sold illegally to gang members. So it would reduce the amount of new guns into the inner city gangs by a huge amount. So yeha, actually, it would have an effect.

  6. Its kinda sad that u look at the net for answers to this question to be honest when the answer is so clear. ASK HER or ull regret not asking. What the worst she can do to u.








    I could answer that, but I'd rather not. The consequences to the moral on this board could be devistating.

  7. Yeah, Tesco's isn't a walmart, but it's the best british example we have. And the being evil to your suppliers is inherent in every supermarket, that's how they keep the prices down.








    I haven't seen Farenheit 9/11, but I see where Micheal Moore's coming from. There is something wrong with a country when they blame video games and rock music for kids shooting each other, rather than the fact that they had access to guns. In England, we have the exact same games and music as america, yet we have far less gun crime. I think there might be a reason for that.








    Oh, and don't stop boycotting and protesting. Politcal apathy is never productive in a democracy. I'm not sure how America can still call itself a democracy. In the last election, the turnout was around 66% or something? And you called that good. In England, that's low enough to force another election. Hell, in the Ukraine, that's low enough to force a new election. And yet in the US that's a HIGH voter turnout? Something's wrong with your ideas of democracy people.

  8. I've discovered that women are like buses. You wait ages for one, and then three come along at once. Except that they're friends with each other, and you're allready friends with all of them, so you can't go out with any of them, or risk losing the friendship of the entire group (not only those three, but their circles of friends as well). I hate weeks like that. You just pray that the one that you would want to date will still fancy you when the others give up. Not looking likely though.

  9. Woohoo! The age old smoking debate. Time for me to throw my (usually unwanted) ore in.








    First off, I'm not entirely sure what the first poster was saying. I think it was an anti-governments-smoking policy post. Oh well, that's what I'm gonna react to it as being, so thats what it is, ok? :wink:








    Here in England, for every ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5 someone spends on smoke, ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã4.50 of that goes to the government in taxes (roughly, can't be bothered to work out exact figures). Which is why our government isn't worried about the damage that 'direct' smoking (actually smoking yourself) is doing to the NHS (National Health Service), as the smokers pretty much pay for it by themselves. They are worried about the cost of passive smoking, which could eventually cost a lot more than what it does now. As the 'ancient' adage goes - "Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool!" Which is why the government wants to ban it in public places.








    As for the companies, I'm not sure how the CEOs sleep at night. Anyone who can earn money because of the suffering of millions of people and yet still believe they have a clean conscience has got be some sort of demon, because I lie awake when I see an oxfam advert. Yesterday I was at a make poverty history conference that the Labour Party put on, and it troubled my conscience as much as Comic Relief does! That was a joke about the CEOs, just incase you start flaming me.








    And to the person who said that smoking makes you cool and fits in with the crowd - you're an idiot. I have several friends who claim 'I'm a social smoker', and yet, when we're all at a party or having fun inside, they say 'I'm just nipping out for a [bleep].' How social is that?








    Oh, and Bubsa (I think it was you), I agree with what you said about the blowing smoke in the face thing. Some bloke in a pub did that to me once, after I specifially asked him not to. I'll called him an arrogant [bleep] who's penis was smaller than a toothbrush, who had some kind of inferiority complex about poisoning strangers. He got angry, and was promptly thrown out and arrested for violent behaviour. That's the key with drunk people or chavs, call them names that they don't understand, and then have them arrested for threatening behaviour.

  10. In England, we have a similar company. It's called Tescos. They've driven loads of small business' out of business (including one of my families best friends, who lost his grocers because he could keep his prices low enough to match tescos and still earn enough to pay his rent), yet no one plans on boycotting them. Largely because they've been wise enough to stay out of politics.








    The problem with America is that everything (and I mean absolutely everything) is politicised. It's like in Belfast, where everything in religious. In America, you're either Democratic or Republican, both side's believe they're the right ones, and neither side will talk to each other or ocmpromise. In Belfast, you're either Protestant or Catholic, and again, neither side will talk to each other. Although I don't think it's got to the stage where you will be shot if you wear the wrong colour in the wrong street, as in Belfast. Hopefully it won't get that bad, but the last election was fairly hot, so we never know...

