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Posts posted by Lady_Shahdie

  1. Hi all, long time no post! I pretty much leisure mined for the past week and left off at 191k away from level 89 today. 89 is going to be a very exciting level to mine through. The fact that I'll have a pretty satisfying goal ahead, 90 mining, makes it one that will be very motivating. Summer is drawing to a close and my sophomore year of college will start soon. Which means lesser and lesser time to mine. Nevertheless, mining has become less of a challenge now and more of therapeutic experience (*hears someone whispers "She's freaking crazy! How in the heck can click-click-click be therapeutic?"*) Though I am not attacking it voraciously, I notice I enjoy it more as I take my time and savor each bit of progress as I move one step closer to my goal. See y'all around!

  2. Wow, great blog :D


    I really do hope you achieve 99 mining (with the awesome cape;) and your career in the writing business, who knows, maybe you'll be part of the major film industry!


    What's your method for mining? Just mining iron/coal and banking?


    I've always liked mining but only really ever had the patience to train it to level 50 :lol:




    I do a mix of various things. If I'm simply desiring to level up I powermine iron at Rimmington (and occasionally Al Kharid). During those sessions I do the drop one at a time method rather than drop all at once method. When I desire a balance of cash and xp I mine coal in the mining guild and bank it. If I desire pure cash I go for runite :mrgreen:. Lately I've been relaxing in the mining guild and doing a powermine session once or twice a week. Thanks for all the encouragement!

  3. Hey all, mined a meager 30k today and managed to get myself a wee bit of runite to pawn off at the Grand Exchange. My welcome back has been tremendous to say the least :shock:! The floods of pms coming in were really very heartwarming to see guys <3:. I rolled by Lightning chat a couple times but didn't want to disturb the chat much. Once I identified I came back I got a few "hellos" and "I remember you!" (not as overwhelmingly as my pms but it was still nice to see)




    In other news, the graphics update is really wowing me. *whispers*Wowing me almost to the point to get members...but it'll still be awhile before that happens *sigh*


    I talked to a bank teller to view how the NPCs avatars would appear. After a cordial hello I finally saw how my avatar appeared! Check it out for yourself:






    Lady Shahdie Saying Hello




    The air tiara looks as fetching as ever in my opinion :D...the bobble head is a slight turn off though.




    Catch you all later!

  4. Before I begin, may I request that we please stop debating the whole "entitlement" thing :shock: ? Its an argument that spins in circles and it is ridiculous to bicker about it nonsensically.minor rant>




    Anyways, HD is a guaranteed F2P update.




    If you are a free player, you can expect to be playing RuneScape HD as soon as the Beta period is over.




    The quote above extracted from the blurb written about the HD update proves this (so why all the posts claiming it ain't going to happen?). The Beta however may not exactly be a short one (considering the many bugs that are popping up), so there may be a significant delay before F2P receives the update. Also, what exactly will be the use of limiting the HD graphics when F2P locations are just a minor blot on the map (pretty limiting by itself)?




    Fullscreen however is where the debate gets trickier. I have to admit that Fullscreen is screaming "Members bonus" at the moment. Jagex hasn't confirmed F2Pers will receive this option and its just the kind of eye candy to tempt us non-members into going member for the enhanced experience :? . The subtle "POH-like" button may be slipped in, as others have mentioned, as a reminder that it is a "member's only feature."




    At the end of the day how different is fullscreen from not receiving numerous available skills, items, or quests? To be honest, upgrading the gameplay truly makes the experience more enjoyable or desirable. I get quite excited when Jagex provides F2Pers like myself new features like the Duel Arena, Clan Wars, or BH (which has its flaws I know) to be the first minigame to be available to F2P. I also drool when Jagex builds up hype over a new skill, like during the summoning hype, and realize I will not be able to experience it and only remain desiring it.




    The point is most of us need to refrain from adopting this whiny kid mentality when something great like this comes along. F2Pers do not need to whine till their faces turn blue if they do not get fullscreen and members do not have to whine till their faces turn blue why F2Pers should not receive anything period. We should take in this update with great enthusiasm and give Jagex a pat on the back for an amazing job and hours of work well spent.

