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  1. I learned not to take pictures of rs stuff anymore :/ (my computer blew up like a year ago and lost all of them :P) so i never take pics anymore :/ i didnt really think i was gonna have to prove to anyone i got those kills as well ;-) Maybe my teammate made a picture... not sure tho, he doesnt take pics alot either :/ he doesnt even have a pic of getting his 99 slay :P anyway i'll ask him, if he doesnt have one i'll go on a new trip with him after my exams (next week tuesday i'm finished)... if by then that bug got fixed yet that is I'll take a screeny then :-) edit : oh yeh i forgot... it wasnt in a lootshare world (so we wouldnt get crashed)... so the kc's wouldnt be the same :/ though they were pretty close i recall
  2. well, i'm not that sure about it, but i THINK (note i'm not sure) that when your team kills a runner with cannon the points get shared troughout the team, whereas when a defender kills the runner, the defender gets the points :/ just try it like this... be defender, constantly drop wrong food and let the rest of the team cannon all the runners... did you get alot of points? :/ also, the 2 collector thing is worth noting imo :P
  3. cannon doesnt make you LOSE point, but you do MISS OUT on points ;-) if you're a good defender (like me... well not to brag, but i'm pretty good and i enjoy it :P) I get pretty mad when they steal my points :/ Also not sure if you mentioned it but.... 2 healers (imo) is not needed... much better have 2 collectors for maxing out points :P
  4. he is 98 magic, i'm 97... we did spell swap no, we dont have divine/elly yes we got 50+ kills pot share, both sgs, he had no guthan but wasnt rly needed, cuz we were both sup setted boss went down pretty fast and he rarely had to brew he also had yak packed with brews he took 3 brews to 1 sup rest cuz we share the sup restores you can take way more brews you see :/ i didnt even start with bob... i started off with unicorn at the start luck? not rly, i was hitting rubbish >.< whip+dfs for minions is pretty handy to take though I also took like 5-6 brews for him, rest of my inv was runes for pot/stat pot share and sup restores and 4 pure sets i usually did the share spells tho cuz when he brewed his mage lvl got too low :P edit == i forgot to mention, he took 1 sumonned pak yack, 1 pak yack pouch (and scrolls for some extra cash off the bones :P) and an extra unicorn pouch for when second yack died
  5. imo (but thats just my opinion...) you fail horribly at tanking... but 99.9% do 1 word.... lunars first of all a pak yack IS useful (though i only have 88 sumonning, but i sometimes duo ffa with a good friend of mine, and pak yack IS useful, trust me) secondly LUNARS !!! pot share and heal other (heal other not to be attemted when duoing, not worth it and attacker cant heal fast enough, but in bigger teams it's definately worth it) pot share and stat restore share this way tanker can be sup setted even when he takes no potions with him (1 dose = 2 people sup setted) and stat restore pot share 1 sup restore/pray restore dose = 2 people so it makes a trip either 2 times as long, or 2 times as cheap, your choise last time i duoed, we had plenty of supplies left but we left cuz i (attacker) was out of sup sets to keep us potted :P we managed 50+ kills though... and imo for DUO that is insanely good
  6. nubz0r.... I don't even get a chain after 3k queens :'( (that's a joke if you're stupid) I didn't believe you when you pmed me on rs... but this is..... sweeet :-) good luck on the race too! XD
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