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Posts posted by Olbritishchap

  1. Lol did really good as spy a few minutes ago. i got a thorough beating on my regular server(playing sniper against a 3 man team of all scouts). Had some awesome headshots though :D Then i hopped over to some other server, started destroying as spy. Was like 4 and 1, ended with like 70 points. The team was just smart enough to be challenging but not too smart that i died in 5 seconds from spychecking. Also the fact it was 24 man steel, the best map ever, helped a lot.

  2. Another question how much memory would I need on my computer for TF2 and to add to that do updates require more space.




    I have 2gb of RAm, and when I run TF2 it says I use 80%, so 2gb should be fine. Updates do take up more hard-drive space, obviously cause it's new things that you didn't have before.


    i think he meant how much hard drive space does it take up :-w


    I think it's somewhere around 5 gbs. Also some custom maps take up a lot of space. Not sure about the updates.

  3. Hai. I'm ipwnkthxbai(formerly k nex2). I've been playing runescape on my old account since 2005. But it was banned in 2007, shortly after i made my current account (ipwnkthxbai) which i initially made for a pure. So i played ipwnkthxbai for a year but then i pretty much quit for a few months. Recently I've been playing more since i have nothing else to do really, so i decided to make a blog with durza cause we are both awesome.




    [hide=About me]My name is Alex, I'm 14 but i turn 15 on august 16. Irl i play soccer, but i can't anymore because i'm going to a public school this year and I'm not good enough to make the team :lol: Another game i play is team fortress 2, like the best fps evar. My steam name is olbritishchap1 so if you play, add me and maybe we can play sometime :D[/hide]




    [hide=Stats and Bank]stats230834y.png


    My bank. Not very organized.






    [hide=Goals]Just a general goal, since i'll be slaying for exp.




    Attack goal. whip pl0x?




    70 Strengh. Cause all melee 70s is hawt.




    70 Defense, for barrow st00f.




    53 Thieving. For Desert Treasure.




    75 mage because mage is hawt.






    Well that's it for now, post to make me and durza feel cool.

  4. I'll play medic if no one else will, it's fun but i'd rather be the one killing people. Also it's annoying when a scout with 80 hp won't stop shouting medic while he's jumping around like a [developmentally delayed]ed rabbit and there are 3 other people who need health nearby. :evil:

  5. Damn, thats pretty impressive for fan art.




    Btw, does anyone know where I can get the TF2 sound files? I know how to get to the Sound folder but it just seems to have all the custom sounds downloaded from modded servers.




    Download http://synmod.org/GCFExtractor/GCF.Extractor.2008-10-02.zip




    Install it then go to C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps And double click on one of the team fortress 2 gcfs(game cache file) and look around for the sound files. Then just extract their folder somewhere.

  6. Yeah i want soldier to b e updated next. Been playing it a lot recently. I'm just worried they'll screw it up like the scout update :?


    Oh yeah and here's a good soldier guide made by a friend of mine:


    Youtube HD Video - This video will cause high CPU usage, to view the video in a lower quality, please click
  7. I got the soldiers stash(soldier hat) today from idling. i came. It's a pretty awesome hat, much better than the special needs helmet for the scout i got the other day. and i won't be on until like sunday night cause i'm going to the beach. yay!

  8. My config uses Q to switch between the primary and secondary weapons, so switching through my weapons is really easy because I never use the melees.




    Just on a side note, anyone else play without viewmodels on?


    Without what on?




    You can set it in multiplayer settings, like when playing soldier you see the rocket launcher when it's out? Most competitive people turn that off to get a full view of the screen. I like it a bit but it makes melee really hard :S

  9. Dead Ringer+knife taunt=awesome. Stand outside the enemy spawn at startup, equip ringer, taunt as gate opens. They never see it coming. I did it on Egypt, and when the heavy in front of my corpse suddenly died everyone was like, "Holy crap!" All talk was on, and I heard one guy say, "ok guys, there's a spy with a ringer". He kept it up everytime I died, even when I had the cloak and dagger. So I had them on their toes the whole time, even when I didn't have them.




    It was the first time anyone on that server had seen that in action. :thumbsup:


    So taunting doesn't require you to be uncloaked and you can still get a kill?




    It's possible to taunt and cloak in quick succession. I don't know about the Ringer though, but I've seen yotube vids of it being done.




    If you knife taunt while having the dead ringer out, and the feign death is activated the taunt still works while you are cloaked. and since the dead ringers cloak reduces damage by 90% and doesn't flicker, they usually just walk into you wondering why the hell they can't walk forward, then die. Funny as hell :3





    Spy and sniper are horrible classes for 1v1...


    To each his own. I like the spy 1 vs 1 but prefer the sniper when there are many people so that I can pick off the distracted ones.




    Spy is really horrible at 1 v 1, if it comes down to 1 v 1 with a decent player your best bet is to cloak away, if you don't have cloak, dodge until you do and then make a break for it. Or just spam like hell and pray for a lucky headshot :P

  10. Lol 2fort is NOT the most balanced map, not by a long shot. People play it just to spam and kill people, and 1 engy in both intels completely destroys any chance of either team winning. So yeah its basically a spam/turtlefest.

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