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Posts posted by jsboutin2

  1. Gratz for the 99, especially mining, so 100/10 for that.


    But over 1M xp in ONE DAY? How long did you play?


    However long it was, that's just not healthy. Get outside sometime.


    Doing that once isn't fundamentally wrong. If he was doing that every day for 3 months, I'd agree with you.


    Congrats. 10/10

  2. I feel the game is as challenging as it was (or even more).


    Back in the days, I'd mine in rimmington, smelt in fally, smith at Doric's house and sell to general store for money. Rinse and repeat.


    After that a few days, I realised that it was much faster using a bank (Didn't know about the banks in Falador), and just selling steel bars to people, instead of general stores.


    I eventually got a few hundred k's, and was able to buy a zammy helm, and eventually a guthix kit. I felt like a succesful, rich person (rs-wise)




    Today, I slay a task/rc for a few hours, get 400-900k/h, see the millions in the bank, with a green number and 3 digits. Not enough to buy me what I'd like, such as prayer or herblore.


    From successful/rich with 300k or so, I became low-average with 100M.




    In the future, I guess I'll have a billion or so, and yet more stuff that'd still be out of reach for me. It's a never-ending circle.




    That's what kind of bores me as of now. The cost of things becomes exponentially harder to reach the higher you get.

  3. lol 1 rcing


    Once you hit the high levels with Runecrafting, you'll hit the mega-bucks very quickly. 91 Runecrafting (double natures) is notorious with its over 1M+ gp per hour.

    1m an hour is awful if you have to put in 120+ hours of ZMI or 200+ hours of nature crafting to get to it. Can almost make 1m/h picking mort fungus lol.


    With 0 xp/hour.


    And there is pretty neat profit from 82 with double astrals, and even a bit from ZMI.

  4. I prefer ZMI runecrafting because its efficient and pretty fun to do with friends and on lunars you can repair your pouches with the contact npc thing to talk to the mage.



    anyways its around 1k per trip so its around hmm haven't done this in a long time i think 30-50k exp a hr? someone correct me if im wrong.


    Method i use is an abyssal familiar and i teleport to ourania only. I use fire runes to bank at the man carrying the huge bag o.o After a run i tele to ourania, drop all useless runes, rune down bank and repeat


    This, but full your bank before rcing and click the "drop inventory into bank" (Or something like that) option to make banking waaaaaaaaaaay faster and get some profit off the lower runes.


    EDIT: I forgot to mention: You might want to check Zarfot's MEGA Runecrafting Guide (I think it's v4, now). Full of tips like this.

  5. I found that having 3 or less pouches (+summoned familiar) in my inventory didn't really affect my fishing. And there's a convenient obelisk just above.



    im gonna no life to 99 fishing, when my familiar runs out should i bank to get more?

    or just stay down there and fish

    will it make much of a difference?


    I think it's worth it xp-wise to bank and get new pouches, but I only renewed mine when I was selling my banked rocktail. (Every 1,5-2k). I didn't like the hassle of getting new pouches, but it might just be me.


    And yes, the difference isn't that big, but for millions of fishing xp, I think it's worth it,

  6. @Ampharaos;

    The exp reduction may work (they've proved they can boost it with the exp weekend), but I can't see a limit of picking things being viable. It just seems like too much work in order to allow bots to function (but at a reduced rate).


    The only way that I can even be close to accepting a 14-day ban would be if jagex started adding wipes to that. If you're caught auto-training, stat wipe (full, not just the stat you're botting). If you're caught 'making money', then a full bank wipe. If Jagex is going to insist on being THAT weak on bots, the least they could do is wipe the account to make it a lot harder to succesfully bot for a second time.


    full wipe=perma ban, since it's starting an account all over again. I like that idea.

  7. Back in my day, you had to shout for hours to buy anything-or to sell anything.


    Back in my day, people actually helped newbies.


    Back in my day, people were starting to consider themselves better than others because they had been playing longer.


    Back in my day, I'd run from remmington mines to Falador's furnace to Doric's anvil in circle, with a stop at the general store in Falador to sell the bronze/iron/steel stuff.

