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Posts posted by ghjkl

  1. Just make it tabbed. You can only see/reply stuff to 1 clan chat at a time. Also because you can lootshare with some friends and be in a real clan chat at the same time, and some clans now require you to go into their clan chat when you log in.

  2. I wouldn't recommend Iron dragons for money, but there are better gloves than void. I would take a warrior ring over ROW because ROW doesn't really do anything. Obby cape is useless, get something with prayer or attack bonus if you can.

  3. I would say they drop around 15 of each charms an hour, just a guesstimation at 25 kills an hour. 25 kills an hour means 10 hours for claws (which I believe are 1 in 250), so around 3.3m an hour. Random drops balance out the cost from my experience, while shards (being 1 in 350), would add around another 300k an hour so 3.6m an hour total if you are good, can find a world, and don't get distracted.

  4. I don't know why Jagex made it so you can be in 1 clan chat at a time. I think clan chats should be like irc channels, where you can join as many as you want, but you can only lootshare on 1. Also, make lootshare wait time 30 seconds instead of the 2 minutes.

  5. Have you tried rex/prime hybriding?

    With always killing rex if he's alive and killing prime when rex is spawning?

    Is it as fast as rex/supreme?

    Because as you said prime drops tallies that are extremely expensive and regular, so you don't need a lot of luck.

    And its a lot easier, you don't have to deal with an attack you are unprotected against.

  6. Alright, don't say some bs about drop rates being random. Every item has a set in stone chance of being dropped, and I would like some estimation of those. If you have anything to add, from your experience or others, please help me compile some information.

    Dragon Hatchet from DKS

    Warrior/Berserker/Archer/Seers rings

    Bandos Tassets/Chestplate/Boots/Hilt

    If you have any other experience with items that aren't listed, feel free to tell me.

  7. What am I doing wrong, I'm using t helm whip, k top, tassets, using bcp when I am on minions, but I can only get 14 kills a trip. I have 36 brews, 6 special restores, 5 super restores, and a unicorn when I'm out of yak. I am using defender however that doesn't make the 6-10 extra kills you get per trip. I am soul split flashing on the minions and never get healed less than 300 when overload runs out.

    Does 86 mage suck for mage defense compared to 99?

  8. Prime drops talismans which are worth quite a lot too...

    When I do DKS by myself, I kill rex/prime. First you go down and kill supreme, then kill rex. Then I kill prime til rex spawns, kill rex, then finish off prime. You telegrab the prime drops so supreme won't get on you. I find this to be beneficial because its so easy and you're always doing something. I guess this is supply intensive because you can't soul split off rex, but its much faster kills.

  9. Not really his guide is pretty outdated. Whip and defender is better than godswords. If you don't have overloads I wouldn't bother, 2-4 kills a trip is pretty lame. Duo zammy/dks/tds would be best.

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