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Posts posted by Earth_Poet

  1. There are many players who choose to ignore advice or research how to play and just jump right in, and there are some lazy, selfish players who are interested in grabbing what they need and don't realize it benefits them as well if they help out the whole team, but there are also a good number of players out there who may be new and are trying to learn. It's just human nature that we learn through trial and error. We aren't programmed at birth to know how to play Runescape.




    For the last reason, I would suggest offering advice if you see somebody doing something counterproductive. They may choose to ignore you, but wouldn't it be worth trying if they happen to want to learn and nobody showed them yet? I understand it can be frustrating when you find yourself in a situation where you are relying on someone who is "failing", but don't jump to conclusions and assume the world is full of idiots and you aren't one of them.




    Drazhar even said:




    where we do some stupid things




    We all do stupid things sometimes.




    The best fail I can think of is a time when I was trying to help a friend and show him how to beat Desert Treasure and ended up dying myself. Whoops!

  2. It's an interesting start to say the least, and I look forward to reading its conclusion if you choose to post it.




    We were all sat on the train. 15 of us.




    "15 of us" probably is not a complete sentence. You could replace the period with a comma if you choose to. Another thing that puzzles me is I lost what happened to the other girls your character was sitting with. Are they traveling together? If so, where'd they go?




    We sat onto the comfortable leather seats




    I'm not sure if it's a UK/USA difference or not, but simply saying "We sat on the..." might sound better.




    where I would soon reveal the mystery of G.A.H.




    I understand the idea of wanting to throw a carrot to your readers and build suspense, but I don't think the character would know for certain. Maybe "where I hoped to reveal the mystery of G.A.H" could work?




    The letters G.A.H had never had any significance to me. It wasnt a word; I had no idea what it could possibly stand for. Anyway, lets get back to the point where I left off.




    I would consider editing out this section from the story. The reader would already see this as some mysterious initials. It doesn't add to the suspense and slows the story down. What you could do is flashback to when the narrator found the initials and why she needed to solve the mystery. Maybe even further down explain how her journey led her here?




    I spoke a language that she would not understand. It wasnt English; it was a language from a distant land. From another continent.




    Ooh! I like this! Why is she speaking another language, and how does she know it? And why is it secretive from the audience as well? It's a nice carrot to dangle in front of the reader. Just be sure it doesn't end up a red herring. "From another continent" is a sentence fragment though.




    I am not sure whether the next paragraph is true or not, but this is what happened.




    I would suggest pretending the narrator isn't writing this down, but telling the story to the reader. Try something like, "I am not sure if what follows is true or not, but this is what happened:"




    You have an intriguing plot with great descriptions. I hope to read more soon.

  3. I think there one of two things that need to be done to improve the tip.it times:




    Make writers write articles objectively eg ignore personal bias and give each view point a fair representation but still allow them a personal input




    OR make them use much more in you're face blunt terms that show it is THEIR view and not an objective analytical article that has no bias etc




    i didnt say a thing about changing format.




    Ok...you'll have to forgive me for misunderstanding then because that sounds exactly like what you are implying.

  4. I think there one of two things that need to be done to improve the tip.it times:




    Make writers write articles objectively eg ignore personal bias and give each view point a fair representation but still allow them a personal input




    OR make them use much more in you're face blunt terms that show it is THEIR view and not an objective analytical article that has no bias etc




    To be fair the Tip.It Times has always been an editorial column, not a newspaper. And I don't think it needs to be a tabloid journal using inflammatory, sensationalism to get their point across. A well-written editorial is written with a persuasive argument and uses facts to back up their position. It's just food for thought, man. I don't think they need to change their format.




    The problem I had this week was one of the articles was their argument was misleading compared to what information is already out there.