  8. Bladewing's advice is nice, but I think he is sometimes pushing it to get the absolutely fastest xp


    4) Ice wyrms. Chance to get free quick mage xp. Over 30k slayer xp just on maging/meleeing too (meleeing is slightly lower than magic I think) and you can speed it up quite a bit with a cannon (I'd say up to 40k/h).


    Did I miss something? how is the mage xp free? I know the damage is boosted but I wasn't aware it was free.



    Drops are worth much more than the runes used. That's why it's "free".


    As a fix for the 5B end could be that if you got all skills 200M you suddenly can continue to 400M or someting (remaining the only player that can do that, first have everyting 200M before you can continue to train).


    It's the softaware that makes it impossible. The max number possible in this system is:


    (2^(32-1))-1 , if I remember correctly, and it's equal to 2,147 something B.

    The total amount of xp is just a sum, so it doesn't take that into account.


    Xp has decimals, so you need to divide it by 10, meaning that you should top at 214M xp, brought down to 200M for the sake of simplicity/whatever reason that made Jagex do that.

    Well that just means they got to use unsigned integers. (2^32 - 1) - doubling the range.

    Or long longs (2^64 -1) - for "infinite" numbers


    I'm pretty sure it's already unsigned integrers, or it'd be( 2^31-1)/2 in both positive and negatives as max numbers.


    For the 64 part, changing their whole system to 64-bit would be a bit overkill only to make the max number of xp go up for the few people who actually care.

  10. They can get rid of the memento, because it's not part of the agreed upon transaction. They can't get rid of the event. It's not so much relevant to the point as to attest to what you're paying for, and what you aren't, and what you aren't paying for is the flag.

    Again, you can keep repeating this, but it doesn't make it true for everyone. Some people *are* paying for the flag. You may wish that weren't so, and Jagex may wish that weren't so, but it *is* so. Just like some of the people going for wiffle-bat day at the ballpark aren't there to watch the hometown boys, they are there for the wiffle bat.


    Even if Jagex has the *legal* right to not provide this flagstaff -- which I don't necessarily agree with -- that doesn't change anything. This is not a court of law, it's a court of public opinion. As *soon* as Jagex dangled this thing in front of people saying "buy a ticket and get this e-trinket" they gave up the ethical right to tell *anyone* that they were not paying to get that thing.


    The way I see it, it was much more of a publicity for Runefest than saying"Hey, forget the party, you'll be getting a banner!". Can you think for one second about shedding out the money, which ain't that much for this kind of event, but still better to have in your pockets than out, for a simple banner? I wouldn't, and most people feel the same way as I do. IMO, it's nice fr them to have a little something ingame to remember about that event, and to talk to other people who went there.

  11. If you've done Swan Song then monkfish are good xp and money. Tuna and swordfish are a close second. If you just want xp then stick to fly fishing.


    At 65 fishing, monks suck harder than a hooker in las vegas.


    Just fly fish in shilo and watch a film or something. I had to do the same thing =(


    Though it is definately worth it


    Movies are a reallyimportant part of fishing. I'd fly fish in shilo unless you, for some unknown reason, enjoy barb fishing.

  12. I would have to say Villandra. She is well know for her slayerbelle and elebreyals accounts as well. She is one of the only top players that I know who communicates with the people. She has done podcast with Zybez and she often updates her youtube channel.


    She is up there, but only among the "elite" community of rs it seems.


    Top three imo of all time are as follows


    3. Sixfeetunder (if more people understood how he changed rs today he would be #1)

    2. Dur

    1. Zezima-will always be the #1 most famous player, was the best when rs took its rise and most of todays hardcore players. Was even pretty popular back in RSC


    How did he change RS today?


    The point is that calling this flag a "real world advantage" is utterly ridiculous.

    Why is it ridiculous? You're engaging in enough hand-waving here to propel a sailboat.


    An item that can only be obtained with money gives an advantage to those with money.


    It is Jagex themselves that said they didn't want money to be a factor in who owns what. So why get pissed off at people who hold them to their word?


    The argument that it's okay for Jagex to do something that's unfair to poor players because life is already unfair to poor players is nonsensical.


    It's hardly an advantage when said item doesn't do anything.


    And I don't think Jagex thought people would like it so much.


    I don't think anyone would be paying 75 pounds only for a banner.

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