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  1. for the fariy ring i think theres sevral working codes and a player gets alicated one
  2. im very worried ive seen alot of metioning of the WoW aution house and i agree. i no this game whic had a grand exchage equivelent since its start. over time deflation got so bad now everythig is only worth 1 coin. im worried that the same will happen in rs. however rs has the advatage of the abilty to loose/expend items whic both WOW and the other game lack in some respscts. i think that will keep undercutting each other to achive a sale untill evenually rs is ruind. if this starts to happen i hope jakex will have the sense to remove it. im worried very worried
  3. i chose varrok wanna know why? when i first started playing rs all i did was walk around lumby and chop trees and kill men if i was feeling brave! however my brother who stated at the same time ran off all over the world and kept tellng stories of places with steel dagger respwarns! Id had enough! i decided to go explore for myself so i bought a newcomer map from the genral store, dropped it and loaded up the world map. i found a strabge town called varrrok and i started my runescape adventure p.s im now a lev 93 and my bros a lev 50 lol
  4. tip.it is the first rs help site i found when i was stck trying to get milk for cooks assitant! it was easy to understand and had loads of infomation a rs noob needed i havent looked at another site since! thx tip.it
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