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Posts posted by Warrager

  1. Well, this is pretty much what Poddy did. He borrowed 100k from a friend to stake, made a few good money, and when GWD came out. He merchanted. He made pretty much all those money from staking, to god war merchanting, to merchanting now. Pretty hot.




    <3 you Pod




    Ranged Crave


    Coming from a friend I'm guessing?


    10/10, do you have an outfit to match your purple phat?

  2. 4/10...
    You're a moron. Once you get 44 runecrafting, you can rate like that.




    And you're god? I had an account with 52 runecrafting(which I don't play with anymore). 44 Runecrafting in 11 days is not very impresive. If you play 1-2 hours a day, and more on the weekends, that easily accomplished.


    EDIT: I'm basing my rates on the merits of the accomplishments, NOT my current levels. 11 days for 44 RC is a 4/10 for me, you might see it differently, we're all entitled to our opinions. Now please stop hitting me over the head.

  3. I will type what I type everytime, This game is based on skills and not Merchanting.


    Do you mind? If you have no advise to give, why post? We don't care what your ideals are about a virtual game. Could you stop posting posts that are non related to the topic you post?


    On topic, check out the good guides on these forums for some good ideas. And check out Zybez for an up to date price guide.

  4. Use your skills -.-


    Oh wait, nvm, you probably don't have any since all you wanna do is merch.




    Dude lol like whats with you telling everyone to use their skills?..




    I mean I understand the guy who was a pure but this guy just wants ideas on merching. What do you have some built up anger toward pures and merchs? I want to merch alot of the time and I use my stats... merchanting was faster moeny though.




    If you don't have advice on the topic of discussion, then why post? For post count or to make people feel like crap?


    +1. Just let people do whatever they want before saying 'use skills -.- . Oh right, you probably don't have any.' Cry me a river.


    On topic, basically buying low and selling high is the premise. For F2P you could merch; God sets/pieces, ores, bars, rune sets/pieces, etc. Probably check an up to date price guide before you buy some items.

  5. NO.




    Especially if you are fleeing from PKers, just Bind and run for your -bleep- life before logging off. It's much cheaper and useful than teleporting.





    Stop with the caps, annoying as hell.


    Spam? He posted 5 words in caps, lol.




    On topic, it is useful for multi combat, but for single, it isn't effective at all. Also if your opponent has magic protection prayer, I think that binding time is cut in half. So...

    Stop with the mod wannabe posts all i hear nowadays is omg spam omg jagex rule breaker blah blah blah, i been on these forums since the day they opened, if you dont like the way i post, YOU leave.


    Seriously, worry about your own posts leave the rules up to the moderators.


    He might have only put 5 words in caps but it still made him look like a prat.


    Give me a break. 4 words in caps means nothing. He's EMPHASISING something. You got it? And NO I'm not a mod wannabe, what's the point? All mods do is get a crown, and the ability to report better. Is that a reason to be a mod? Maybe you should leave along with your attitude to people are just commenting. All I said is that he only posted 5 words in caps, and it's not big deal. Now I've become a mod wannabe? Lol. You could say that to about 5% of the people on these forums if you consider that a modwannabe attitude. So just leave your stupid comments about modwannabes behind, it serves no purpose.


    EDIT: Now he's probably going to say a bunch of crap about me.

  6. NO.




    Especially if you are fleeing from PKers, just Bind and run for your -bleep- life before logging off. It's much cheaper and useful than teleporting.





    Stop with the caps, annoying as hell.


    Spam? He posted 5 words in caps, lol.




    On topic, it is useful for multi combat, but for single, it isn't effective at all. Also if your opponent has magic protection prayer, I think that binding time is cut in half. So...

  7. Don't bother. 2nd games are usually crap, as they are mostly used for making money by dragging in people who like the first game to pay for the 2nd game.




    This is just like any 2nd: Ex. 2nd movie in a series, 2nd toy similiar to a first.




    They all suck, are just used for making money.




    Sorry, but I'm 100% sure that Diablo 2 is a hell lot better then 1. You're surely joking right? You probably saw one or two bad squeles/toys/games, so you're obviousily generalizing...

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