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Everything posted by skiier4

  1. TBh, this is actually a fairly good clue. Rune c'bows are 16k in g.e now, so thats 64k and the laws would be about 10k so thats a good 75k clue. 75k is really good imo.
  2. got this the night I bought a bgs before I bought the bgs it was perfect timing and it gave me just enuf money to buy a bgs \ I was wanting a decent clue and I got it :thumbsup: [hide=Rune kite t][/hide]
  3. I bought a bgs. Yes I know im gonna get 5 replies saying bgs fails, so if ur gonna say that dont even bother because I like my bgs :wall: [hide=Bought Bgs][/hide]
  4. Here's some recent levels Ive gotten, and I also got 82hp and 105cb but didnt get the pic :wall: [hide=A few pics] [/hide]
  5. Pwned by a level 3 clue :wall: got my fishing to go to fishing guild for this one too
  6. These are some levels ive gotten in the past few weeks [hide=A lot of pics] [/hide]
  7. here's my entry Forum Name: Skiier4 RSN: Skiier4 Cape: Cooking cape untrimmed [hide=Cooking cape untrimmed entry][/hide] ADDED
  8. Here are some recent levels and pics ive taken :thumbsup: [hide=Lots of pics] [/hide]
  9. I went to duo bandos with my friend, and I know you are going to expect bandos drop pictures in the hide tag, but its something of a much different type [hide=I wonder what it is][/hide] Yup I got the rare and sought after challenge scroll while I was getting my kc, definetly didnt expect it, but I thought how cool would that be if I got one and surely enough, I did.
  10. go 9 tasks before you get your first dbow like i did and see how much you're gonna hate dbeasts! go do your first task and get a dark bow after 15 kills like i did and see how much you're gonna love dbeasts! Bruno, when is ur trimming party gonna be?
  11. mass? it was a six man team... we got crashed and did you ever pk 2m + in f2p bh? I don't think so :twss: And why would I want to do a thing like that? Wow don't be such a hater you douche bag, I think what this guy did is awesome, I could never get a 2m pk in f2p bh. :P
  12. Gratz I think you freaked out a tiny bit too much in that clan channel. I do that lol...
  13. W0000000000t got my first drag drop ever a few minutes ago from irons \ \ :thumbsup: :thumbsup: [hide=First Drag Drop][/hide]
  14. Got this a few days ago and was very happy because it was my best clue ever. I was even happier when i sold it for 700k :thumbsup: [hide=][/hide]
  15. I got this reward and was very happy, and I was even happier when I found out that the ammy was 500k ;) [hide=][/hide] Then I hit this when I was on my blk demon task, my highest non dds or d mace or dharoks or bgs hit, lol. [hide=][/hide]
  16. My best clue ever :P Kinda sad actually lol. So I clicked on the casket and saw the addy skirt g and was happy and didnt even notice the ammy for a bit, I look down oh str ammy t. Not thinking it was so much I was still happy, come to find out, its 500k :D [hide=Str ammy t][/hide]
  17. W00000000000t got my first 10m cash after I sold everything that I have worth value to buy tassets which arent selling in g.e lol [hide=First 10m
  18. I spent almost an hour on this clue I had a zammy mage i had to go through underground pass, 3 double agents another wildy clue, and a puzzle box :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: fail....
  19. [hide=] [/hide] You must be crazy, anything harder than the monsters we have now? Untradable? I guess I understand for higher levels but the only thing about this vid I agree with is the raise the skill cap for higher xp.
  20. I got 73 ranged at aviansies : [hide=73 ranged][/hide]
  21. Yah I know compared to 91 strength 97 runecraft 98 slay, this level is pretty pathetic but its been a goal of mine for a while :D
  22. Pc'd my bank worth and it was a lot less than I thought it was I guess everything is going down :x
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