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  1. Both of these things were jokes. I'm quite serious when I say that f2p doesn't DESERVE more things, but the taking away stuff thing was simply hyperbole of that as a joke. The lvl 2000 newb thing was just a joke related to the f2p thing as I knew it was impossible for any f2p player to reach. They are sort of offensive jokes though. What would you do if someone made a joke about how you look at school for example. You would feel threatened. Everybody else will say it's just a joke. Just don't do those offensive jokes anymore. It's only offensive if you allow it to be offensive. And yea, I've never had a joke about my looks at school, lol :-s
  2. Swift switch is not illegal. Jagex did ban it for a day, but they then reversed the ban under the condition that SS make some modifications to get rid of some unfair advantages (such as being able to open up the window of a world that is full). As long as you're using an up-to-date version of SS, it's legal, though I personally don't use it.
  3. If you go to "appeal a ban", it'll say how many black marks you have.
  4. Pesronally, I trained to 99 using iron ores and rings of forging, then smithing the bars into plates. I know a lot of people who smelt gold using goldsmith gaunts, as welll.
  5. I'm not a staker, but I tend to hear of people using Zamorak. They're all the same strength, but I think that people like Zamorak's special ability best.
  6. From my experience, no, I don't recall ever seeing them drop them.
  7. It's not something I was planning on doing, but some many people seemed to not realize it that I pretty much was forced to do so. Both of these things were jokes. I'm quite serious when I say that f2p doesn't DESERVE more things, but the taking away stuff thing was simply hyperbole of that as a joke. The lvl 2000 newb thing was just a joke related to the f2p thing as I knew it was impossible for any f2p player to reach.
  8. To be honest, i recommend staying away from the blast furnace. I find that it requires SO much effort and time that you're basically losing money by trying to use the furnace.
  9. before i started this cooking my tasks were this: 100+ trolls, 100+ hellhounds, 100+ trolls , 100+ pyrefiends.. The trolls are good tasks to have. The hellhounds are ok; a little too crowded and slow on the respawn for my taste (with a lack of normal drops), but overall still decent. Pyrefiends I would not like to have. However, keep in mind that your slayer master will generally assign the 2 or 3 highest slayer monsters you can kill very frequently (assuming that they have that monster on their list), and the lower level slayer monsters start to become extremely uncommon. As a result, at the beginning, slayer tends to seem boring because you're always killing these weak slayer monsters, but as you get high enough to kill the good ones, these good ones will become very common.
  10. Personally, I'm a fan of the slayer method myself, as well, for reasons that I've stated before. Keep in mind that if you do slayer, your master will essentially pick the place for you. I used the Zanaris master, myself, to get to 99 because I didn't want lots of dragon and super-strong monster assigns. However, I did train up several of my combat stats against the trolls west of the Trollheim teleport spot. They drop fairly well (they didn't drop seeds at the time, but they do now, making them even better), there are lots of them, and a whip slices right through them. I would still recommend slayer though.
  11. Given the amount of posts related to myself (Shadow7), I think it's worthwhile that i give a response. First, someone mentioned me constantly talking about my mod powers. I do not constantly talk about my mod powers, though the topic does come up frequently, so if you happen to pop in at the right times, you might see conversations about them. I do not voluntarily talk about my mod powers. I prefer that people simply read them off of the main page, which has a pretty good description of it and does not say anything that isn't supposed to be said, since Jagex is the one who posted it. That being said, if someone DOES ask about my mod powers, I do feel that I should give them an answer as to what my mod powers are. To answer it now, mod powers are basically just the power to mute; that's about it. Most of the other questions I get are about clarifications as to what is breaking the rules, when they should report, etc. I think these are very important questions to answer when they are asked, because the person is (probably) trying to stay within the rules with what they do and simply wants help in doing so. Second, understand that I have played this game for a very long time. I also have a large deal of experience with almost every skill, quest, and activity in the game (not every one, but most). This means that I'm capable of giving advice to people who are in these situations. As a result, when someone asks for advice or brings up the topic of some activity in Runescape, I usually have some advice for them to perform more effectively. People will whine about this, but they'll whine about it more when they realize that they got half the experience or money that they could have been getting just because they didn't know a simple trick that would help them. Of course, some people tend to be selfish; "If the conversation isn't about me, it shouldn't be happening." Of course, these same people have a remarkably different tune when they have a question that they want answered, and there are specific people in the chat I could point to as to this. Everyone who has an honest question deserves an honest answer if someone has an answer. This leads to another problem I have seen. When it comes to advice or other topics (such as politics, for example), you'll often find that people have different opinions. For most people, this shouldn't be a surprise. The problem is, some people are unable to distinguish between a disagreement and a flame war. If two people have a different opinion, that doesn't mean that the other person is a low-life scumbag, but at the same time that doesn't mean that