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Posts posted by ghjkl

  1. I do 3:3 small runs for floors 1-20. Get like 4k exp per floor, if you're pro then you can do it in around 5-10 minutes. The trick is only 2 people fight boss, and 1 opens all the other doors. I then did some 2:1 runs where we took turns afking and doing the dung. 4k exp per 10 minutes, and half the time you aren't even doing anything.

  2. Working on a pking simulator in c++. I found out some interesting things, including assuming both people use whip/dclaws, then the best level to safe at is 650 hp or so. It's not quite finished yet, it's pretty messy. I'll be looking to add classes for different pkers and stuff instead of just having functions with 9001 arguements.

  3. Ehh without yak I wouldn't really DK, but since you really seem to want to, go with prime and rex. Without overloads you cannot sustain the damage you take with rex/supreme, but rex is same speed as supreme and you can solo it so it is better than the regular hybriding. Unless supreme can get on you while ranging prime, then it's a bad idea.

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