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Everything posted by oake

  1. ok ty for the info I'll try that and see any other info is well accepted
  2. Im using the 12 kc = 6 bros + 6 creatures Any other combination that are more succesful? Im currently on 43 dry runs... :roll:
  3. what about the dks shortcut? is it for real or just a wiki joke?
  4. oake

    Mint Cakes

    Thats a complete lie lol. I got mine from the mini game like 3 weeks ago. The reason they are worth something is because each player is only ever allowed to get one. Also people say it is a rare reward from the mini game, but that's just because they don't know any better. I got it from the only gnome I gave food to, not hard lol, just have to know who gives it out ;) Thats just the mint cake after the quest, and yes you can get only one from that gnome, but i heard that the mini-game stopped giving mints as rewards. I didn't had any intention to lie or spread false rumors, thats why i made the topic in "help and advice".
  5. Very nicely done! Where do you all get that fancy table of drops?
  6. oake

    Mint Cakes

    i ask one of my friends in game and he told me that this item has been taken out from gnome restaurant rewards. So now its a rare, Can anyone confirm that these are no longer available as rewards? edit: reward from path of glouphire----or whats it called
  7. oake

    Mint Cakes

    i ask one of my friends in game and he told me that this item has been taken out from gnome restaurant rewards. So now its a rare,
  8. oake

    Mint Cakes

    i see people exchanging them while buying phats. so i suppose they have a value
  9. So whats the buzz with these? I see that they aren't much of a value. whats the deal?
  10. Thank you serpent, i knew about that thread, but if i'll post a ss, then the answear will be spoiled, so i didn't want to ruin that thread.
  11. I'm a bit confused, can someone help me ?
  12. oh... i thought its like: you pick a location in the light temple where you want to teleport, and thank you both:)
  13. thank you for the replay. that means i can get more than 2? lets say: - elf villeage - dark beasts - temple of light
  14. Hey I was just reading a topic about dark beasts and how come nowadays you don't need mourner outfit anymore, because you can just teleport there. And further i was reading i understood that you need to finish "within the light", and then talk with the elf to change your destination when tele That means, i have to chose either teleporting in the elf villeage or to that location?
  15. No, but you obviously are. You might actually want to take this opportunity to quit RuneScape and do something else, seriouslyyy What are your affirmations based on? if your not idiot enough to give me logical answer.
  16. Yep, I was botting.... Dude, if I was botting I'd have waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better stats... I ha(d/ve) 17 hunter, on my other account I have 84... I burnt out on hunter, and got to 17 with ToG, I'm pretty sure I could've found a hunter bot somewhere. So ofc I was botting, yet refusing to train skills that are easily bottable. Shut up. -.- You just not raise a lvl 95 miner, get banned and say: "oh well.... anyone up to get 9mil exp again?" So i presumed u were macroing. A healthy person wouldn't just work for nothing, at least they fight for the justice, but u...NOT - ofc u don't fight, after knowing that u can't win, because they have the profes, the systems and all that [cabbage]. Hope i've helped. :
  17. who do u use mouse key for wc? :| they are only good use for mining, the droping part. God damn, for someone who knows everything about "macroing" and mousekeys... It's for powercutting teaks. hell ya... but i dind't say i know everything about macroing, i said JAGEX knows \ \
  18. who do u use mouse key for wc? :| they are only good use for mining, the droping part.
  19. knotch will confese after he will get unbaned. they just do these kind of mistakes: baning a lvl 95 miner account?!?! i have 99 agility, so what i should get banned? just tell the truth, u have been macroing in a way or another.
  20. if i was a jmod, and someone did that. i think i would accept their appeal on the account that it was hilarious. +1. long live pokemon classic
  21. Its stuff like this that scares the hell out of me. "they banned you, you must be guilty". You know what that sounds like, you were arrested for terrorism you must be a terrorist. When i read about their mass banings and their new bot detection software coupled with their no appeal macro bans, i was very scared. I haven't played a lot since. They go to far. They shoot the patient to cure the disease. I really fell your pain, i really do. If there were something i could do to help you i would do it in a new york minute. i didn't get at least 1 minute for undeserved ban. i got 1 mute for 24h- and i was the guilty one, and so for the 10 days temp ban. so i don't think jagex would do such a thing, i mean a perm ban for nothing? hmmm i smell macroing indeed.
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