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Everything posted by gabby_air88

  1. Seriously?i thought only ags was used for the spec then switch to whip Not everone can afford to buy an ags just as a spec weapon, making the bgs a better choice. Not great for training tho. Well ye but then whip is better for gwd unless you have a ags :
  2. Seriously?i thought only ags was used for the spec then switch to whip
  3. Well there's only like 20 def points difference in between them and void has better slash def :shock: well since most slayer monsters use magic, it would make sence to use dh. sorry if i wasn't too brief about that. heh. Well ye i know that...but lets say tzhaar monsters, gwd bosses, fire giants, dragons and all that. Ive seen people use em there but some say dont
  4. Yes i duel alot but till today no one has hit higher than a 0 on me with a bgs spec while im hitting 30s with my dds spec and high hits...well ownage>high hits :
  5. Well there's only like 20 def points difference in between them and void has better slash def :shock:
  6. So what are the reasons people actually buy a BGS?
  7. So well ever since i got my void i use it for every day training and monster hunting, but where shouldn't i use void and use blk d'hide instead? plz specify the monster or watever it is -Thanks alot \
  8. But that isnt the question is it -.-
  9. Im pretty sure you cant :? wanna tell me how?
  10. I did aviansies and got about 7mil aswell as the lvls \
  11. You can buy alot of stuff from them, check the knowledge base for more details
  12. They changed it back today \
  13. He didn't ask for the pain quests.except another slice..
  14. You get more money if you exchange em for shards \
  15. DDS prolly won't work as he keeps barragiong you :ohnoes: I had no problem ddsing him, he didn't barrage me until I was right next to him and then it was too late for him as I unleashed all my dds specs on him, then melted him. Well i was gonna mellee him and he kept barraging me so i had to tele away..2 times, so the next time i just maged him from a distance.
  16. DDS prolly won't work as he keeps barragiong you :ohnoes:
  17. Too crowded. Stay near the gate, usually no ones there \
  18. no point in making two threads about same topic...
  19. Not sure bout drops but i've heard alot of people saying they hit really accurately now :o
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