  5. [*]The 150th Quest - They ran into a few problems while making this quest, so it is delayed atm, they know that everyone is expecting a big quest here so they are trying to perfect this quest to meet peoples expectations. They have several other quests complete already and ready for release, but they are smaller, and they really want to make people happy with #150. Mod MMG really does not want to release a smaller quest for the 150th that will not be appreciated.




    I would prefer them to treat every new content in this fashion.

  6. Perhaps we go so far east we get back to the Elf Lands O.o :?






    Hey! Everybody knows the world is flat! :twisted:




    So the water goes SOMEWHERE.




    Edit: Maybe the water leads to Mudkip City.




    It goes to the same place dropped items that disappear, threads on page 51, and my hellcat I accidentally shooed away went. Heaven.

  7. Jagex has a history of dropping hints and easter eggs. I'll take your word for it this is a bona fide hint. Also, isn't there a man from the far east standing on the docks in Port Phasmatys? It's been awhile since I was there, but that seems vaguely familiar. I think he was there when they released the charter ships. Can someone back me up on this?




    He is used in Ghost Ahoy and for bolt racks which leads me to believe that THE BARROW BROTHERS are from the Eastern Lands so were going to see Sliske in the Eastern Lands. :D




    Edit: Maybe more Zaros followers in the Eastern Land and read the most recent postbag.




    hmm...that doesn't sound too familiar as I think I did Ghost Ahoy before charter ships were released, but you may be right. I guess I'm going to go log in and find out now.

  8. Jagex has a history of dropping hints and easter eggs. I'll take your word for it this is a bona fide hint. Also, isn't there a man from the far east standing on the docks in Port Phasmatys? It's been awhile since I was there, but that seems vaguely familiar. I think he was there when they released the charter ships. Can someone back me up on this?

  9. The author of The Jagex Tease should do a little more research. The loss of Behind the Scenes has been expected




    Jagex wrote in The Future of Runescape on Feb. 9:




    We are also planning to change the way we communicate with you. We are going to be bringing back Development Diaries but making them more regular and focused on some of the different projects we're currently working on for you. These will replace Behind the Scenes, which we have found a creative constraint on our developers as the promised content has to come out as communicated in order to avoid disappointment and prevented us from surprising you with better or different content.




    as well as fewer quests per month




    Jagex wrote in Behind the Scenes October 2008:




    So, starting from this month, were changing the way we release content. From now on youll see one massive headline update (such as a Recipe for Disaster or a Castle Wars) every month. On top of that, there will still be a secondary release, much more like the size of update youre used to right now. Were also still committed to making sure that no two weeks pass without something new.




    Basically, from now on our releases will be like this:




    Four week months will have two updates: one big headline release and a secondary one.


    Five week months will have three updates: one big headline release and two secondary ones.




    It seems a bit redundant to speculate when Jagex already stated their plans and gave their explanations.




    In the Behind the Scenes 2009, Jagex stressed making upgrades and improvements to the existing game features. Personally, this is something Ive been waiting for.




    But I find it a bit surprising that the author is just now beginning to worry. Weve had one new skill released in the last 28 months. Thats quite a slowdown from averaging 2 new skills a year.




    After the RWT updates, it appeared that Jagex was going out of their way to make things right with the PKing community and other players by producing and releasing desired content. As wonderful as that is, it can also be a pipe dream if you ever think you will satisfy the mob.




    In summary, I have been a little concerned about the slowdown of new content, but Im so far behind on experiencing all of the existing content in the game. If I ever catch up and beat the game, then I might panic.




    (Edit: I'm nitpicking, but I think the semicolon is misused in the following sentence: "While Soul Wars is very popular, it is hardly revolutionary; a team-based safe fighting game with a few distractions."




    A colon might work better. OK. Grammar Nazi signing off)






    I enjoyed "The Horrors..." article. I can see the author's point. I remember the frustration of jumping those pillars. Though (if I'm remembering this correctly) it did make up for it with a cool spider scene. There are a few other skills that got me yelling at the screen as well. Sheep Herder and Kennith's Concern to name a couple. Oh, I forgot to mention how Tai Bwo Wannai Trio was far too long and difficult for the reward value at the end. I would've added One Small Favour, but I guess that was the whole point of that quest. Anyways, enough rambling! Entertaining article.

