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Everything posted by Laura

  1. Yeah, I took a "low risk outfit" since it WAS my first time. He took Guthans anywho :P I think I'll try bringing Veracs next time. After I make enough money, Guthans. Thanks for posting! :thumbsup:
  2. The first million is always the best million. 8-) Whatcha' buying?
  3. you take your vial.. put some delicious stuff in it.. then you gain lotzors of levels :D Z0mg! It's so simple! #-o
  4. Hawt Herblore.. Teach me how to be a master Chemist! #-o Nice, nice....10/10
  5. You just made me cry. :ohnoes: (Seems everyone on TIF can now a days actually) Add me ingame if you want to DK. 8-) Footashi and I might help show you. \
  6. Thanks, I use Nair. 8-) Nah, just kidding, but nice drop... =P~
  7. Well i need to update to 46 :P. You just made me cry. :ohnoes:
  8. You like the grammar? I hate it when ppl type lik dis! Working on getting up Herblore to do that darned quest. :oops: Unfortunately, I just sold my stock of raw monks. I had like 4k. I gave most of the money to my brother and then lent about 1.5m to a friend. ew liek wo lens out muny ny mure? Nah, but it seems as if your medium(and not large?) pouch has degraded. Good luck, and happy Scaping'.
  9. Not bad, I'd have to give it a 1/2. :P Nice thieiveing level. As it is right now, I hate pickpocketing :? You also have nice organization skills.
  10. Not bad 8-) 6/10 for your bank, considering your level. 10/10....Grammer! :thumbsup: Keep up the good work! Finish Fairy Tale ll...
  11. I love you. How'd you earn the Phat? How many whip drops have you had? *points to sig*
  12. Yup, either I spend 24 hours a day trying to make money, or 2-3 hours a day actually knowing what I'm doing. You decide. 8-) Dang it! I knew I was doing something wrong... :wall: :mrgreen:
  13. True, but we choose our characters to represent us. So if you choose a female character to play, some other players will naturally assume the player behind the character is female as well. Doh! Guess we should ban pink hair! Seriously, have you seen all the wannaba anime women? They try to talk "ghetto"(not l337) to me, then after much debateing, they admit they're a guy. If character represent RL player, what kind of sick fantasy is this one living in?
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