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Everything posted by creepybacon

  1. I wonder if i can turn myself into a female..get the princess outfit..turn into a guy and grab the prince one..and still be able to wear both.
  2. Well, im a 16 year old english guy..and i've got GTA:sa for the xbox..not wanting to tamper with that and after hearing a lot about this "terrible shocking mod" on tv i thought..hm..the game already has drugs, prostitutes, huge amount of violence, speeding, bombing, hijacking of anything...this must be REALLY bad to tick people off. So i went online - found a media download of it and honestly..it's nothing bad, well..nothing i haven't already seen in a film do people complain over that? No. So why this..i don't get it. It does NOT even look real if you get off on blocky flat faced strangely colord pixals then yea ok it's for you..thankfully here in england they don't kick up such a fuss - it's already rated 18. No one particuly cares about pornographic material..i mean the mods for the pc now most people have access to the internet..loads of pornographic material there..a lot more better then pixal garbage no? so whats next? 18+ on the internet? That's loaded with pornographic material A LOT worse then some pixals. Man people are stupid.
  3. Typical just like real life religion everyones fighting..sigh..and i thought all this stuff was supposed to spread peace and love your fellow brother or whatever..well you're all off to hell i suppose, which according to the topic starter..isn't all that bad, infact it's freedom. :roll: Might as well add my part..to insure my seat in hell. I don't CARE about religions..pure and simple, people want to kiss the dirt and pray while there backside sticks in the air? Go ahead, i'll just sit back and laugh. You think this "god" gives a dam if you mix dairy with meat? Ok, you keep on doing that. Do as they like i just laugh. The ones that do tick me off are the ones that ram it down your throat trying to get me to believe now i leave them alone, i don't even laugh at them in public..why do they feel the need to come and ruin my day with there silly garbage (*PERSONAL OPINION*)? I swear there must be aliens that put this into there heads for a tv show "watch the humans do stupid things - LOOK they kiss dirt!". The above was the writers personal views, dislike it? He doesn't care so don't bother.
  4. About ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5 mill and i don't particuly think anyone wants to know what i would consider the most embarising..oh god...
  5. Jagex are not done. Everyone said mort myer was useless..i go there now and there is ALWAYS people around - they just can't realise everything at once..so they add to areas a small amount at a time. I agree the quests suck though..no longer fun...just boring annoying walks.
  6. Jeeze no one thinks now adays..f2p *IS* a trial..that's it! You get as long as you want..people just presum because it's a free part of the game it's not a trial..it is..that could all very well be members and f2p get a week total i mean they have enough subcribers to survive without f2p now there we go! I sorted this thread in a paragraph. :P
  7. I pretty much figure all MMOG come to an end when they stop updating. Nothing lasts forever. ;)
  8. HMM when i did my gcses if i remember correctly i got: ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30 for every A ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 for every B ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10 for every C And nothing for anything lower. Sure does incourage people. :P
  9. Look on the bright side. If you can go five whole years without ever crashing a car. Seeing a car crash. Or anything else that might remind you of that horrible...horrible day then you might be able to look back on it and laugh! Outta curosity..after you peed your pants...they did change the seat covers...right?
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