  11. Lol, I saw that Chris Rock sketch on Bowling for Columbine. I thought he had a point.








    You lot have a gun crime problem this bad? And you people let Bush back in? What do you expect to happen when you elect a person who does what the NRA says? Sorry about your leg and all, it must have hurt though.








    Maybe, eventually, America will wake up and realise that owning a gun will not help matters. Only make them worse. I doubt it will happen within my lifetime though.

  12. George Lucas actually brought sod all new ideas into the directing world. The shots are all simplisitic, and it doesn't seem to me like he inspired the actors at all. Harrison Ford's acting is terrible (seriously, worse than air force one), and Euan McGreagor may have tried hard in Episode one, but Jaja Binks ruined that, and he's just got lazy since. He's only sucessful because he wrote a script that geeks lapped up...








    Any way, Ridley Scott's usually good, and the bloke who did Casanova and the new Doctor Who for BBC one seems good, though I have no idea what his name is.

  13. almost all the ones for Perfect Dark (N64)








    Their bodies are square, their movements are stiff, no mouth movements, and so-so voice acting.








    Dude, that sort of thing was awsome for the time.








    I'd say anything on metal gear sold (any version). Well, the second time through. The first time is never so bad, but the second time (especially the unskippable ones) are so tedious I wanted to throw my GameCube out the window.

  14. Meh. even though I've done it loads, it still takes me a while to work up the courage to actually ask a girl out. Maybe you should take advantage of your current alcohol intake and ring her? (Joke, never call a girl when drunk. Unless you were at the same party together and you need to find out where she is)

  15. Now, Pokemon, there was a classic anime...




















    *waits for flames*








    I have never heard of anything you lot have mentioned here. Which I actually find reassuring. I'm not the greatest fan of anime, surprisingly enough. Not everything that comes out of Japan is automatically amazing, you know. But if you're talking about movies. Battle Royale, that is a brilliant film. Gave my ex-girlfriend nightmares for a week, but I really enjoyed it. Really, you wonder why we broke up... hehe.

  16. All prophesy is best explained after the event. After 9/11, people claimed nostradamus had predicted the whole thing. if you looked at the same passage on 8/11, you wouldn't have guessed it. That's why there are so many different theories on the end of the world. though there do seem to be parallels in some (antiChrist in nostradamus = the beast in revelation). But again, you won't know until after the event.

  17. I pulled one of my teeth out b4 when i had a really bad toothache by my self. Ok get some pliers and napkins








    or if you want to deal with the pain just put pressure on it. I've had 2 root canals 5-6 drillings on my teeth which are all filled now. I've pulled out a few teeth by my self but only 1 adult.








    damn, you gotta start cleaning your teeth more regularly!

  18. This is why it should be law that you can only start learning to drive in a car with dual control and a licensed instructor! Then in now way can you confuse the brake with the accelerator. Also, why bother using cones? When I was learning to drive, we just did it around a car. Incredibly slowly, and with the instructor's foot on his brake admittedly, but no cones involved.








    That could have been prevented so easily: by using the handbrake. When we're taught, whenever we come to a complete stop (such as traffic lights), we should put the handbrake on and take it out of gear. Then there's no risk of us doing anything stupid. If the mother or daughter had just used their heads, then this wouldn't have happened. Yes I'm sorry and all, but it makes me more angry than sad, especially as this was a needless, and completely preventable, death.

  19. I've never had toothache. Well, bad toothache anyway. Try appendicitus, that kills ;)








    And to all you people who are having teeth pulled: be glad you have anasthetic. My friends alergic to the type that dentists use, and had to have 4 out with no painkillers. She was a quivering wreck when I saw her later that day. Fortunately, she's allowed generals in hospitals, or when she had her tonsils out that would have REALLY hurt.

  20. I've tried a few handstand moves, never done it properly. I can also do one move where you swing your leg around and hop over it with your other leg. Once you get the speed up you're essentially swinging your legs around and are only standing on your hands. You can then go from there into swinging youself around properly, spread out. hard to describe in text, but hopefully you get what I mean.

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