he's right. If two people have different opinions on some matter, they SHOULD state those opinions and they should give reasons for those opinions. It's only in these situations that other people who don't know the "right" answer can come to a conclusion based on the reasoning they hear. If you don't state your opinions and reasons for them, you're doing a dis-service to everyone else who may be interested, including yourself and the person who disagrees with you, as these people will then never get a chance to hear both sides and thus are unable to come to a well-informed conclusion. At the end of the day, everyone is not likely to agree, but at least they've had enough information to come to their decision. On another note, I've heard a lot of people complain about my "ego". I make ego jokes because of the fact that people seem to think that I have an ego. For example, I'll say things such as "I am the all-knowing shadow" or "I look down on people." These are not things that are true; they are meant to be satirical, but it appears that some people think they are true. Of course, as I said, i DO have a lot of experience in Runescape. I also talk to a lot of good players in the game who often have tricks of their own. Combining these things, I tend to have rather well-informed opinions of things within Runescape, though as I said before, I'll still listen to other people's reasoning and evaluate that against my current opinion. Anyway, as a result of this, I tend to have a lot of confidence in the conclusions I come to. Do not confuse "ego" and "confidence". "Confidence" comes from believing in yourself because you're well-prepared. "Ego" comes from blind faith in yourself just because you're you and because you can never be wrong. As I said, I'm confident because I know a lot about the game; that does not mean that I'm never wrong (any statements saying I'm never wrong, such as Shadow's First Law, are simply satirical for fun). I've also heard a lot of people complain about my "goofiness", specfically the mooing. You will have a chance to understand where the mooing specifically comes from in time; I'd rather not elaborate at this time. For now, just consider it like a catch phrase. As for the goofiness, I can be serious when serious situations are needed, but being all serious all the time is boring. It's no fun. As I've asked people before, as a player-mod, would you prefer me to be a stuck-up mod who constantly whacks people with the mod stick, tells them to behave, and tries to get people banned for stupid reasons; or would you rather me be a mod who enforces the rules when a REAL problem emerges only? As I've said before, I feel you should only report a person if what they're doing merits them being banned, because the report could get them banned. It's not about whether you're "technically" breaking the rules; it's about whether or not you're doing something that can do serious harm to other players. The ban-all mentality of mods is something that I hear players complain about all the time (a false perception, in my opinion, but a perception nonetheless), but when you see a mod who DOESN'T do that, a lot of people's immediate reaction is to complain that he's not serious enough. You're talking about of both sides of your mouth. On a similar note, as you may notice, my levels are fairly high in comparison to the average player. Keep in mind that there are many people higher than me, but most people would consider me "high level". This comes from having played for a long time (starting near the time that Falador came out), and it also comes from being an efficient player, incase you're wondering (this ties back to the idea of gathering information and coming to a conclusion based on it). Of course, I also do very little other than skill and do quests, so that contributes to it a lot, as well. Anyway, would you rather me be a stuck-up high level who's too good to talk or give advice to normal players, or would you rather me be a high level who actually talks and tries to help normal players? I hear people complain about the high levels who never talk to anyone, never help, and so forth; I complain about those people as well. However, I see many people who, now that they see a high level who ISN'T a stuck-up snob, they don't like that either. Once again, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. I never planned on making a post on this, as I figured most people would figure it out on their own (and maybe most people do; the people I'm hearing might just be a vocal minority). However, since it appears that most people did not realize at least some of these things, I felt it was worth explaining.
  12. As a side note, if you want to see an even higher hit, if you have someone with 99 hits drink a sara brew then get hit by a rock slide in Castle Wars, they'll take something like 116 damage. Of course, this isn't the same thing as an actuall PLAYER doing 110 damage, which I find to be extremely impressive; but if your goal is to see a high hit, that's a good place to look.
  13. If you're a member, granite. It's not the most convenient thing, but it is fast, as you have to do it in the desert, require water, and have to drop the granite (it's useless and there's no bank nearby).
  14. People will probably tell you different answers for each of these. I would probably say that Pest Control is faster than Dharoking; not to mention that Dharoking is somewhat dangerous and requires near-constant attention from you incase of something as simple as an evil chicken. Personally, my favorite method is to use slayer. You get to use a Black Mask, which boosts your stats by 15%, making up for the decrease in speed resulting from not getting to choose your assigns. However, at the same time, you'll raise your slayer level, which can be useful. Plus, the randomness tends to break up the monotany.
  15. As was said before, despite the way that the scim's special is phrased, it doesn't stop you from doing Protect Item. Also, it's special is just a normal special. From having used it, it appears to have the same spped as a longsword.
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