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  1. Thanks! Both of you. You get TWO thumbs up. :thumbsup: How about that, huh? : I think I said, "Thank you," enough, Outnumbered
  2. Hope you don't mind my asking but can I ask what a hyt is? Does it stand for something? Clueless, yes, Outnumbered
  3. I actually buy popular things in great numbers for a low, but fair, price. I then sell these things for a high, but still fair mind you, price. I think it's fun to do, and takes very little time to make a lot of money. I think this is called "Merchanting." Yes, I'm a merchanter-er-man-dude-guy...Umm, Outnumbered
  4. I believe the first thing I did was run out of the castle walls and start punching (and kicking) that poor NPC (Man) that roams outside. : I thought it was funny, actually, Outnumbered
  5. Umm, this problem you guys have. It's not A.D.D. It's called impatience. Just thought I'd let you know. :thumbsup: Yes I think I'm smart, Outnumbered
  6. 1,000,000 million gold pieces is a little bit more than I have right now, but I would still go for the experience. I would put it into a skill that takes many hours of my time. Like, for example, woodcutting. Yea, that's my choice. =D> This is one of my more serious posts...Not really, Outnumbered
  7. [*:2zxllqt8]First of all, you can become a member for two years for only approximately 120 dollars. So that one I would scratch. [*:2zxllqt8]Being a monster that's level 703 would be awesome but make you look fat and ugly in appearance. Scratch that one. [*:2zxllqt8]A set of party hats for free would be great, but earning them on your own would give you a greater sense of achievement. [*:2zxllqt8]Killing macroes whenever you feel like it would be a great help to Jagex, but there are millions of them and only one of you. How would you tell which is which, anyways? I know there are the usual signs, but how can you be sure? Scratch that one. [*:2zxllqt8]A lightsaber would look awesomely spectacular with shade robes, but you'd have to drag around that generator (As big as a house) to power it (Lol). So in the end my choice (Finally, huh?) would be to become a Jagex moderator (Which would give you the power to get all these things anyways). :thumbsup: Just thought I'd add a sense of humor to my perspective, Outnumbered
  8. My vote was for the keep it forever bit. If my friend decided to come back I'd give it back to them, though. Maybe with a few tears in the corners of my eyes, and a little shaking of the hand... : I'd give it back nonetheless.
  9. I think I'd want a staff of my very own. Yes, I just said I want a stick. Imagine the possibilities. Your walking down the street and you see someone walking towards you from a distance. As you come within five feet of them. WHAM! The random person sees a flash of wood and suddenly feels blinding pain around the face area. I'm weird...I know, Outnumbered
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