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Everything posted by brunokiller

  1. Get trim back you filthy casual. Would anyone here be willing to start a jeremy charity so we can buy him a better pc (and multiple monitors) so he doesn't have to play on those peasantry graphical settings.
  2. Two in tetsu+drygores with switches I didn't notice. One soccermom with virtus wand+book with no switches. Fourth I can't remember but was tribridding. All maxed or nearly maxed. I only lost some supreme kills ;) None after I summoned a titan; titan hits extremely well on both supreme and prime.
  3. I got crashed at dks later by a four man team, I still managed to get most of the kills :) Only the instance cost left now.
  4. Do you even get the title when you dart it?
  5. I like the time penalty for failing Jad. Keep in mind that Jad is not a for-profit boss. Allowing players to practice him takes away something.
  6. Update on what I've been doing... Got the kurask mask; proceeded o get two heads while transforming it.
  7. I disagree with Jad/Har-Aken. Both are in safe areas. Har-Aken is actually really easy; it doesn't need practice at all.
  8. 105/400 reaper points and 1504/2500 slayer points (already spent slay pts on loot beam). I've not been able to play daily recently, so I'm a tad behind.
  9. There is a free version. Most of the wallpaper and keybinding options are free.
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