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Posts posted by ghjkl

  1. Green Dragons. I'm pretty sure you can kill 1 green dragon in the time it takes to kill 18 chickens, and you get free hides.

    You'd be better off banking and later using on a gilded altar. Which is why the bonecrusher sucks.

    It is still better than chickens or hill giants or w/e stupid idea people come up with.

  2. Opening doors does indeed raise the exp, but killing monsters only gives the exp modifier, it is not factored into the base exp. There's a difference between opening most doors and opening all doors with keys being on opposite sides of the dungeon, doing stupidly long puzzles, and making potions to open skill doors. People just don't understand that the best way to train isn't the highest per dungeon, its the highest per hour.

  3. faile.png

    Do not dungoneer with stupid RSOFers. This guy complains about me not killing monsters in non guardian rooms even though it gives no benefit. He also makes me open every single door, wasting about 2 hours for that run. Then he leaves right before boss, lvl 320 geomancer hitting 400s for me to solo yay. Was in tier 10 arrows body and chaps with tier 9 bow.

  4. oYour giving up 3-4 hours worth of dung exp for it, and it is not that useful. The only slayer task that drops big bones are fire giants, and a lot do not drop bones at all. If your task is a dragon or a wyvern then you bank the bones. If we also the average slayer monster drops 5 exp in bones and has 1200 lp, then by getting 99 slayer which means maxed combat from lvl 1, it saves 550k prayer exp, about 11m and two hours of work. From a profit of 2.2m an hour, which is easy at 99 melees, that saves 7 hours in total. Exp rates of 35k exp per hour means it takes 30 hours to get it. 100k tokens saves 3 hours of training. So over 99 slayer you save 4 hours. Jagex needs to fix the rewards.

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