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Posts posted by ghjkl

  1. Alright, so I'm 137 combat with a pitiful 86 mage. Soloing rex seems like the perfect way to train it and get some money while I'm at it.

    Is finding empty worlds easy?

    How many kills per hour with COG approx?

    How much exp per hour?

    Is it worth bringing extreme mage potions? (keep in mind I have a yak)

    Can I survive just using guthans/soul split?

  2. Is it possible to find a world?

    Is Dfs better than defender?

    Should I pray mage or soul split when killing sergeants?

    How many kills with overlaod+yak of brews?

    How many kills an hour?

  3. Str is less important than attack, but unless you max out equipment, I doubt you'll get 2 kills an hour. Its around 1:30 per kill, 40 an hour, and around 15 people there, so you need to have good equipment to make up for bad stats.

  4. Well 98 98 won't make a huge difference as long as you have the best gear. I would say for every item you don't have you lose about 5% off normal rates to get a drop. 99s would be better, but you can do with 98.

  5. If you are decently high level, you should never use a whip. Mage pray and antifire pots lower his max hit for mage to 15. I think verac's is better than zamorakian spear off task. Also, you forgot about the Lava Titan, which literally teleports you right outside his lair. Using it, you can basically tele to house to charge pray then tele back before he spawns.

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