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Posts posted by Warrager

  1. So, there is no attack that uses up the special attack bar? It just takes effect sometimes like barrows? 10% chance doesn't make it worth it... I would use a DDP++ instead of a DDI++...




    You dont always poison with a spec with a ddp, and the ddi is a normal dd it justs has an added effect, like the ddp's poison effect.


    I'm talking about how a DDP++ spec hits rapidly and twice, for only quarter of the spec bar. The poison is just a bonus if you ask me.


    I think this could have a slight effect on the combat triangle. Like when someone freezes an oppenent, and runs away to start maging/ranging... But again, a 10% chance of freezing wouldn't be that effective...

  2. What's the big deal? Turn off public chat... Or use your ignore list. It's creepy to be dating on an online RPG, but who really cares...? You can do lots of things in the game, and it's one of the few creepy things that can be done...

  3. This is what you do; You have 10 mil. You go buy an easter, and full sets of rune when the tax day comes. You pay 3k tax(you have 100k gp left). The day after, you sell your easter, and full sets of rune. Or you could simply drop your money when you pay your taxes, and pick it up afterwards.


    This idea really is stupid. Like someone pointed out, Jagex already takes 5 dollars from 1 million+ people(members). Do they need a virtual money tax along with that...? It's not like there is a virtual government that's paying for roads here...

  4. My advice.. you'll ignore it but here it is anyway...








    Make money while raising skills. It's more rewarding, less tedious and helps you in the long run.


    -.- He's looking for merchanting advice, not people telling him to go skill and ditch merchanting...


    You can merchant: Herbs, cheap rares(easters, pumpkins), combat supplies(whips, barrow sets, dark bows, etc), TT items(not too sure how effective this is), ores, bars, etc.


    Take a look at the good merchanting guides on these forums for good information.

  5. I'm 90% sure that if you die from a non-human player(i.e; A person like, Zezima, etc) that it is immediately available for everyone to see/take your items. If you die from another "Runescapeian" then only he/she can take your items for 30 seconds, after that anyone can see.


    80% sure after 1 minute, all items disappear(except respawns).

  6. Pretty stupid.


    I'm guessing you knew that you had to kill a sara or zammy follower. You brought full guthix D'hide, a fully charged crystal bow, ranger boots, etc, when fighting a lvl 100+ enemy, kinda stupid. You could of easily brought regular D'hide, snakeskin boots, archer helm, magic bow and rune arrows or something of the sort...


    Oh, and I think anyone can take your items right after you died, because you died from a non-player...

  7. :boohoo:




    It's quite obvious, the rewards would be higher level gems and more money...


    What's the difference? Higher lvl gems? We can get diamonds from randoms (molly, questionare random). And the maze random is pretty good too. Do you suggest dragonstone? Also, randoms are to stop/hinder autoers/macros. Not for really good rewards for something that takes 5 seconds-2 minutes...





    Because you fail at life.


    Because you can't find the shift or Caps Lock.


    Because if you are level 95 you should know to fully protect your account.


    Because if you're a mom, you should be paying attention to your child/children instead of playing a MMORPG.




    Your first post was pity post, tsk.




    Because he's pissed he lost items on a virtual game, he fails life? Who ever said he/she was a mother? The caps lock thing is true. And he/she can easily accidently get a keylogger, malicous software. I'm sure if you got hacked, you wouldn't want to have to read "you fail life" over an online forum.

  9. Wow... Another lame rant... Seriousily, it's only for members, AND you have to do the Varrok Achivement diary thing, so... It's just as bad as saying some Members quests have to be started in F2P areas, and you try and start those...

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