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Posts posted by Warrager

  1. ...and with every rant, there are those who would rather flame the guy than be productive...


    what this points to is a wannabe mod. the blogscapers that are usually in the chat can tell the difference between real rule-breaking and something like that...


    other than that, try appealing. careful what you say though.


    I doubt anyone who posted is even close to becoming a mod. What gave you the idea that all "flamers" are wanna be mods...?


    On topic, it's never really a good idea to do anything against Runescape, no matter how stupid the rule is. Be thankful you only got .5 black marks... The only thing you lose is a chance to be a Runescape mod...

  2. Lol Abyssal whip. Someone goes this board is not only for achivements. You imply that it is by saying "uhh, yes it is? thats why we have blogscape". I go, is he supposed to put a drop in Blogscape, because you implied very specificily that this board is only for achivements, which it is NOT -.- . I don't have a "knack" for hitting the reply button without reading what you said. Maybe you should read your own posts, and know that this board is for DROPS, and RATES as well...




    Also, he said; "rate my inventory". Are you blind to that? You keep saying, the "drop" is crap, but not one word about rating the inventory...




    i think you misinterpreted about the drops. why do most people post expensive drops from npcs? cause it belongs here! this shouldnt be considered a drop, he merely looted items from an unlucky player, so therefore, not an achievement. drops are what you get from NPCS, clues, barrows. etc. looting items from another player is not legit to these topics.




    well not checking on what more you have to say to me, words from 5 yr olds like you isnt relavent for me to read anyways.




    , later.




    Lol, okay so lets say by your interpertation of "drop" he just looted someone who died. You are still ignoring the fact he said "rate my inventory". Like I said before, are you blind to that??? Even if you discount the "looting", what's up with all the crap about the drop, and nothing about the inventory?


    Also I didn't know 5 year olds could have better grammatical and typing skills then someone else. Get a life, lol...


    EDIT: I don't really have too much time to deal with some random rambling idiot who can't even type better then a "five year old". LOL.

  3. Lol Abyssal whip. Someone goes this board is not only for achivements. You imply that it is by saying "uhh, yes it is? thats why we have blogscape". I go, is he supposed to put a drop in Blogscape, because you implied very specificily that this board is only for achivements, which it is NOT -.- . I don't have a "knack" for hitting the reply button without reading what you said. Maybe you should read your own posts, and know that this board is for DROPS, and RATES as well...




    Also, he said; "rate my inventory". Are you blind to that? You keep saying, the "drop" is crap, but not one word about rating the inventory...

  4. 0/10, no achievement.






    Care? this board is not only for achievements..




    uhh, yes it is? thats why we have blogscape.


    Lol. So he's supposed to put a drop post on Blogscape? :lol: . Like other people have said this forum is for : Drops, Achivenments, rates, etc. I don't get what the whole, "it's no achivement, 0/10" thing is about. He got some stuff when someone died, a DROP. And he's asking you to RATE his INVENTORY.

  5. killer dont pay attention to these guys they just mad bc they have died there too! :D \:D/




    Nope, not really,


    I died, it was my own fault, and I'll admit that.




    I'm just saying there is no real achievement in finding a drop pile..


    surely you agree with that?


    it says rate my invent to! how stupid are you?


    +1. Would you give a 0/10 or whatever cruddy rate you gave to this inventory? You must have a phat set then...


    On topic, 10/10 for inventory! ::'

  6. calm down man stop flaming the point of these items is to show our appreciation to the men who fought for us and they also give stat bonuses if u actually looked at the pics


    I'm not flaming, lol. Flaming is when someone blantly bashs and bashs some person for a stupid reason... I was asking a couple of questions, lol. Also, the pictures weren't working for me...

  7. Do you want to die? A lynch mob of pures will be chanting for you blood within minutes.




    What he meant to say is, that's way too much ;)




    No, the idea is that people with one defense should have the same protection as a level 3 even if their strength is 99. I purposely put glories and furies out of a rune-pure's reach. I want all three combat stats to be as important as the next one and this is helping defense make a come back. Screw the pures, they are only exploiting flaws in the combat system.


    Kinda bad idea... Like they said, what would some pures be able to wear? I mean the ammies go a bit too far... Why don't you treat pures the same as you treat impures? You may say "well, pures aren't meant for the game", etc, but I find the def reqs are too far reaching. I mean power ammies don't even give amazing bonuses, yet 40 def...? The only thing 1 def pures can wear are accuracy ammies -.- ...

  8. Pretty bad idea. First of NO teleing when you are in free for all wildy? Lol... So, you have 10 magers team on one warrior, he can't run away because he can't tele, and he got binded. Permanent skulll, and you can't remove the skull unless you don't attack for 3 hours, lol.


    "PK anywhere treat the ENTIRE wilderness as a Free for All with no level restrictions against other PK anywhere players ONLY. No teleporting is allowed anywhere in wilderness."


    So if I read this right, a lvl 3 skiller who accidently pressed the button to become a "free for all pker", can get attacked by a lvl 126...? Boy, good idea! -.-

  9. Support.




    But add a hefty cost of 100k per box AND only allow full sets.






    Because im fed up with all the "\/\/3 \/\//-\NT BANK SPAC3!!!!!!!1111!"




    There are these sets of random; camo, mime, lederhosen, zombie, frog... So, 400k for full sets, AND they HAVE to be full sets? Lol, I'm glad you didn't make the suggestion...


    On topic, I support...

  10. death hippy, since you rant so much why not just quit?
    Good question.Well, I wouldn't be playing ANY games if I decided to quit on them from critisism...trust me, there is a problem with ANY game, no matter what people say about it. No game is damn perfect (though those phycotic halo3 players decided it's possible). Also, I don't play this game to much anymore...played for like 3 years, then played other online games after I got the money to buy them.Though, I go on sometimes.


    Most obvious statement I've seen today. But your rants are really far reaching. I don't see what's soooo bad about Runescape "dating". We all know it's crap and REALLY stupid, but it's really easy to counter. Ignore list and public chat off, or on friends...

  11. If you don't like merchants, don't get involved... You should probably quit the game if you go: "THAT JACK*** B**** RIPPED ME OFF 75K." It's a game, let people play it however they want even if their only goal is money... And trust me, lots of merchants are NOT how you depict them, so don't generalize. They skill and train combat A LOT. Go check out Playtpus. They make extra money, like how you do it, but in a different way.


    EDIT: Here is the profile of a really good herb/rare merchant. He has a couple of 98 skills, including one thats Construction. http://forum.tip.it/profile.php?mode=vi ... e&u=221776

  12. a mod should just lock this seeing as how no one is supporting and no one ever will


    Yeah, lol.


    Also, in real life aren't taxes collected annualy? It seems this is what this idea is about (don't get me started on sales tax)...

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