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Posts posted by jsboutin2

  1. Just stick to the conventional methods:


    Superheating gold/steel (I'm not sure if gauntlets stack with bonus, but they should)

    Bursting stuff like rock lobs



    Stay away from alching as a lot of the popular alching items will be bought up.


    In the geneal discussion topic, people mentionned that gauntlets didn't stack last time.


    Also, rock lobs spots should be completely full.

  2. the more I think about it, the more I think people will try to constantly be prepared for a new weekend, with some herblore supplies sitting in the bank at all times, summon seconds always ready, etc. After a few more happen, this could actually be a nice system for future long weekends.

  3. Many hate it, yet, will participate in it and get the most out if it.

    It's like hating a television show, but watching it every week. How amusing.


    An inaccurate analogy, as watching a television show in real life does not give you anything tangible. To the RS character, the weekend is a tangible chance to save huge amounts of money AND time.





    It can only lower the cost of herby in the future, I think, which is a great thing.


    Seriously, these weekends are an awesome chance to do whatever skills you hate, think about as too long or too costly. Awesome. 80 something herby here I come!

  4. I dont really think Onyx amulets sell in the g.e since a cost of a uncut onyx is alot higher than an onyx amulet ;-)

    Actually, it's not. An onyx uncut is 14.8 mil, an amulet is 15.6 mil, and a fury is 16.? mil. I really need 90 crafting for this to work. I think i'll get on that.


    You understand the notion of street price, right?

  5. I'm happy I got my hands on irit potions(u), and already had about 60k superheats in my bank. I'll end the weekend with my summoning, since time doesn't matter for that one. Or perhaps I'll wait until next, see if they decide 1,1x is underpowered.


    Also, I can't remember if it stacked with zmi? Did it?



    Combat = bosses. TDs, Bandos, DKs, Sara, Armadyl are the "best" money making methods in game atm. The whip drop rate is generally accepted as 1/450, It doesn't change, ever, this also doesn't mean you will get a whip every 450th kill, it means that every time you kill an Abbysal demon you have a .00222...% chance of getting a whip


    1/450=0.0022=0.22%, not that incredibly low rate you were talking about.



    OT: Strangely, I seem to enjoy powerleveling skills, but I also like combat. take out any of these aspects, and I'd probably stop playing.

  7. Dungeoneering is very recent, but should setle in the 10 or so rarest capes in the game, say, 2-3 years from now.


    Agility is very boring. Very, very boring.


    Runecrafting is very, very long.


    Slayer is pretty much giving up a bit of speed in other skills to raise another, no really really big deal.


    Firemaking is probably the most boring, but one can buy magic logs for a pretty low price and get it done in 35 - 40 hours. Guess it calls for buying a TV serie you like on DVD.


    Mining is now just like fishing, perhaps longer?


    Herblore and prayer are very easy skills, but gaining the money can be a pretty hard task. Where looking at 280-300M (?) for herby, which is quite a while for most of us.


    Constuction is either half of prayer or a huge lot of SC. Depends.

  8. The thing I find most offensive is that this doesn't bring the most committed players, it brings the RICHEST players, which doesn't seem like the sort of thing Jagex should be doing given their preference for equality.


    Not to nurst your bubble, but...


    If you think that being rich is necessary to pay 75 pounds for what will probably be an epic event, you're wrong. I'd have paid that in an heartbeat if I didn't have to fly there. Many, many people would have. When they're going to ask a grand, you'll be right to mention wealth.


    If the price had been nothing from the start, it would have been sold out in a matter of minutes, mostly from people not going anyway.

  9. More likely, instead of creating a big bang ending to gain respect and dignity, they will make concessions that players are begged for over the years (nonsense like no trade limit, legally buying RS gold, etc.) to suck out every last penny they can get out of the game before saying "it's over".


    That could be true. wait, what did I say? It IS true.


    I'd love them to leave someone the opportunity to buy the hole game including accounts, so that we'd continue playing on another company's server. Perhaps a non-updated game.

  10. Even though i agree that phoenix has worked harder for his xp, larryr is still greater in terms of what he achieved- 4 years ago no less. Had Larryr finished the skill off, 90% of the people here wouldn't even know who phoenix is- he was a legend who dominated the hiscore of one particular skill like no other at the time 200m was still something mysterious and sacred. Even now, runecrafting will be the most troublesome skill for all of these impressive skillers.

    He was at 70% there nonetheless. That's less than 100%, I believe?


    Pheonix acieved more, then.

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