  10. I don't like the mandatory group quests. The reasons why Hero's quest annoyed me had nothing to do with the fact it was forcing me to interact with other players; I couldn't find a player who was on that specific quest with the correct requirements (black arm or phoenix?). Somebody was nice enough to designate a specific world for Shades of Mort'ton (although it was in world 2 which was impossible to get in) otherwise I wouldn't have been able to finish that quest.




    This isn't to say that I don't like group activities, and I believe Runescape has plenty of them: Castle Wars, Pest Control, God Wars Dungeon, Corporeal Beast, Stealing Creation, Barbarian Assault, etc. But I believe Runescape is fundamentally a one-player game. It always has been.




    I have my own opinions about the Grand Exchange and the trade restrictions, but I can't honestly say I miss having to spend up to hours on the forums looking for a trade while dealing with scammers, lurers, or just shady merchants looking to rip you off.




    They did add clan chat, and though it could be improved, i still consider it a valuable tool. I could see extending the friend's list, and why not let us leave messages for our friends who are offline?




    I wouldn't mind seeing an increase in content involving player interaction as long as it would be optional. I don't like the idea of quests that "force you to interact with players and do things together." Most of my friends are at different levels and different stages with their character, not to mention they are on at different times. It's too much of a pain in the butt to have to organize a platoon. Just let me play already!




    Edit: That was a great DYK tip and I can't believe I didn't know that! Thanks!

  11. I agree with motarrunin. If the devs were to create an NPC that was nearly impossible to beat most players would give up or avoid them.




    I also agree with what the PVM article says. It's often a race between introducing bigger, badder NPCs and releasing better items and equipment.




    There was a small typo in the beginning of the paragraph about Dagganoth Kings. No worries though. "in the form of the form"

  12. I thought it would be nice if u added about the grand exchange and the economy in runescape. It's quite facinating how there is a huge economy in well, an online game.




    The Times kinda beat that one into the ground when the Grand Exchange first came out. IMO the economy was more interesting prior to the heavy restrictions that came out with the Grand Exchange. The trade limits tend to hamstring the economy and bottleneck everything up.




    amnother issue is that the money within united states had to go somewhere... someone has to ghas it... it didnt just burn up in flame one day... i think that someone is sitting ona nice pile of cash enjoying himself.... its prob more than 1 but thats the prob... the rich are greedy.... like scrooge.... they tend not to give there money away... they save and save nd save and enver spend... as a resualt money is not circulated and theres less for everyone else to have. we dont just print off free money.... new money yes but not extra.. the new stuf replaces the old... gets shredded and incinerated.... never to be seen in a cash register or bank again.




    It's kinda hard to make out what you are saying with the typos and excessive use of ellipsis, but I think you are saying that the money has to be somewhere and that it didn't just burn up in smoke.




    That's pretty much what it did, Phox. Actually, the money never existed to begin with. Everybody was trading loans backed by mortgages on the prospect they would make money. It turned out to be garbage.




    If you are interested you should check out "The Ascent of Money" sometime. It's an interesting look at the history of economics and how we managed to get ourselves in this recession today and why we did it.

  13. I think traditionally, the gaming industry remains fairly stable through economic downturns. For many folks like myself, playing games like Runescape is actually a money saver. Instead of going out to a club or a restaurant, you can opt to stay inside and play games. Also, I don't have absolute proof of this, but hasn't the movie industry always done well through recessions?

  14. but personally I'd find an emote such as the one described completely ridiculous and out of place within runescape.




    That was the point of the emote. It was something over the top and would never really be put in the game. It wasn't a serious criticism about Jagex, but to demonstrate how sometimes we like to blame the game instead of asking "What am I doing wrong?"