  5. Guess whose back :D ? Its me everyone! I logged on today and may keep popping on and off. I doubt I can maintain the same period of activity I use to at the moment but I may be hacking my little pick down to a nub throughout the week. Its been quite a long absence hasn't it? Feels great to back and at it again though. Hope to Hyt any old friends in game some time soon :) .

  6. Hope to see you back to mining soon :)


    How many rune ores do you get a trip?


    Good luck with your English studies!!


    Do you want to be a School tracher?




    No I do not think I have the patience to be a teacher :P! Kind of ironic that I have more patience for mining however. In the "Lady Shahdie in Real Life" section of my first post, I give details about my educational and career goals for the future ::'. Thanks for the awesome support guys...its always nice to check in on the blog and see a motivating post or two.

  7. Well since you mentioned something you did when you were 7 or 8...I did plenty of embarrassing things when I was little. One funny memory I have from when I was 5, was the time when my parents and I were on this horrible turbulence ridden flight to Florida. I was just like that stereotypical kid in airplane thriller movies. Many people were getting very frightened and in their terror I kept saying: "Mommy I want to go home now!" "I do not like this air plane ride, I want to go back now!" "Mommy is the plane going to crash?!" Everybody was giving my parents dirty looks. I was not embarrassed of it back then but looking back on it now, I am super embarrassed and do not have a Thanksgiving or Christmas without that story being told :XD: .

  8. That's what being a miner in RS is all about hun :P. Tis a skill that has loads of competition (yet many hate leveling and do not bother to get that high ironically)...the reason why this miner is beating you is due to the art of the "connection." Their reflexes are beating you by the milisecond and their pick is connecting with the rock sooner than yours is (or they literally have a better Internet connection lol). As long as they are 40+, rocks like iron will be a sinch for them. The way I beat these super humans with awesome reflexes is by unequiping my pickaxe and allowing it to sit my inventory. Somehow it gives me that milisecond advantage when I attempt to mine a rock that beats their super reflexes. I do not know the reason behind it but it seems to work quite well (maybe because you have less of a swing to do since you are not wielding the pick). At the end of the day, the best advice I can give you is...patience is a virtue. The longer you mine my friend, the more you are going to have to deal with it. Zen mining ftw...

  9. Yeah being a low level does have a temporary bliss to it :P. I have no biases against them, in fact I envy them! I remember how much more fun I had being new to the different aspects of RuneScape. There seemed like so much to do and even the F2p world seemed vast to me. However, I do not think I could ever remain a low level, I'm too darn ambitious. There's somewhat of a nice carefree-ness about them that I wish I possessed. But I just cannot resist the allure of leveling and setting goals for myself.

  10. Nice blog. Just a thought: is it hard to mine rune with the revenants? :ohnoes:




    They're a bit of a minor pestilence for me but not enough so that they plague or ruin my trips. However, my pure skiller friends feel done in and tell me they do not dare to mine in the wild anymore. Their lower cb levels make them sitting ducks for those blood thirsty revs :ohnoes:.

  11. I hate how I am seeing more and more male players starting to treat RuneScape like eHarmony...or in other words RuneHarmony! I have seen male players ranging from levels 10 to 112 asking for girl friends and online relationships. Whenever I have denied one of those relationship seekers they blurt out obscenities like: "Get a life b*" and "Nerd." Now let me see, I'm the one who is a nerd and needs to get a life for possessing no desire to go steady with a pixelated sprite :-s (seems like they need to sort out their priorities)? But not all the male players view us in such vulgar ways and it is a shame to see how their reputation is trashed due to those guys. On the other hand, our reputation is constantly trashed by noob players who create female characters just for handouts <.<. Which is why no one wants to accept the fact that there are actual girls who play this game...*cough*or an elaborate conspiracy to create an army of fake females to allure the male denizens of RuneScape to become powerless and give all their riches away, which is what is really causing the economy to crash! Oops I've said too much!*cough*




    At the end of the day, we must not generalize each other and ignore the idiots who are contributing to such awful generalizations. Nice rant Plugpoint!

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