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Posts posted by Warrager

  1. Mini Clip generation is taking for TIF! Seriousily, no need to lash out people because you made inconsiderate comments and they're talking about it. You're kind of putting gasoline a raging hot fire if you know what I mean... :-w Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Lashing out at people on an online forum, about some comments suggesting you to lvl up some stats on an online game account...

  2. 8/10


    You should get your runecrafting and prayer up.


    Dude, screw you, I can play runescape the way I want.


    Wow you made a thread and asked for a rate, and when someone gives you a tip how to get a better rate and you say screw you.


    If you don't care about other people's opinions you shouldn't make a rate thread.


    Gratz on 40M xp nothenless.


    So Im sposta change what skills I train just so he could see me as a "better" player?




    And I dont have a reason to train runecrafting or prayer.




    So, somebody saying "you SHOULD get runecraft and prayer up" gives you the right to snap at him and say screw you? Sheesh, whoever said miniclip age, I'm thinking the same thing... :XD:

  3. Put paragrpahs!!! It hurts my eyes reading a 30 sentence block of words! Looking good, but really you should add more monsters to train on. Rock crabs, expierements, ankous, etc...




    he has rock crabs, did you give up after the first paragraph? :o




    I was saying put in more monsters to train on. I knew he put them in, it was merely an example to expand the guide -.- .

  4. Lunar staves(Keep)


    death tally(Keep if you want RC deaths)


    lyres, (Keep, uselful)


    teleport crystals (Keep...)


    Monkey greegree (Only keep if you need for course)


    monkey speak amulet(Maybe, your choice)


    ancient mace(No idea...)


    anti dragon fire shields(If you plan on killing drags, you can easily get a new one)


    glorials amulet(No idea)


    book o' piracy(Probably not?)


    Ledgends cape (f you want, you got a quest cape so...)


    helm of neitiznot(Yes, good stats)


    barrows gloves(YES, very good gloves)


    elemental shields (Nah...)


    3 god books (Obviousily keep)


    Magic whistle for gold mining (No idea)


    Iban staff(If you want to, few charges to begin with...)


    Guthix staff from MA(If you want)


    wolfbane(Your choice)


    holy wrentch(If you use pray pots)


    cat-speak ammulet (e)(Nah, probably not)


    silver sickle (B)(Don't know)


    druid pouch (44)(Don't know)


    camulet (uncharged)(...?)


    ancient staff(If you don't like, sell off)


    prayer book (Useful)


    barrelchest anchor (Throw away if you want)


    skull sceptar (Not a quest item, but gives teles to Barb village, useful, keep. Also it's a pain to get back)


    ring of visibility (If you want)


    gadderhammer (Probably)


    slave amulet (Still useful, good undead damage bonuses)


    keris(If you kill Kalphites)


    ice gloves(Probably not, reobtainable)


    steel key ring(No idea...)


    ring of charos (e)(Useful)


    seal of passage(No idea..)


    ghostspeak ammulet(Probably not, reobtainable)


    c bow (Recharge and use, or sell off...)

  5. I DIDNT SAY GWD FFS U STUPID.... dont make me angry.




    i kno gwd are to hard for me


    Sensless moron who has a short temper.




    To be honest, there are not that many bosses that are soloable to begin with. Most need teams, KQ, Dagganoths, GWD, etc... KQ can be soloed, but probably isn't worth the risk and cost...

  6. I'm not flaming or anything, but it's just a nuisance you have to deal with. I mean if Runescape was perfect, what would be the fun...?b


    Anyways, I hate it too when you're fighting some monster in SoS, or anywhere, and some other monster buts in and you have to kill that one before your main priority...

  7. Good idea, but don't we have enough dangerous randoms? Zombies, shades, river trolls, evil chickens, swarms, the woodcutting one, I think it would result in an overaboundence of them. I really don't want to start skilling and have some blob of acid rain come over...

  8. I'm wondering is a autotalker illegal? Also is a rs client illegal?


    Even if the talker's illegal i would like 1 :(




    Wow, first of, the Runescape client is from RUNESCAPE. So not much conversation. Even in SoS, one of the anwsers says, "only the Runescape client is safe to download" or something along those lines.




    Second off, if you want to get a Autotyper, quit Runescape for good. Seriousily. Autotypers break the macroing rule, and do nothing for you except give you a hand up, so you are basically in the same boat as; scammers, drop traders, flamers, etc...

  9. The game was not made for merchanting. Quit calling it a skill, its very annoying. Its not a skill, it is basicly buying, and selling items. It is not part of the game, the game is the skills, PKing, Quests, dueling, etc. I hate merchanters as they don't actually play the game.


    Probably one of the merchant haters.




    On topic. I see nothing wrong with "merching". It's not like merchants buy steel bars for 620 ea and sell for 750 ea or something. Yes some merchants over price items, use auto typers, but why does that give all merchants a bad image? But 99% of merchants don't do anything wrong except make gp. Merchanting is fine to me.

  10. oh well you cant have lost anything good seeing as how u have basically no ranked stats and cant even wear anything decent


    Don't worry about this guy, he got banned :D.


    On topic, there are certain times when RoL activites. And maybe you got unlucky and it didn't activate. But for 5k, people have been spared millions...

  11. So killing random pedestrians in Iraq villages is all right because they are in a war zone?




    If they respawn in their town of birth keeping the 3 most expensive things they were carrying, it is..


    I didn't find that funny at ALL. I hope you weren't trying to be funny in the first place.

  12. Um if you want to lvl the fastest, mine iron ores for SURE. If you want profit, coal in mining guild. Gold ores are pretty slow respawn, and only sell for 2 times coal. So the time it takes you to get 10 gold ores, you could probably have a full inventory of coal.

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