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Everything posted by WokNGo

  1. Haha, turns out you were just drunk then yesterday on RS .. :D
  2. you're not getting hacked are you? :(
  3. Haha yeah, I'm bad at civ IV though. I just won my first cultural victory (without world builder :P) the other day.
  4. What I meanz is that it's not her irl pic. Anyways, If you join deloriagod inc forums she has it on there. LURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURKLURK
  5. Argh, I only realised what you mean after a couple of minutes of hard thinking. Now the thoughts are coming through "OH GOD NO! NOT 'THE' THOUGHTS" Haha, that's exactly what I thought. Oh well, if we talk about *that*, it'll get this topic locked .. reminds me of the 'awkward times with parents' or so title a while back that LP made ..
  6. You have a picture of Nina!?!?! Share please! She wouldn't like it .. :P
  7. This game is a brilliant game that involves choosing a civilization (of the many types. The list of them is in a pic below) and trying to win through a Time, Domination, Space Race (first to space), Cultural (three cities with enormous amounts of culture), and I believe another but forget what. There's also a multiplayer option that is completely free, and has 5 different ways to play multiplayer. The internet games will help you find games quickly, and is easy to set up an account. I bought this for $40 at Wal-Mart. It's insanely fun, as you can play it as much as you want. There's so many different boards, such as Archipelagos, Continents, Pangaea, Great Plains, Inland Sea, and others. There are also roughly 10 or more difficulty levels. This game is hard to get at first, but once you get into a couple more games, the gameplay is much smoother and easier. Anyways, pictures: Here are some of the Civilizations, with Mongolia and Genghis Khan currently chosen: The game speeds and difficulties: The first city for Mongolia and what the overall gameplay looks like, with a picture of some starting technologies: Civilization Home Page
  8. Haha I still occasionally play, I love whipping out my Kadabra on them. :) Psychic pokemon own other pokemon, usually one hitting with psychic at level 50-60+. It's been forever since I've played.
  9. WokNGo

    Mario Party 8

    IMHO, after the 4th\5th one, it went downhill. =\ I used to love the second and third. We would have my friend and his sister over, (making it 5 people, so one person would do something else), and we play often. I was playing MP4 today with my one of my friends, and I won. I win 9\10 times, the whole winning-most-minigames gives me a huge advantage in items. My mom loved number two, mostly because of the desert land. She would just go crazy for it. I personally really liked number 3, the last one for N64. I'm so disappointed, as I've lost both MP3 and Super Mario 64 :(; Either way, I really like the boards, and the toad cellphone that let you call the item shop and buy an item was real unique. They need to stop making new ones, especially for the Wii. The whole point of playing the games for us to sit on the couch with wireless ;o
  10. I hope you never forget what picture I have of you.
  11. Oooh, I forgot about ants. I remember seeing some documentery on either Animal Planet or Discovery Channel, and having a type of ant that has it's workers *make walls* in the ground with themselves, so the other ants can go through unharmed. Of course, most anything that attacked them anyways would've been killed in less then a minute, since they showed a wasp trying to attack them, and getting swarmed, killed, and taken back to the nest.
  12. I don't know why but in some sort of way this looks racistic. :lol: I'm far from a racist. That's Harvey Walden IV. Anyone who watches Celebrity Fit Club would know who he is. :P I thought that was from there. Celebrity Fit Club is hilarious for some reason. Something about that fat people I guess.
  13. Hell that would own. I could just imagine doing that, lol. I usually stick my head out the window when my mom's driving 50-60 on the interstate. Good fun trying to drink a Coke at the same time.
  14. I see some staples and a soda can top within my vicinity, would that work? I think long, rusty nails dipped in mercury would work. >_> 'Are you depressed? Fat? Ugly? Ready to work that 9-5 in a cubicle? You may have Pre-Manly Syndrome, or PMS. It's very common. Take Globotron to get that bald patch now!'
  15. I think you *might* know who I am, hotstuff.
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