    When you say there doesn't seem to be a point I can respond for myself and say you are absolutely right! There was no point to be made. It was meant to be amusing for the players that can relate to it. Either you get it or you don't.




    I'm not trying to be defensive. I just thought maybe that could help clarify some things. I appreciate the criticism. :D




    ...and I have to say I loved the pet rock story. That was cute.

  15. As a new player/member of just a few (6) months I had a laugh as I read this thread and had to comment.




    Some of those things I am experiencing now, i can relate to the ernest the chicken comment - though it took me 2 days until a friend told me where to find him :thumbsup: :lol:




    And I had a major whinge at paying 19k for a rune long sword. I made 1000 bowstrings to pay for my rune armour, axes and splitbark armour. Took me hours. I have just spent 3 days hunting copper longtails to get up to level 40, than sold all the feathers and made a few thousand coins.




    I have no idea of 98% of the terminology used in rs #-o




    I get harrassed by young males wanting me to be their gf, or to give them money - although this doesn't happen so much on p2p than it did on f2p. I get abused for being a 'noob', gee we all have to start somewhere. I have been banned from the penguin chat for inadvertantly posting a sighting while on another world :shame: - I forgot to check when I logged on to RS that evening :oops:




    I feel guilty when getting my thieving stats up :roll:




    I felt awful when I killed my first unicorn, and it took me ages to get up the courage to do it - far too much harry potter I think. :oops:




    I am absolutely panicking at the thought of doing the dragon slayer quest :ohnoes: I may only be a level 50 at this time, but it is my first big quest.




    I have a couple of friends from real life who have been playing RS for a couple of years and now have me addicted. It's all their fault.




    I also love Rs as it is a great stress release for me and although I do not know a lot of people online as I keep to myself, I have found most people pretty friendly and helpful.






    I think hearing the honest thoughts from a relatively new player is interesting. It's fun to hear some people reminisce about RSC, but I am intrigued to hear what the newer players think about the game today with no experience of how we evolved and arrived to today's Runescape.




    As for the question posed at the title - How could it feel the same? The game, the community, and I as a player have changed so much since I first logged in. Some have changed for the better, some for the worse. As far as gameplay I feel the basic strategy has remained the same. New items, new places, and new skills - but I think the way I approach things as a player is relatively the same.

  16. Would genuinely like to see you write an article for the times. I reckon it would be interesting and better thought out than many that seem to come through... There's the gauntlet, how do you fancy your chances?! :-) Liked your points there though, good rational thought. =D>




    Thank you for the compliment! I admit the idea sounds intriguing, but I feel the Times has already put together a talented staff.

  17. Dragon crossbow: Entertaining idea, but I tend to agree with some of the posters that range is a bit overpowered, and they have the best balanced armor of any class. They also have a larger variety of high end weapons to choose from ever since they got their make-over a couple of years ago.




    Censor: I'm actually in favor of completely removing the censor. I could say things like "Boy, I sure hope somebody kills Obama soon," or "All Mexicans are worthless" and they can be much more offensive than "Suck my [wagon]." Furthermore, everybody knew how to get around the censor if you wanted to give a friend your email address or direct them to an interesting website. There are a few individuals, be it a small child or an overgrown adolescent, who seem to entertain themselves with simple curse words. Jagex has suggested numerous times to place these individuals who are harassing or offensive on your ignore list.




    But are Jagex's motives to cater to an older audience? There have been other updates that would seem to counter this theory. There are so many tutors and helpful NPCs to soften the entry of a new player into the game. Gravestones have significantly reduced the risk of dying. I agree with you. What is the mission statement?




    Clans: I agree with the last statement. You know what you are risking by entering a PVP world. IMO this was how it should have been all along. Skillers aren't being lured into areas they'd rather not be in only to be ambushed by players at the Abyss or Mage Arena. PKers can fight others that are willing to fight back.

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