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Posts posted by Cowman_133

  1. Hi there,


    As DarkDude already mentioned the guide really should have been removed and after further discussion, we've done exactly that. I'm embarrassed to have been part of the administration that originally struck down the motion to simply remove Bladewing's guide like he asked for through the proper channels.


    To those confused about this thread: of COURSE TIF is in the legal clear. The issue is that they're being complete jackasses about using their legal leverage to screw over a user. They were asked politely multiple times to remove the guide and declined. What does that say about TIF? To me it says that they don't respect the people who submit information to them.


    You're entirely correct in saying this and I'd like to apologize on behalf of the entire admin team for the inconvenienced caused by something that could have been much simpler than it ended up being. As a member of the Website Crew I personally appreciate user feedback and submissions sooo much. They keep the Crew running and looking for content to update because we can't notice all changes and errors by ourselves!



    Tip.It Administrator and Crew Leader

  2. Dont suppose someone can do a TL;DR on this, I've been gone for a week and just seems like Tip.It got hit by a Earthquake. (no Japan pun intended)


    Yeah sure.


    A group of well known tip.iters were frustrated with some of our moderation tactics and the direction of some particular RuneScape boards. A topic and global were created (it still resides in Forum Updates and Suggestions by pal2002). From that a discussion was created with the administrators to discuss change and improvements for the forums. Sadly, some people from both sides of the debate, especially administrators, were not able to let feelings aside to debate the core matters at hand and we ended up fumbling the ball and pushing people away from Tip.It rather than listening and trying to help.


    Some of these people have now created their own forum to employ their philosophies. It is a shame we were not able to listen to what they had to say, but we are now trying to make any amends we can and ultimately move forward from this having learned a valuable lesson rather than trying to defend ourselves any further. What good would that do anyhow?


    Most people seem to know we screwed up anyways. :)


    EDIT: Posts above mine are also accurate :thumbup:

  3. Hey there,


    I've moved this to the Forum Feedback section as this is the place people are going to be looking for topics with anything to do with the forum and we want to maximize user input on topics that require it by making them appeal to the right audience.




    Thank your for proving the OP's point.


    Also well done on undermining your fellow staffs judgement on where a thread should and shouldn't be.


    By all means go and hide this rant away from your innocent viewers, don't want it being a blight on your garden of eden here.


    Rants are in the RuneScape section and the RuneScape section for discussion of topics related to RuneScape. Since this topic is giving us feedback on how we run our forums and not a rant on RuneScape, I see no reason why this wouldn't be a suitable place to discuss this matter. In fact my initial aim for moving this topic was to get more feedback from the people that are looking for a place to give feedback for our forums (this forum) and not looking to rant about something related to RuneScape.


    You're free to misinterpret my intentions for moving this topic, but I have laid out everything going on in my mind before you. :)



  4. Hey folks,


    We have recently released a new method of listing drops on our Bestiary: http://www.tip.it/runescape/?rs2monster Click on any monster that drops items to see how the new system looks and works. If you click an item, it will take you to the items database entry on the item. Monsters that drop said item will also now appear in the Items Database similar to how Shops show up in items database entries with links to the shops database.


    Please let us know of any feedback you have on this new system, design, looks, features - anything you have to say about it we'd like to hear! This is not our final product and there is room for some flexibility based on your feedback. :)





    Tip.It Crew Leader

  5. I've noticed this before. I kinda wish they "packaged" and sold it as 31 or 30 days. I often let my membership lapse and I buy it again when either I need it for Crew or when I have an interest/will have time to play often when I buy it. I try to avoid renewing in February, very easy if you get members end of January and then renew again after Feb is over. I pay by SMS and in CAD so it is a flat CAD$10.00 per month rather than 5.


    Annoying, but I wouldn't call it a scam.

  6. Hello,


    Welcome back to the Tip.It forums! I have provided you with instructions by PM on how to proceed with recovering your account. :)


    I have closed this topic as this forum is for asking for advice with specific things in-game.



    Tip.It Administrator

  7. This does not indicate that there is an error in our guide since we are assuming you're following our solution for the puzzle the entire way through. There are many ways to do the puzzle, but we only list one method that we prefer.


    Regardless, thanks for getting in touch with us.

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